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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Barata View Post
    Did you read my post clearly? No. I stand by what I said. I never said AE didn't bring anything good, I said that it brought few good things. The ability to offer a greater challenge to the small percentage of people looking for it is one of the good things. The ability to be creative in storytelling is another good feature. There's several good things about MA.

    I just feel the bad is still outweighing the good. You criticize me for saying that and for people latching on to a negative aspect and overlooking the good, but you latch onto the one of the few good things and overlook the bad.
    Giving players the ability to customize their challenge level at the extreme high end, is all the good that is needed. Look at this thread. Look at how many people QUIT THE GAME due to lack of challenge and/or boredom. Quitting the game is lost revenue for NCSoft (and perhaps added revenue for someone else).

    I'm not overlooking the bad, I just don't see it the way you do. People are PLing characters to 50 really fast. Guess what? They did that before MA (or have you never been to Peregrine or Grandville, especially after the option to shut off xp gain was introduced in I13?). People are farming tickets. So what? Pre-MA, there was a disincentive to group due to the way rewards (salvage, recipes) are distributed. So those who were able....farmed for drops. The only difference is, the MA makes it far more convenient as it centralizes all of those things. Guess what? That was by design. Think not? Ever hear of the concept of a 'quest hub'? Central gathering areas where players are naturally designed to congregate in, to promote socialization? What's the single most common aspect of these areas? They're convenient. Everything is all there, quest NPCs, vendors, transport, tradeskill machines (if applicable), all of that. Capital cities in vanilla WoW (and later, Shattrath and Dalaran) are great examples. MA is CoX's equivalent. Places where players congregate are good for people who don't have built-in social networks from which to draw.

    You say 'more bad than good' because that's your perspective. Me? I've played MMOs long enough to know that what one player sees as 'bad', other players see as 'good' (like raiding, for example). I don't mind AE spam because it's usually confined to one zone on each side (Atlas Park and Cap au Diable). I can avoid those zones, easily (I haven't started a toon in Atlas Park since 2004 - Galaxy City is far better IMO). I don't like joining teams simply doing paper/scanner missions (BORING!) and pre-AE, guess what was constantly being spammed in KR/Talos and Cap/Sharkhead? But did I advocate for those missions to somehow be changed or altered? Um, no, because they serve a purpose (omg, is it convenience again?!?). The one major good thing about AE to me is that I haven't received a blind invite since its introduction on any character except my main (not surprisingly, she's a 50 brute) and I hide her from searches and invites for the most part.

    So yeah, for me, there's very little bad and a whole ton of good.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    Basic mission teams aren't all bosses.
    Yeah, which is why people make maps full of the most challenging mobs under AV. Let's face it, most of this game you can sleepwalk through. Several ATs and pri/sec combos are not challenged by the content, even at the highest difficulty level. So I'm sure your solution would be to have those people either quit (lost revenue rocks, doesn't it?) or roll up the gimpest character they possibly can so that square peg fits into the round hole. I'm sure you've already reported Arcanaville's Scrapper Challenge arc? After all, specifically making an arc as a means of challenging one's self or others, must be a farm, amirite?

    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    And if a mission gets reported by a lot of people, guess what? It's probably a farm.
    Ah yes, I'm sure in your world, no one ever gets vindictive, no SGs ever rise above 10 members, and anything that doesn't fit your narrow view of 'appropriate' should be eliminated.

    There are SGs that are so massive, they need 5+ different SG groups to hold their members. If one of those leaders decides they don't like someone (or their arc) and has everyone that can, report that arc, that means it's a farm, right? Couldn't be a person lashing out for different reasons. Naw, has to be a farm.

    Chase, if this is your first MMO, I can understand how you might misinterpret the definition of 'farming'. However, prior to this game's inception, the word was used and did not connote exploitation. I remember farming XP (and later, AAs) in EverQuest. Farming kills on the frontier in DAoC. Farming missions for QL10 Concrete Cushions in Anarchy Online. Farming Antares Frontier and Raman in Varen's Girdle in Earth & Beyond. Farming humanoids for cloth in WoW. "Chaining" spawns in asteroid belts in EVE. All of this was farming and none of it involved exploits. Farming, in general MMO parlance, refers to doing the same thing over and over again (often in the same area) for a specific reward. Whether that reward is experience or loot or tradeskill materials, it's a reward. Post-Issue 9 when people went to Dark Astoria looking specifically for arcane salvage drops, they were farming (and often got xp too). It's only here post-AE that the less seasoned automatically equate farming to exploiting. If farming is exploiting in this game, the devs should put a timer on EVERY mission with a glowie as the primary objective. Oh, and they'd better quit allowing 50s to earn prestige (it can be farmed!!!).

