So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Instead my days will be spent trying to work out why I feel nothing. I've been suicidal for three or four weeks. I want to know what it is to feel, and to feel human again.
[/ QUOTE ]
Um, I hope that's just a metaphor for not enjoying the game anymore?
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Yea me to
Hope your feeling more your self soon hairy
Wishing you all the best His_Hairiness, Remember....Us Heroes stick together. Be strong.
Me I know that feeling, I have felt it at several times in the past though I am, I hope, moving beyond it.
I don't think I ever met you in game but speaking as one who knows those feelings I wish you every luck in beating those feelings.
And if it is a slight over dramatisation on your part and the feelings are to do with the game na d not life, I know those feelings too. Once again good luck.
Thankyou all for your kind thoughts, but it's not the game that I don't enjoy, it's my emotional disconnection that is making the people I know on the other side of the monitor suffer. To that end, I'm going to be seeing a few doctors and getting some help. I'm hopeful.
I don't think we've ever met but I wish you all the best and hope you get everything sorted out.
My wife had post natal depression and I can only imagine what you're feeling. She came through it ok, there is always hope.
Good luck.
Be hopeful. I'm a recovering depressive myself (I don't think there's such a thing as a cured depressive) and I know that feeling of emotional void all too well. Seeing a doctor is a good first step.
If you want to talk about stuff, feel free to drop me a line off board (halforc80 <at>
Whatever you decide, good luck.
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
I've had somthing similarnot all that long ago found my self feeling disconected from stuff. I found that a short brake and takeing up some old hobies helped a lot tho.
Hope you find somthing that helps as well
Thankyou all for your kind thoughts, but it's not the game that I don't enjoy, it's my emotional disconnection that is making the people I know on the other side of the monitor suffer. To that end, I'm going to be seeing a few doctors and getting some help. I'm hopeful.
[/ QUOTE ]
Good luck with your soul search. I hope you can find what you need to enjoy the world again. It can be a daunting journey to get there but don't give up that hope you are feeling. I wish you well.
Best of luck for the future, hairy. Keep your stuff, you'll be wanting it.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I'm glad to hear you're getting some help. I know that a lot more people than is known suffer from what you are going through, it's not something a lot of people like to admit to and that's often the hardest part to get past.
Take solace in the fact that you've taken the first step and get that help, you'll be amazed at how much it can help, and remember that your friends are there if you need them.
If you need anyone to talk to, feel free to PM me.
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

May the force be with you matey,when i first came to play this game years ago,it is entirely the reason i played so much,felt exactly the same,funny ppl used to visit me,try n talk me out of it,but i was like a brick wall,i would give 1 grunt answers and stare at the screen (doesnt mean i used flatulance to communicate),the game was an escape for me,and totaly retracted from rl,we all have differant reasons for feelin like this,mine was due to realising that promotion and such is never based on merrit or content but if your face fits and who you is much better now,but i have extreme empathy for you,i think you will be suprised how many guys and gals that feel like this,and are drawn to and play the game,your brave to mention it in the forum,and to open up,and now that ya have you will see how many CrAzYs there are here lol,if you ever wanna have a waffle or get a perspective from a stranger ,send me an email,they may scrub my post for this but you will get the email address before they do mua ha ha ha,see you back soon as im sure your seein that ya gotto be a mad scientific hermit dwelling volcano worshippin bear wrestling madman to play this game,see your not alone!! chin up ..x
"Heroes never die,they just get better"
Damn matey, really sorry to hear this. I hope that you feel better soon, and reinvigorate yourself soon.
I remember a really great time at Easter, when we wore t-shirts and red hats of epic power, and the world danced at our feet .
Actually, I remember lots of very hard work, and a great curry with War Witch .
Look after yourself, you should have my e-mail address, give me a PM if you don't have it/want it.
Dr Toerag.
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from
EU, Union mostly.
December 10th, december 12th. Those two dates are those when my first and second accounts expire. I don't plan to renew them. Instead my days will be spent trying to work out why I feel nothing. I've been suicidal for three or four weeks. I want to know what it is to feel, and to feel human again. I know I've not been like this always, only for the last few years. I need to figure out why, and put myself back together again. When that's done, you might see me again. No, you can't have my stuff FFM :P, I might need it again at some point.
thanks for everything folks.