3834 -
Quote:I think you are referring to Tao's Log Cleaner. Not sure if it's still available or how it compares to the above mentioned web-based one.Someone out there has a program that basically does that - gives you a "cleaned" copy of a chat log based on what channel you tell it you want to view.
No. If you're on a regular team and log of while inside an instanced mission, to your global friends that character will still appear as if they are online. The only exception is that if you expand your global list, the Server will appear blank.
And like Bloodspeaker, to be perfectly clear, I'm refering specifically to the "character seems to still be logged on after player logs off" bug. I've never encountered the "something ate my xp booster" bug. -
And there's no telling on what hour of the day or evening you might run into us.
And welcome to the forums, CableZ. -
Quote:Only the Name Check on the ID Screen was broken, the check in the character lists worked, though you had to already have a character on that particular server for it to do so.By the way, wasn't the check name function broken for a time? I remember a while back that it didn't even properly search or something. Yes, it's nice that it's working now.
I am so surprised that Ray, Payback, Nightstick, and Chance we're not taken. Good job on those. -
Do you per chance have a stealth power on? This has been a problem in the past with certain 'talk to' NPCs inside missions.
And what GrouchyBeast said, even though you are solo, click on Team at the top of your chat window, and click the Quit Taskforce button. -
My only Titan Weapon character so far.
Midnighter's Club -
Contact: Anton Sampson in Founders Falls.
Mission arc: Mass Duplicity.
Mission Retrieve the ledger from Lisa Colbert.
The mission is located in Echo: Dark Astoria which can be accessed only through blueside Ouroboros, a supergroup telepad, or with a mission teleporter power (purchased). This leave few or no options if you are running the missions as a Rogue.
The mission should not be located in Echo: Dark Astoria, but in a zone with heavy Nemesis presence like Founders Falls or Peregrine Island. -
Contact: Percy Winkley
Mission: Origin of Power - Finale: Stop Circle of Thorn
The final mission in Percy Winkley's arc Origin of Power, sends the player to Echo: Dark Astoria which can only be accessed via blueside Ouro, Supergroup telepad, or Mission Transporter, two of which cannot be used by Rogues and the third is a purchased power.
The Finale should send the player to a zone with a heavy CoT presence that can easily be accessed by Heroes and Rogues, such as Perez Park. -
Quote:That is actually incorrect. If you buy a piece or even several, you can still buy the bundle. What you described was happening way back during Beta testing of the Paragon Market.My biggest fear that the devs may unintentionally "trick" players to lock out costume bundles by offering a single part from a bundle, since the market won't let you buy a costume bundle (at least it worked that way once) if you already have a piece from that set.
Don't want to see good will turn to ill will by accident or intent.
It does not work the other way around though, if you buy the set, it will not allow you to buy a costume piece you already own. -
Strangulation scheduled for Janlee at the next Player Summit.
Check. -
Quote:Best part of the post.I've never run a mace OR a stone armor character- so far I'm liking them both. My lad really likes the disorient effect- "Dada, that guy got all DIZZY! Hahaha! Make him dizzy AGAIN!" Stone graphics have always been a problem for me, but with this guy's look it fits right in. I'll post a screen tonight, if I remember.
I've really enjoyed reading your journal, but the snippets you add from your son are hilarious.
Granted, I love Confuse so I'm a little partial to comments like this.
Keep sharing both. -
Freebie Friday details here.
For the trial run, we'll be putting the item up at 4:00 PM PDT/7:00 PM EDT/12:00 AM BST this Thursday, May 10th, 2012. The item will be available until the same time (4:00 PM PDT) on Friday, May 11th, 2012. You can find the Freebie Friday item under the "Featured Items" section of the Paragon Market.
The reason for the times were given on the U-Stream today, the Market has to be manually uploaded for the changes and they didn't want someone up at midnight doing it. -
Rangle, it was a pleasure to meet both you and Impish at the FPS. It was great seeing Veteran attendees and first-timers alike.
Let's hope to see both of you at the Fall FPS. (If there is one, which I hope there is.) -
Quote:Menu>Options>Keymappingalso, quick question-
I'm not liking the quality of my screenshots, I think they're going straight to jpg?
I dimly recall some way to change the format, anyone have any hints?
Scroll to the bottom and choose a key to bind Screenshot (TGA) to. I use the Home key as it's near the PrtScn button. -
Tips on taking screenshots
Okay, I've seen quite a few posts where people are having issues with taking screenshots, particularly within the costume creator. ParakonWiki does have an extensive write up on taking screenshots.
Vista* and Win7* users.
Vista and Win7 have a screen capture app called Snipping Tool, You will find it in the Accessories folder. It allws you to capture free-form, rectangles, windows, and full-screen.
*Vista/Win7 Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, and Enterprise.
Now, on occasion I have come across users that have the 'blank-screen' issue when trying to use 'prnt-scrn' in the Costume Creator. (I know I did until I was pointed towards the Snipping Tool.) I have a work-around that I have yet to see fail for anyone that tries it.
Blank screenshot workaround.
1. Bring up whatever art program you are going to use (MSPaint, GIMP, etc.) I recommend one that is less of a resource hog for these initial screenies.
2. Move said program so that only a small portion of it is visible like the Title bar down at the bottom of your screen. Be sure leave it in the foreground (on top of CoX.)
3. Hit PrintScreen.
4. Move your art app back into view.
5. Paste.
I would actually have two instances of MSPaint running, that way I could select a part of the full screen image, and paste in into the second window gathering a little collection of cropped screenies.
I hope this helps.
Purgatorycapra, I've thoroughly enjoyed your views of a returning player, and again, welcome back to the game. But I'd have to agree with my fellow forumites in that I don't see this as a good idea.
You cannot force community on people, regardless of the space you confine them in. Ingame I interact with people in the Help channel, in my Global channels, in Local, and sometimes even in Broadcast. Community is not based on proximity, it is based on individuals and their interactions with other players, be they friends or not.
The way to create a community is to interact others, standing shoulder to shoulder does not guaranty that, having a dialog between players does not even guaranty that, but it is the first step. Players taking that first step is at times a huge leap of faith, you can never know how someone else may react and I've had some experiences with unknowns that have ranged from this person is still a global friend even after four-plus years to something that was petition-worthy. I have not allowed the bad experiences to sway me from lending a hand or answering a question ingame, because I've made friends that way. That is how a community is built, one conversation at a time. -
Quote:Some street thugs that are generally beneath my notice usually get left unmolested... unless they are attacking some hapless citizen. When I rescue said citizen, thanks is all the reward I need.Now, this seems a little silly. Why would you reward people for fighting mobs that are completely unable to fight back?
But I'm not talking about giving the same as even greens. I'm talking as little as 1 exp and inf per kill.
Because when I am playing my purpled/incarnated 50 and I stop to defeat a purse-snatching Hellion in AP, it would make me feel happy to get even the 1 inf. A reward for doing small things, even when I could be defeating demi-gods.
Wouldn't you feel awesome getting that 1 inf for the in-game equivalent of rescuing a kitten from a tree? Sure, it's not much, but 1 is more than nothing. -
Quote:I logged onto my old second account that I knew would have a locked Controller on it, just to see what information was provided.I think they should let you... but make it completely 100% absolutely clear that you must also buy X, Y, and Z to be able to actually play it. Not a simple click-through dialog that no one will ever read.
What I see is the one character, locked, hovering over the character itself, and then over the actual Unlock icon at the top of the screen.
If I recall correctly, at least back during Beta you used to be able to click the character and unlock them. That may still be the case for a character that is not of an Archetype that is not locked. But clicking on my character doesn't do anything, I have to actually click on the Unlock icon at the top of the screen. Doing so gives me the following popup.
I don't see how it could be made more clear, but as the Freedom Player Summit showed this weekend the Devs are more than willing to listen to suggestions.
594rk, welcome back to the game. I always love to see when people come back to the game.
If you played for a year, then you should have 5 Paragon Reward Tokens. If you look at the top of your character select screen you'll see the Paragon Rewards icon (where mine says Unspent Tokens: 0). Click on it and it will bring up the Paragon Rewards window. You should see something like this.
Tiers 1 through 3 should already be filled and for Remaining Tokens you should have 0. Based on your statement of 1 year played, plus one for have a retail code applied (CoV). 12 months / 3 = 4 tokens for previous subscription.
If you actually have more Tokens, then Remaining Tokens will list ho many. You can slot them into any of the slots of the next Tier up. Hovering over each Slot will tell you what it grants. You must fill an entire Tier to slot into the Tier above it.
If you look to the gauge on the right, hovering over the gold markers going up the right side of the gauge, it will show you the bonuses you get for filling each Tier.
As a Premium Player, you gain more Paragon Reward Tokens (PRT) by purchasing Paragon Points for use on the Paragon Market. One PRT is granted for your first purchase of Paragon Points and for each 1200 points purchased.
More detailed information can be found at Paragon Wiki. -
Melissa 'War Witch' Bianco just celebrated her 10th Anniversary with City of Heroes.
Matt 'Positron' Miller, as he stated in the Anniversary Address - A Letter, started July 15th, 2003. -
Woot! So those that can't attend will have a birds-eye view.
Can't wait for this, see you all on Friday! -
I'll be there.
Lalya, there will likely be one in the Fall as well, that's when these usually go down. This is the first Spring one they've had. Last year's was November and the year before that, October. -
City of Heroes' lead is deminishing. Get the vote out!
Also, unless you've purchased the Aura Unlock, you still have to run the Aura Mission to gain access to them otherwise you only have access to purchased/Tier auras.