    This can only end in tears.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
    With Aion coming out, how much interest would there be in a NCsoft version of the station pass? I haven't really followed SoE and their exploits, but I have always liked the idea of the station pass. Do you think it's something NCsoft would implement? Also, would many CoH players be interested in that or is it just a bad idea?
    I would be, but that's primarily because both of my accounts in CoX also have pretty well developed counterparts in Lineage 2. I get my PvP fix in EVE (and Shadowbane, until recently) but I'd be open to adding L2 back into the rotation. They'd have to go a step further than SOE did though by perhaps offering 3, 6, 9, and 12 month pass options as well. I'm not too high on Aion but Dungeon Runners is awesome (in the same vein as 'Dragon's Lair' and 'Space Ace', way back when) so that would be the icing for me.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
    You summed up my feelings exactly.

    Maybe instead of double xp weekend they do a double merit weekend to get people out running TF/SF and out of AE.
    They'd have to turn off the diminishing returns code then, at least for villains. A motivated team can do all the SFs redside AND the co-ops, in a single day....then be left with nothing to do but regular mission arcs (which aren't nearly as challenging) until they run out of those too.

    Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    i too was quite disappointed in this weekend. found 1 team the entire weekend. mostly soloed. tried all the famaliar ways to get a team going noone wanted to come out of AE. and i dont go in so it made for a boring weekend but its over now and i can get back to reg mishs with a good team.
    It's funny, I had no trouble getting into any teams at any level range, inside or outside of AE. This was on Infinity (red), Virtue (both), Victory (blue), and Guardian (blue). Most of the time, I didn't even LFT. When going to Sharkhead to talk to Lorenz Ansaldo, I jumped in a level 22ish mission team and stole my cape from a hero (several times, since four people in the team had the mission). Then again, I spent most of the weekend teamed with friends on the mentioned servers though I did the PUG thing when they went to bed (since I didn't :P).
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Barata View Post
    I read your post and had to wonder..... what game are you playing?

    I can think of few positive things that AE brings while you say it brings more good than bad. What good?
    Quick, name all the canon missions that only contain bosses. No minions, no LTs, just bosses. G'head, I'll wait. Now, when you're done with that, name the canon missions with only AVs. No minions, no LTs, no bosses, no 'clearing to the boss', just AVs. I'll help you out here. There are none.

    There's only one way for a fully (or even partially) IO'd out character to find real challenge. Guess what way that is?

    Originally Posted by Barata View Post
    I've been in this game since the beginning, and I can honestly say that AE has added more harm to the overall game than good. The only people who feel that its merits outweigh its vices are people who admit that all they do is farm.
    REALLY? Okay, since you've been here since the beginning, riddle me this:

    Why did folks fight +9s? Why was the purple patch necessary (from the devs point of view)?

    I love how people latch on to one negative aspect of a feature and close their eyes (or gouge them out) to anything that could be a positive result of the feature's introduction.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bricktop View Post
    1) Base the xp earned off a mob on its settings. Not just if it is a minion/lt/boss. If I'm fighting bosses set to extreme they should be worth more than one on easy.

    2) Give some sets xp bonuses because they are difficult. Give people some reward for taking more risks with the powers they give foes.

    3) The current ticket reward system is fail. Reward them like infamy for each defeat.

    1) As mentioned, custom power selection makes this, as you put it, fail.

    2) Know what would happen? If the bonus is good enough, people would make bosses and AVs with the sets that give the maximum xp possible....then they'd find the hero or villain set(s) that best makes that challenge....less (if not nonexistent). Know what we'd have then? Exactly what we have now (which isn't such a bad thing to me, but I don't tend to get worked up over things like this).

    3) Well, we know this'll never happen. Wouldn't make sense for them to impose a per map cap and then go the exact opposite way and make it as 'Monty Haul' as the xp is. I would agree that I don't like the way things are now (1500 is too low as it just incentivizes folks to make farm ARCS instead of farm missions. No farmer worth a quarter can't do 4 consecutive missions). Take the same farm mission and duplicate it 3 more times. The cap is the only feasible way they have to limit the flow of tickets in the game (and as we've seen, it doesn't even do that since folks just quit the mission and "reset" when the cap is reached).
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VictoriaHunt_EU View Post
    Usually there is less high level players in mmorpgs than lower ones, but not in this game.
    Um, what? This isn't true of any major MMO (with levels) of CoH's age or older. Not including alts (and even including them in at least one case), the high level population in games like WoW, EverQuest, and such far outstrips the low level population. Are you counting free to play MMOs?

    Originally Posted by VictoriaHunt_EU View Post
    Because with AE missions, no-one stays lower level long.
    Even before AE, people didn't stay low level for long. That's intended, I would think. This isn't early Age of Conan where the first few levels of the game are the best part of the entire game.

    Originally Posted by VictoriaHunt_EU View Post
    If the developers even care little bit about CoH they could solve most the problem easy.
    Of course, the solution is easy. The folks at Paragon Studios must be less than sharp to not have seen this "easy" solution, right?

    Originally Posted by VictoriaHunt_EU View Post
    Example level 50 scrapper doing solo missions with spawn 2-5 enemies is insult.
    So why not ask for a feature that adds onto the existing difficulty system? And if it's insulting to you, why do you continue to do it or put up with it?

    How many 'challenge' type arcs have been created? I counted 17 but I know I missed some. The ability to make "challenging" missions is there. Why advocate removing it or completely gutting it so it no longer serves the purpose for which it was made, just because you don't like the missions others are making? That's all this amounts to is sour grapes. "You should use the system the way I use the system". A map full of Freakshow is challenging for many people. So is a map full of bosses. A map full of LTs is challenging for people who can't tackle a map of bosses but a map of minions is too easy. Who gets to determine what the challenge level is? You or the individual subscriber? Would a map full of AVs be challenging for your level 50 scrapper?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I thought most forum goers were min/max guys like myself trying to find the fastest way to steamroll missions, but most of the responses have been "cry moar", so maybe that isn't the case...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll say it, I'm callin' you on your 'min/max guy' assertion. I know (and am) a min/max guy. You sir, are no min/max guy. Min/maxers know the deal. What Cavatina said is absolutely true. The most efficient teams, often don't even have any brutes or stalkers in them unless they're fallout/vengeance fodder. As my preferred AT, I realize that so I'm more than willing to adapt to the team's strengths. Apparently, you are not. Your first post came off as a passive-aggressive whine looking for validation. Then you retreat when people call you on your ignorance (since really, that's what it is. You obviously have no idea of how MMs work). Though it's obvious what your favorite breakfast food is (waffle).
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Relax, relax. Here's your "I Win" button. Happy now?

    CoX is the only MMO where I ever hear people whining about "making people run all over the place and other time wasters". C'mon, at most it's one or two 20 second tram rides. I never heard people whining about "making people run all over the place" in MMOs like WoW or EQ where it might take up to ten to twenty minutes crossing a dozen zones to get to your raid location. Spoiled? Yes, I think that's the word.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Umm, when did you play EQ? The old Qeynos to Freeport run was "exciting" the first time, maybe up to the third time. After that, you were standing at the spires in North Karana begging for a druid port to West Commons. And what kinda guild were you in when it took 10-20 mins to get to a raid location? Every era I remember (from Kunark all the way to Omens of War), 10 to 20 minutes would lose the spawn due to another (faster) guild getting there first.

    Travel time in EQ has been complained about since day one. That was the reason for the 'Monty Haul' Luclin Spires and Plane of Knowledge books. And then, because people still whined, they added guild hall portals. You don't add features like that if you're not getting feedback that would support doing so.

    To Hobo, DCUO has nothing to worry about. It'll draw more people (initially) than CoX has ever had subscribed simply due to its license. I wouldn't be surprised if DCUO had twice CoX's numbers within its first six months. That's because an IP like that can expand the market, drawing people who had never played MMOs before. However, launch numbers mean little (ask Age of Conan and Warhammer), it's retention that matters. So there's a real opportunity for CoX (and CO) to benefit from DCUO's efforts, if their games are "better" in some way(s) than the licensed game. One thing I can guarantee though (and I'd wager money on this) and that is that you're going to see a ton of clones show up just after DCUO launches. I expect NCSoft to add several GMs (at least temporarily) to prevent another Marvel debacle.

