Name reserve question
Sounds like a server lag issue. Something similar happened when I released one of my names for someone else not too long ago. I deleted the toon, logged in and told the player that the name was free, and then they came back 2 minutes later saying they could not get it. Upon trying again after a few minutes, they were able to get the name.
On a side-note: what aura? The only one I know of that was once on the market but is no longer there is the bats from the Halloween pack.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

Sounds like a server lag issue. Something similar happened when I released one of my names for someone else not too long ago. I deleted the toon, logged in and told the player that the name was free, and then they came back 2 minutes later saying they could not get it. Upon trying again after a few minutes, they were able to get the name.
On a side-note: what aura? The only one I know of that was once on the market but is no longer there is the bats from the Halloween pack. |

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
The Gaseous Aura.. I believe it was one of the basic auras... its not showing in the Creator or the market on my Primary account.
The only auras that you wouldn't see on the list are the ones that are locked in-game.
Purchasable auras should show in the creator and give you the option to buy if you don't already have it.
Sounds like a bug to me.
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Make sure you don't have the "free only" option at the bottom of the costume creator selected.
The gaseous aura is unlocked with Costumes > Tailor > Aura Unlock option.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Also, unless you've purchased the Aura Unlock, you still have to run the Aura Mission to gain access to them otherwise you only have access to purchased/Tier auras.
OK.. this may be long-winded so bare with me.
I've had a name reserved for a Staff character since I found out about Staves- I had the name held on my 3rd account. This morning I went and deleted the name and recreated it over on my primary account so I can get all the vet rewards I have there.
It's then I realized that I didn't have the 1 aura piece on my primary account that I do have on my 3rd account. After looking for it in the market and not finding the aura I decided just move back to my 3rd acct and be done. Thats where I ran into a issue...
I Can delete the characcter from my primary account.. but when I go back to my 3rd acct it says the name isn't available.. but it is on my primary and 2nd accounts?? Is there a timinig issue? I did this all before work this morning so I just rereserved the name on my primary account and figured I'd try this again tonight- just wondered if anyone ran into this before?
"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat