No Tickets or XP on some AE Missions?
Dev choice: Salvage and recipies. No tickets
All other AE arcs: Tickets, no salvage or recipies.
When you're above the maximum level, and are exemplared down to meet it, you will gain influence but not experience.
So, if you're playing a "Dev's choice" arc whos maximum level is below your current security level, you gain infuence, but no xp or tickets. You'll also be getting salvage and recipies.
I can't think of any instance where you wouldn't gain influence, aside from testing your own unpublished arcs.
realistically all mishes should give recipes/salvage it would help the market stablize a bit more. i mean unless ppl like spending 200000 for a runebound armor.
They must like spending 200000 on runebound armors, since it costs 8 tickets to roll for common salvage.
All missions do give recipes and salvage. It's just that the non-dev choice AE missions give them in the form of tickets. Players can decide for themselves how they want to convert the tickets into salvage and recipes. If players are choosing to generate more recipes than salvage, why shouldn't they? When so many recipes have dropped from ten million inf to one million inf, why care about a piece of salvage going for 200k? Besides, the last 5 prices on Runebound armor right now go from 1,506 to 3,000 inf, blueside. Redside they're even cheaper. Just because something takes a momentary spike to 200k doesn't mean you have to play along. It's amazing what 24 hours of patience can do for you.
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
realistically all mishes should give recipes/salvage it would help the market stablize a bit more. i mean unless ppl like spending 200000 for a runebound armor.
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I don't know about people buying but I sure enjoy the selling.
Okay, without having to peruse every post as I am sure this has been brought up before, but it seems that when I have been soloing some AE mish'es, sometime I will get XP with no Tickets given, sometimes I will get just XP and sometimes no XP but only Tickets? So, is there something I am missing here or are some AE missions designed to only give certain awards and if so, how do I know what I'm getting before I select that particular AE mish?
I only say this as I did a few "Very Long" solo AE mish'es last night only to find the only thing I got was influence, no XP and no Tickets? I am not sure if this was a temporary fix by the dev's because of past issues of probable leveling abuse and they "nerfed' certain mish'es to only allow certain awards? Any clarification on this would be very helpful. Thanks!
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My two cents...
ZERO xp. ZERO rewards for AE missions. The only rewards (if any) should be badges.
If this is truly about "sharing" stories then make it about that. Sharing and beating a difficult custom mission should be it's own reward.
The devs screwed the pooch big time. All the time it was in beta and no one saw the abuse coming? I don't fault the players that abused it one bit. It's like blaming a child for playing with fire when the parents leave matches on the table and the kid unsupervised.
All missions do give recipes and salvage. It's just that the non-dev choice AE missions give them in the form of tickets. Players can decide for themselves how they want to convert the tickets into salvage and recipes. If players are choosing to generate more recipes than salvage, why shouldn't they? When so many recipes have dropped from ten million inf to one million inf, why care about a piece of salvage going for 200k? Besides, the last 5 prices on Runebound armor right now go from 1,506 to 3,000 inf, blueside. Redside they're even cheaper. Just because something takes a momentary spike to 200k doesn't mean you have to play along. It's amazing what 24 hours of patience can do for you.
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Price volatility on common and uncommon salvage has gone off the chart. On the flipside rares are way down in both price and volatility.
My two cents...
ZERO xp. ZERO rewards for AE missions. The only rewards (if any) should be badges.
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So in other words, the devs should allow two years of development resources go the way of the Arena? That would be wasteful even if Positron was a rapper who just got a record deal (OMG lemme go buy an Escalade and a Benz!!).
Sorry, while sharing stories is the intended purpose, you can't expect the playerbase at large to go along with that, to the exclusion of all else. That's like expecting people to give to charity...when they don't have a job. The number of people who would exclusively "share stories" without a whit of character advancement or development is easily dwarfed by those who'd like to do a bit of both. Taking your advice would mean the devs spent all that time (and money, in the form of manhours, not to mention opportunity cost and continued support and maintenance) for what would be as popular as the aforementioned Arenas.
Though I'd love to see what kind of following an MMO that only gave "warm & fuzzies" for time spent would garner.
@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions
Though I'd love to see what kind of following an MMO that only gave "warm & fuzzies" for time spent would garner.
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"warm & fuzzies"
My two cents...
ZERO xp. ZERO rewards for AE missions. The only rewards (if any) should be badges.
If this is truly about "sharing" stories then make it about that. Sharing and beating a difficult custom mission should be it's own reward.
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I disagree. If the MA doesn't offer XP or tickets then players won't use it.
I agree that it is there for us to be able to tell good stories versus abusing it for other gain.
I don't care about badges, so there would be no reward for me at all if badges were the only reward.
I don't think that the AE is just for creating level 50 content. In fact, I'm not designing my content for level 50's. And, of course, players that aren't level 50 are going to want to get XP.
The devs screwed the pooch big time. All the time it was in beta and no one saw the abuse coming?
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I am sure they saw it coming. I don't think they knew to what extent. It is also easier to build a dam then it is to try to piece-meal patch the little cracks.
I actually think it was a good idea to let all Hades break-loose so that they would know what they were dealing with.
I don't think having "come-back and power-level your toons weekend" was such a good idea, however. That could have been put off a month or so. At that point, hopefully, things would have already have been settled down.
I don't fault the players that abused it one bit. It's like blaming a child for playing with fire when the parents leave matches on the table and the kid unsupervised.
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It's even worse when the mischievous neighborhood kid comes over cause trouble for the weekend and those same matches are on the table. That kid could careless about what happens to the house. Some of them just came over to see how badly they could break the system and take advantage of it.
I, however, do fault the normal players.
We have been told repeatedly that the MA was not for farming and power-leveling and that such actions would be stopped, etc. since the MA was announced - repeatedly.
I guess the "don't stick your hand in the lawnmower blades" should have been on every MA window and on the front of the Architect Edition box?
Don't blame people's irresponsibility on freedom (not the server).
They had a choice. They could use or abuse. If they are/were abusing it, they are causing trouble for everyone else and they are definitely to blame for their actions.
People cheat. We all know that cheating is against the rules. It is pretty obvious that cheating went on. Players knew they were cheating. Passing the blame for cheating doesn't stick. If you cheated, you are a cheater.
If you abuse, you are an abuser.
If you think it is your right to ruin a good thing by abusing it, then you know what I think of you.
My two cents...
ZERO xp. ZERO rewards for AE missions. The only rewards (if any) should be badges.
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So in other words, the devs should allow two years of development resources go the way of the Arena? That would be wasteful even if Positron was a rapper who just got a record deal (OMG lemme go buy an Escalade and a Benz!!).
Sorry, while sharing stories is the intended purpose, you can't expect the playerbase at large to go along with that, to the exclusion of all else. That's like expecting people to give to charity...when they don't have a job. The number of people who would exclusively "share stories" without a whit of character advancement or development is easily dwarfed by those who'd like to do a bit of both. Taking your advice would mean the devs spent all that time (and money, in the form of manhours, not to mention opportunity cost and continued support and maintenance) for what would be as popular as the aforementioned Arenas.
Though I'd love to see what kind of following an MMO that only gave "warm & fuzzies" for time spent would garner.
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Then people have to be fine with the farming and the lack of normal mission teams (even though mission teams can still easily be found).
I think a compromise can be made that allows AE to yield some sort of reward without opening the door to abuse.
Like I said in my post... just my two cents.
In response to the_alt_oholic.... it's in people's nature to follow the path of least resistance and to bend the rules. Everyone does it and those that say otherwise are lying about it. People were given an easy avenue to abuse the AE to PL toons and took advantage of it - myself included. I also knew that the gravy train wasn't going to last forever once the abuse became rampant so I have no issue with them shutting down the circus.
The party can't last forever.
Way to derail a simple question thread by placing a dead horse on the tracks.
I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.
They must like spending 200000 on runebound armors, since it costs 8 tickets to roll for common salvage.
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And I regularly see them for selling at the market for between 1000 and 5000. Anyone paying 200k is either one of the most impatient people I've ever heard of, someone with way too much inf to care or is up to something personal to twist the market somehow. Likely the middle one.
Dec out.
And remember, though salvage prices are up substantially in many cases, many IOs that used to cost 40 mil, now cost.. 4.
I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.
Okay, without having to peruse every post as I am sure this has been brought up before, but it seems that when I have been soloing some AE mish'es, sometime I will get XP with no Tickets given, sometimes I will get just XP and sometimes no XP but only Tickets? So, is there something I am missing here or are some AE missions designed to only give certain awards and if so, how do I know what I'm getting before I select that particular AE mish?
I only say this as I did a few "Very Long" solo AE mish'es last night only to find the only thing I got was influence, no XP and no Tickets? I am not sure if this was a temporary fix by the dev's because of past issues of probable leveling abuse and they "nerfed' certain mish'es to only allow certain awards? Any clarification on this would be very helpful. Thanks!