    CoX isn't going to "kill" any game.
  10. Shadow_Wail:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Just have Posi and the rest of the Dev Team remove XP from it...thats compromises; no extra reward... just what you get, tickets and fun.

    When this was released I was soooo excited, I can make my own missions, my own SF, my own trials... but now its just gone to waste. If I do make it and publish it I wont be able to find it since everything is a farm or a horrible story that the devs made it top choice?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Great idea! Couple things though. How 'bout you go tell Marketing that they have to pull all remaining boxes of the ARCHITECT EDITION from stores since everything on the box is a blatant lie now. Or, tell PR that they'll have one hell of a fire to put out when word gets out that CoX pulled a bait & switch and "didn't tell anybody" (unless they go to all of the fansites they went to promoting the feature and do new interviews basically burying it).

    Um, no. You act like farming didn't exist prior to AE. Hello? Been here since shortly after launch. I remember Rikti monkeys and the FIRST Comm Officer farms as well as CoT portals (and BP Death Shaman). I remember math being done to figure out the levels needed for door sitting PL teams. I remember the sewer trial. Hydra? Yup. Eden trial? Yup. Dreck with no timer? Uh huh.

    The only difference is that now, given the tools to do so, players have made farms that are efficient and easily repeatable. Removing rewards will just make the entire AE system (which I'm sure took a great deal of resources to create) as popular as fires in Steel Canyon.

    As far as your arc is concerned, it's probably not half as good as you think it is (most people's aren't, including my own). Even if they removed every farm from the AE, people still wouldn't play your arc because it would still be buried. You know how people get plays on their arcs? Ask Don King. Heck, ask William Shatner. People promote their arcs and not just here (where you're as likely to have it lost in the shuffle as ingame). There's one person whose primary arc has over 500 plays and he has never posted it here (he despises these boards) but he has posted it for review on an MMO fansite and gotten lots of feedback on it. It's been fun watching how it has evolved since its first iteration.

    Oh but continue to whine about how farms are preventing your nebulous arc that exists only in the recesses of your mind from being played.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Let me preface my statements by saying... I could care less who farms.

    1. I've always noticed incompetent farmed players; Ya see there used to be this thing called farming way back when called Peregrine Island where new toons got farmed. Sure it took a lil work: Go to Steel Canyon... Get teleported to Green Line... Go to Talos... Get teleported to the ferry... go to PI... Get teleported to Portal Corp.

    2. I have noticed more bad players lately... On the boards. They like to spew forth their opinions, whine, and whine some more. If you don't like AE... don't do it! If you don't like teaming with AE babies... don't!

    3. AE has caused a lot of whining because "no one plays my arc!!!" I've played prolly 200-250 arcs... Even a few Dev choice ones and yeah... the writing is sub par. I think I have found 5-6 arcs which I thought "that's cool...that's funny...that's fun."

    4. Removing XP from AE will cause a HUGE backlash. You can't promote something as one thing (a tool to go from 1-50) and then change your mind months later. I'm no DOOM screamer, but this game needs all the subs it can get! If people were GENUINELY more helpful to newer players... ya just might make new friends and oh I dunno help them come to love the game for EVERYTHING it has to offer.

    5. I LOATHE AE in Atlas. I think the "earliest" zone to have AE should be Steels, and I think it should be tricky to get there... that way people have to learn to navigate around baddies for at least a 1/2 mile sprint.

    6. As for any increase in bad players... NOTES are your friend! I note bad players and by that I mean incompetent ones, lazy ones, and ones who feel their way is the only way to play (Yeah I'm looking at you vet snobs).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like Fixxer, s/he tells it like it is. People seem to have selective amnesia when they attribute all the game's ills to one feature (as influential as it might be).

    [ QUOTE ]
    *** Was on a team with my D3 and the 33 month vet tank got mad (he wasn't the leader) because he insisted on taunting them... running around a corner blah blah... well screw that... So I charged a group... threw down some dark love.... and he got mad because while I was off "being risky" he had to (GASP) use a green! He then proceeded to say "Yer our only healer you can't be off fighting while I have aggro!" I then pointed out that if he couldn't handle the aggro of 5-6 baddies and I could take 9-10... He should roll a dark defender if he could figure out how to play one! He of course then called me a n00b.... to which I pointed out my 1-5 year badges that went pretty with the other 200+ badges He got mad... quit the team... So I tanked on my defender. Point? Stupid, incompetent, ignorant, and lazy players are a part of this game... regardless of AE. I mean hello... healer?? LOL you wish!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    First, five years in and many people still don't know how powerful D3s are (maybe because it's not empathy?). Second, that tank was a moron but there are still many people who adhere to that mindset.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    City of Heroes is a game. The purpose of a game is to have fun. If you are not having fun change what you are doing.

    City of Heroes is about you. Be greedy. Think about yourself first. There is absolutely no one in the world, not the developers, not your best friend, not your siblings and not even your mom, who knows when you are having fun as much as you do. You are best suited to the task of making sure you have fun. You. You you you you you.

    I feel absolutely no guilt nor shame when I leave a team with no warning. I honestly feel no anger, hostility nor resentment when someone leaves one of my teams without warning. Please leave my team if you are not having fun. I'm fairly disgusted when others feel otherwise.

    I understand no one is perfect and you can't know everything before hand. I understand things will change. But do your best to communicate what you expect from teammates and what you intend to bring to teams. Eliminate as much "un-fun-itude" as possible before it occurs. Stop "un-fun-itude" as soon as possible.

    (I should add that when I'm on a Task Force and not having fun I'll ask to leave. If I'm requested to stay because I am considered crucial to the team's success I will stay. Though, if I no longer am crucial I will leave. I have left TFs before they're fully complete after all the "hard parts" were defeated.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    I am rude. I do speak my mind. I'll answer questions honestly. Most often I do say "I'm going to leave the team." Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I get asked "Why?". "I'm not having fun on this team."

    I rarely join PuGs because most often pick up teams stand around talking about things they think they "need". If a pug stood around RPing or discussing some interesting topic that be cool. I'd be ok with standing around doing that. Instead, they are discussing how we "need this" or "need that" and "we won't start until we have this" or "that many players". Or let's wait around for him to sell, train, go to wentworth's, buy SOs and comb his hair. Why bother? He can join us in the middle. He can join us next mission. I think every single one of those needs is stupid, wrong and misguided. I think the only thing we need to do is enter the mission and start shooting stuff.

    Decide what? What's there to talk about or figure out? You can look in the log and verify that a player has "quit the team" as opposed to disconnect. I can join another team. I can find other players. You can join another team. You can find another player. I can find more bad guys to shoot. I can do another mission. You can find more bad guys to shoot. You can do another mission.

    There's no "one and done" in City of Heroes. There's always more bad guys to shoot. There's ways to do every mission again.

    Go shoot the bad guys. Don't wait for me or waste time thinking about me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like SMurphy.

    While I tend to give notice when I'm leaving a team, I don't feel obligated to do so. Otherwise I'd wind up saying things like, "This team is like sticking your face in a box fan, I'm out" which is neither polite nor constructive (as it doesn't give reasons or ways it could improve). But perhaps because I've actually played a game long past the 'fun' out of a sense of obligation to a group of people (who, incidentally, I had met in person on a few occasions) that tempers my view on this.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    EQ until seven years ago you didn't leave a group for fear of being branded unreliable.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fixed it for you.

    I recall much group turnover in Plane of Valor before they opened it up to the huddled masses who couldn't complete a PoJ trial. And honestly, I can't see how you could've ever played Blizzard's Baby and maintained the point of view you have. Your sentiment is right (it's probably more common here than in other MMOs, if only due to the multiple alt phenomenon here), but to say or imply it doesn't happen in other games is, well, shortsighted. The more casual your social circle, the more common it seems to be. This game, being a casual player's wet dream, would of course have it happen more often.

    It's only annoying to me when it causes a domino effect. One person leaves then half the team has an epiphany that they have to leave too.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Needless to say this was long ago, now that they're up to level 80 or 120 or wth ever by now as cap.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    And perhaps you had stopped playing but another really big gray area/exploit was pet pulling. Summon a low level pet (green con to the mob in question), have it aggro a named surrounded by other mobs/guards and the named would come single. The named wouldn't do its normal "call for help" (which would aggro the guards/mobs close to it) because the pet was so low level, it wasn't considered a real threat. With melee mobs, you only had to get it outside of its friends' assist radius. With casters, you only had to make sure the target mob didn't have line of sight to the pet's master. Only hard part about pet pulling was keeping the pet alive long enough to accomplish the task at hand. But that was just another situation where having a pocket cleric was very handy (buff the bejeezus out of the pet).

