Need to have one in D-pocket
Seriously though: let's not introduce MA lag and broadcast spam to the last non-MA bastion in the game.
Personally, I think the AE building interior ought to be a separate zone in and of itself, just like Pocket D is. Like Pocket D, it would continue to have entrances in all the zones where it is now, but they would all lead to the same instance of AE. And when the AE "zone" starts to get crowded, new instances would be spawned, just like they do with any other zone.
The only real trouble I see with this is that it wouldn't be possible to have a true (and zone-specific) "out-the-window" view in AE anymore.
"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole
They could just add a table or two and a data transfer. It wouldn't have to be a huge building.
Another problem you'd end up with is that Pocket D being "fuil" would mean that you cant team with your friends to run Arcs since you all need to enter from the same "zone." Pocket D team with member entering PocketD 2 due to it being full would be SOA.
Another problem you'd end up with is that Pocket D being "fuil" would mean that you cant team with your friends to run Arcs since you all need to enter from the same "zone." Pocket D team with member entering PocketD 2 due to it being full would be SOA.
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Uh no... I ran arcs from AP1 and AP2 just fine.
I've pretty much stayed away from posting on AE topics. But this one seems like a pretty good one. Why should I have to wait until I can get into RWZ to be able to team with the other side. If I'm on my hero and have a buddy on villain side, I'd love to do some mish's from AE with them at the lower levels. I'd even take a zone being full or haveing to have another instance of it.
Another problem you'd end up with is that Pocket D being "fuil" would mean that you cant team with your friends to run Arcs since you all need to enter from the same "zone." Pocket D team with member entering PocketD 2 due to it being full would be SOA.
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Uh no... I ran arcs from AP1 and AP2 just fine.
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Same with RWZ1 and RWZ2.
And yeah, it's annoying that I cannot AE with friend lower than level 35 unless I go to the same side as them. This is even more annoying as it often means no XP for me as I don't have a hero down at their level when they're playing heroes, or a villain down at their level when they're playing villains.
I hate this suggestion for a number of reasons, I don't see the point of teaming in Pocket D, there needs to be a story for it, after all this is an RPG.
Second all the farm spam would head to Pocket D, one of the last zones (except for hazard) that doesn't have an AE there.
Third I don't see why a novice hero and amateur villain would want to team together. They are going down complete different paths and they want to team? I understand RWZ because they just got done saving the world, they found out how well they team together. But Pocket D there is no point.
My Suggestion if any. If there were to be Co-Op in Pocket D make it so you need to get the Mission Engineer badge. Use the two portals in Pocket D as mission doors and you use the Mission Engineer accolade to select and edit missions their. 3 of the 5 badges can be gotten globally, and one of the other 2 a red name said they would look into getting it made global.
Plus I the badges that are hard to get for the accolade you can get in 45 mins or less.
It would limit farming because not every farmer would want to go out of their reach and get an accolade just to go to Pocket D, it would be a waste of farming time. But it would also allow Co-Op in Pocket D.
Third I don't see why a novice hero and amateur villain would want to team together. They are going down complete different paths and they want to team? I understand RWZ because they just got done saving the world, they found out how well they team together. But Pocket D there is no point.
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Considering how meta the concept of AE is to begin with and how Heroes can run villain AE arcs and Villains can run hero AE arcs, who really gives a damn anymore?
Besides, if it's really supposed to just be an "arcade" then there really is no reason why they cannot play together before level 35.
Third I don't see why a novice hero and amateur villain would want to team together. They are going down complete different paths and they want to team?
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If they know each other then it makes sense. Friends who have taken different paths in life decide to make amends.
Third I don't see why a novice hero and amateur villain would want to team together. They are going down complete different paths and they want to team? I understand RWZ because they just got done saving the world, they found out how well they team together. But Pocket D there is no point.
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Umm, are you kidding me? Do you honestly think a newbie hero or villain are as set in their ways as longtime, diehard, experienced heroes and villains? Perhaps your Captain America/Superman/Statesman "paragon of virtue" ethos can't see it but my Wolverine/Batman/Cable viewpoint doesn't regard heroism and villainy as mutually exclusive. Sometimes, villains do heroic things (for villainous reasons - see Dr. Doom saving Sue Richards and naming her daughter) and heroes doing "villainous" things for heroic reasons (god, do I really have to list all the examples of this?).
I compare to black kids and white kids (especially in the South) 40 or so years ago. They don't know they're "supposed" to hate each other. With heroes and villains, all they know is that X needs doing and we're the only ones available to do it. Not all heroes are/were always heroes and not all villains are/were always villains (Rogue, Wolverine, Sabretooth, Emma Frost, Sage, Huntress, Magneto, Lobo, all of the WILDC.A.T.S, Cable, Bishop, Iron Man, Hulk, Sunspot, Gambit, Galactus, and on and on and on). Crossover happens in the supposed "source material" so why shouldn't it happen here?
@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions
heck what I rather see in pocket D is a trainer.
heck what I rather see in pocket D is a trainer.
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Have a talk with War Witch sometime next time you are there
That hussy? She says she won't train me because of some sort of "interdimensional rules" or something. I think she's just honked off because she's dead in this reality.
Dec out.
I'm against this mainly because both on Infinity and Virtue server, Pocket D is used a lot as a roleplay bastion. if it suddenly fills with people lff, it'd sorta ruin that. ;/
Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!
Arc ID 58363!
I would rather them create a new co-op zone for pre-35 (with background story and fluff) than to turn Pocket D into a maelstrom of RP-spam combined with AE-spam.... *shudder*
Lets try to keep our eye on the ball, here, folks. The point was not that there should be an AE terminal in Pocket-D because it is thematically appropriate - the point is that since they've already demonstrated that heroes and villains teaming to do AE missions is something they like, why not allow it to happen pre-35?
Seriously, think outside the box that is Pocket-D's current state for a moment. It requires nothing more than putting something like an "architect lounge" room that takes people looking to be on collaborative teams to a second area where they set that up. Its not like its a novel concept... the tiki lounge for VIPs is done that way.
So, given that heroes and villains CAN run AE arcs together already, just not before level 35 (unless they happen to use the mission transporter power) do you have any conceptual issues with them making it easier for them to do so, and if so, please specify them.
I, for one, think it'd be a nice and simple addition - though it might cut into the point of their next expansion somewhat (BFD).
Lets try to keep our eye on the ball, here, folks. The point was not that there should be an AE terminal in Pocket-D because it is thematically appropriate - the point is that since they've already demonstrated that heroes and villains teaming to do AE missions is something they like, why not allow it to happen pre-35?
Seriously, think outside the box that is Pocket-D's current state for a moment. It requires nothing more than putting something like an "architect lounge" room that takes people looking to be on collaborative teams to a second area where they set that up. Its not like its a novel concept... the tiki lounge for VIPs is done that way.
So, given that heroes and villains CAN run AE arcs together already, just not before level 35 (unless they happen to use the mission transporter power) do you have any conceptual issues with them making it easier for them to do so, and if so, please specify them.
I, for one, think it'd be a nice and simple addition - though it might cut into the point of their next expansion somewhat (BFD).
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They want to give people a reason to get the 'do architect missions anywhere' accolade?
The point was not that there should be an AE terminal in Pocket-D because it is thematically appropriate - the point is that since they've already demonstrated that heroes and villains teaming to do AE missions is something they like, why not allow it to happen pre-35?
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Realistic answer: there are all sorts of potential balance issues throughout the entire game that 1-50 co-op might cause, and there was *no way* to get that beta tested in the time allotted. There really wasn't even time to get the MA properly tested; we were told pretty much directly "we're going to fix the remaining bad crash bugs and then push this live ASAP warts, exploits, and all".
There's the additional problem that Pocket D is already jam-packed on some servers, and it was important to have the MA load spread out among multiple zones for the first few mad days/weeks.
Given that there were already two major zones / activities that were 35+ co-op, they could reasonably assume that the ripple effects from adding another would be small enough to not worry about too much; this seems to have been valid.
Once they go through the additional testing and balancing for low-level co-op needed for Going Rogue, there's a more reasonable chance we'll get lower level MA co-op at some point.
Miuramir, Windchime, Sariel the Golden, Scarlet Antinomist...
Casino Extortion #4031: Neutral, Council+Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/CFMA]
Bad Candy #87938: Neutral, Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/HFMA]
CoH Helper * HijackThis
... there are all sorts of potential balance issues throughout the entire game that 1-50 co-op might cause...
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What would those be?
I haven't seen any issues in 1-50 co-op, beyond the inability to give inspirations to someone of the other faction.
The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials
... there are all sorts of potential balance issues throughout the entire game that 1-50 co-op might cause...
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What would those be?
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Part of the problem is *we don't know*. The game wasn't designed for it, there could be a wide variety of hidden issues that didn't come out except in detailed testing.
One of the obvious ones is AT roles. The ATs were not designed or balanced to compete for team slots with ATs of the other side, and it's usually more pronounced at lower levels. That could lead to some being left out in the cold.
For instance, there's a persistent meme that lower-level and/or non-perma Dominators are already less useful than they could be. Once given the ability to pick a Controller for that team slot instead, many people have said they'd never pick the Dom. Castle is in the process of a major rebalancing of Doms right now partly to make them more competitively viable in the early game; given the time that's going to be needed to test and tune that properly, no way it was going live with I14.
Another example that comes up is that for "ordinary" content, a number people have said they'd take a Brute over a Tanker without question, and at lower levels where you can get by with less mitigation for more damage, this may be more pronounced.
Miuramir, Windchime, Sariel the Golden, Scarlet Antinomist...
Casino Extortion #4031: Neutral, Council+Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/CFMA]
Bad Candy #87938: Neutral, Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/HFMA]
CoH Helper * HijackThis
Shouldnt we have an Architect in side the D-pocket??
just a thought