    But on topic, I'm always amazed by the folks who think a 20 person (if that) QA department is as efficient at finding possible bugs or exploits as a 150,000 person playerbase. I'd think that all the people who think they'd be the picture of perfection at it would start a consulting company and hire out to MMO developers. It'd be win/win. That person's perfection would earn them millions and we'd all have less buggy and exploitable games.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I have gotten about 6-8 and sent 7-10, but that has been in almost 5 years of play.
    All of these e-mails were between supergroup members. A filter so that I could have gotten e-mail from sg members only would have kept all spam from my inbox.

    Anyone that I'm a global friend with, I just send a tell to anyway, so I don't really need the e-mail function in order to communicate with them.

    By and large, the e-mail system is worthless to me - less than worthless actually as it is an on-going pain to have to deal with the spam in order to turn of that red "you've got spam" light at the top of the chat window.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I'd just like the option to turn it off for my accounts. No one I know ingame needs to send me an ingame email. Not a single person. They all either know my email address or they have other means of reaching me (fansite forum PMs, phone, etc). CoX's mail system isn't useful to me at all (I'd like to be able to transfer stuff between characters on the same account without having to log in the second account to do it) so just having the option of turning it off completely would be the best QoL fix I could imagine.
  15. RemianenI


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Or you could do what I've done, not take Stamina on any character in many long years of playing! *gasp*

    Just bought it on one of my toons yesterday and only because there were no other thematically suitable powers available to choose. So, depending on your playstyle, PvP'er vs PvE, solo or team, Archetype etc, I'm only commenting to point out that it's not the essential that I've heard so many people claim.

    I'm just sayin'...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "I just hate running out of Endurance."
    "I hate missing."

    I see a lot of weird builds posted based on these long held, but rarely tested, beliefs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Absolutely possible. I only state my own experience, I don't mind running out of End when it happens, it's another thing to juggle, another challenge to keep on top of. Generally I find that 1 End Reduction slotted in each power is enough to keep my Endurance bottoming out at an annoying rate.

    Of course... other players mileage may vary.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There isn't a single power in this game that is 'essential' so using that argument kinda fails. I believe people recommend Stamina to everyone because it is one of the few powers that has universal benefit and provides one of the three things you can never have too much of (Damage, Health, Endurance). For a character being built to solo AVs, Stamina is extremely useful since it helps to eliminate having to watch one bar (so you only have to watch the target's health and yours). I think suggesting someone drop a power they're clearly asking for advice in slotting, is akin to telling someone to sell their car when they ask for tips on customizing it ("Hey guys, what do you suggest I do to trick out my ride?" "har har, you should sell it because nobody really needs a car").

    Maybe it's just me though.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    hmmm, learning a lot here. First.. I was all proud of my hot door trick, till I found out some people hate it....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Some people will love it, others will hate it.

    Just try to put enough warning in the intro text or description so that people who hate that sort of theing have a chance to avoid the mission.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Something as simple as..."Oh and by the way, they're expecting you" would be a suitable hint, I'd think. Hot doors aren't a bad thing for folks who zone in seconds. But for those whose zone times are measured in minutes, hot doors might as well be a plate of debt.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Why don't you just bring some people into your SG/VG? If you're going to be building a nice base, why not share it with others?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because then it no longer suits the purpose for its creation. Look, sometimes, people want to create guilds/SGs/VGs for just a small subset of players. Whether that be only RL friends or family or what have you. Adding "people" outside of that group kills accountability or deprives those "people" of some of the base's utility. Like, if everyone in your SG/VG is someone you can reach out and touch (via phone or physically), if something comes up missing, it's easy to find out why. Now, you could add a storage container or two for those "people" to use but now you're spending precious prestige on luxury items when there may be necessities that still need to be purchased. Opening it up to "other people" is usually a non-starter in these cases.
  18. baron_inferno sounds like a (non-Paragon Studios) dev. I know of several from other games that, in the weeks prior to MA's release, made bets between themselves about how long it would take before the first exploit surfaced (the 38 Studios dev won).

    Generally speaking, there really isn't a way to completely avoid farm arcs. At least not without eliminating non-farm arcs (collateral damage) at the same time. Probably the best way to do it is by avoiding single mission arcs (there are a few multi-mission farms I'm aware of, but those are generally unpublished most of the time. They're basically one mission duplicated with small tweaks to get around/mitigate the ticket nerf).

    One surefire way to find non-farm missions is to play every mission you see advertised in a sig here. Every one, without exception. No one with a decent farming mish/arc is going to openly advertise it here (if you don't know why, you better ask somebody ).
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    And some of yall think you are SOOOO funny. I picked an AE mission to solo last night and out of pure curiosity saw a mission that BLATANTLY read Rescue Rikti Communication Officer or something like that. I was like, "no way, they must WANT to get banned". So, out of curiosity, and thinkin the creator must have been living under a rock the last 2 weeks, I decided to check it out to see if it was a boring farm. If it was a farm I'd simply quit and go back to my AE fun mission hunting lol.

    Well I zone in, and it's a farm...I mean actually on a FARM complete with barns, but heres the thing. No hordes of Rikti, which I was relieved. But the goal was to rescue the RIKTI from the farmhands and scarecrows and other "barnyard referencing" villains. I thought it was pretty funny, in a sarcastic sense. Like the creator was sayin "haha devs, you say I cant make farms with Rikti Comm. Officers but I found a way around your rules haha". Well I got halfway through and exited, but I left kinda confused as to the creator's intent. lol But it was a cool little mission though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You would be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) at how many missions Positron features heavily into nowadays. Either as the contact (helmed and sans helm) or as the AV mission objective. I myself have counted 31.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, that would be counterproductive for the farm builders. They'd be attracting exactly the wrong sort of people...kinda like inviting the police to tour your meth lab.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is so apropos. The really good farms I know of are NEVER publicized and they stay unpublished unless the creator runs it or a friend of the creator requests to run it.

    [ QUOTE ]
    if you can honestly tell me you never went to the sewers when you started out for faster levels then you can talk, everyone does sewers when you start a new toon. sewers=low level farming.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can honestly tell you my heroes start in Galaxy City and run their origin contact's missions then head to Kings Row. I've done sewers on ONE character (TWO YEARS after I started playing), hated it (horribly inefficient) and haven't done them since. The time spent standing around Atlas broadcasting for a sewer team, I spend actually DOING missions, gettin' xp & loot, and making progress.

    But I do agree that the game's basically one big farm. That's because my primary focus is character progression. That's not always levels though (I've made three mints worth of inf, on both sides, "playing the market". That's progression to me as well).
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    But when someone tells me they rated my arc lower because I had a Boss name spelled with a ' in it and it shouldn't be, as well as I had "to" instead of too, but they loved the story, I think that is going way overboard.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You might have run into an exasperated rater.

    Nowadays, I rarely give feedback because it seems like the same mistakes are being made by seemingly every arc I encounter. Most common is the 'to'/'too' one but simple typos and grammatical errors ('teh', 'adn', 'Ritki', 'Cable'/'Cabel', 'Freakshew' (though I assumed the writer was Ed Sullivan ), 'their'/'there', 'your'/'you're', etc) annoy me when they're made repeatedly by a wide variety of writers. It's like Jeez, is everyone a lazy writer?!?
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Really definitely an exploit ??

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well yeah. The Devs have specifically designed the rating system in a manner that prevents a player from rating their own arc. By doing so on a second account you're bypassing the game mechanic in an unintended way. And because one would benefit from it directly, such action meets the definition of a game exploit rather thoroughly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Uhhh, that makes no sense. There are (and should be) advantages that come with PAYING for an additional account. Those advantages generally include additional storage (each character slot = possible mule), teaming opportunities (stone tanks/brutes with "pocket kins", for example) and the ability to add a single vote to an arc for every account you own (and/or PAY for).

    I have 2 accounts of my own and pay for 3 others. That's 5 possible votes for any storyarc I like (or 4 for my own arcs). Would I pay specifically for that advantage? No. But at the very least it should apply. I haven't run into this problem because when I run CoH, it's from two completely different install locations (and I don't create any arcs from my niece and her parents' accounts) but this just sounds daft. You'd think they'd separate the local data storage by username.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Um.. Sam, I have to say that while I do sympathize with your plight, I can't help but find myself thinking that you really did this to yourself.

    Before the latest update there were FIVE levels of access that supergroup could have. I'm sure that had you given things the proper time and effort, and made sure that only the people you WANTED promoted to the higher levels were done so, you would not be as deep as you are now. It's entirely possible with the permission system to give members access to ALL of the things that you wanted them to have access to but still not be ANYWHERE near the leadership structure.

    Laissez-faire SG/VG leadership does not work, or at least not work well, and i think you're seeing it. Complaining to Customer Support because they won't automatically cave because you made poor choices isn't "bad customer service". It's the extension of the adage.. "the customer is always right. .but only when he actually IS right." Pi$$ poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on their part.

    When and if you get this situation resolved, go through your permission settings and set up something that will be less prone to this.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Seriously, while it sucks that you lost your job (sadly, a common theme nowadays), that doesn't give you a free pass for bad planning.

    Hey RandyAngelo, if he stopped paying his cell phone bill and his carrier gave someone his number, would he still get a free pass? "Oh but he lost his job!!!" So because of that, someone else should be inconvenienced (by having their number that they've already distributed in the interim taken away) to placate him? Sorry. Most businesses choose to take the side of those who are still active revenue streams. In this case, the SG went about its everyday business in the almost half a year he was "AFG". I don't care about the why and neither does NC. If I lost my job tomorrow, my accounts wouldn't go inactive (at least not until July of 2010) because I planned for the (possible) low times during the high times. Likewise, this is the same thing as those people who complained about their SG storage being ripped off. They made bad decisions along the same lines and finally the developers acquiesced to their wishes and gave us individual container permissions (which are an awful pain in the rear for those SGs that are managed well).

    Like Universal Therum, my SGs only have high level permissions for those people that I can reach out and touch. I find people are far less likely to scam you or be unreasonable when they know you can show up at their front door to settle up. Granted, that's never had to happen (and I don't think it ever will) but I also don't have to worry about losing control of the SGs I created and not being able to immediately get it back.

    While I truly hope Sam can rejoin the active workforce soon (if he hasn't already), I can't see why this is CS's fault. The 'why' he was away doesn't matter. The fact that he was away, does.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    My two cents...

    ZERO xp. ZERO rewards for AE missions. The only rewards (if any) should be badges.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So in other words, the devs should allow two years of development resources go the way of the Arena? That would be wasteful even if Positron was a rapper who just got a record deal (OMG lemme go buy an Escalade and a Benz!!).

    Sorry, while sharing stories is the intended purpose, you can't expect the playerbase at large to go along with that, to the exclusion of all else. That's like expecting people to give to charity...when they don't have a job. The number of people who would exclusively "share stories" without a whit of character advancement or development is easily dwarfed by those who'd like to do a bit of both. Taking your advice would mean the devs spent all that time (and money, in the form of manhours, not to mention opportunity cost and continued support and maintenance) for what would be as popular as the aforementioned Arenas.

    Though I'd love to see what kind of following an MMO that only gave "warm & fuzzies" for time spent would garner.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Third I don't see why a novice hero and amateur villain would want to team together. They are going down complete different paths and they want to team? I understand RWZ because they just got done saving the world, they found out how well they team together. But Pocket D there is no point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Umm, are you kidding me? Do you honestly think a newbie hero or villain are as set in their ways as longtime, diehard, experienced heroes and villains? Perhaps your Captain America/Superman/Statesman "paragon of virtue" ethos can't see it but my Wolverine/Batman/Cable viewpoint doesn't regard heroism and villainy as mutually exclusive. Sometimes, villains do heroic things (for villainous reasons - see Dr. Doom saving Sue Richards and naming her daughter) and heroes doing "villainous" things for heroic reasons (god, do I really have to list all the examples of this?).

    I compare to black kids and white kids (especially in the South) 40 or so years ago. They don't know they're "supposed" to hate each other. With heroes and villains, all they know is that X needs doing and we're the only ones available to do it. Not all heroes are/were always heroes and not all villains are/were always villains (Rogue, Wolverine, Sabretooth, Emma Frost, Sage, Huntress, Magneto, Lobo, all of the WILDC.A.T.S, Cable, Bishop, Iron Man, Hulk, Sunspot, Gambit, Galactus, and on and on and on). Crossover happens in the supposed "source material" so why shouldn't it happen here?