Red Valkyrja

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  1. Is it possible to create a macro or key bind to turn XP Gain off and on?
  2. I can't say that I've ever heard of that happening. More often than not, it comes though as a blank screen, either solid grey or black.

    Taking a screenshot of any full screen window has always been finicky. If you (or anyone else) are using Vista or Win7, you will find under Accessories the 'Snipping Tool'.
    That will allow you to select areas of the screen to capture.

    Back when I was playing on XP I used to get around the blank screenshot by bringing up Paint, and then moving it down until just the title bar was visible at the bottom of the screen so Windows would see that at the 'active' window, then take my screenshot of the enhancement screen/character creator/etc.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    ok, lets just call issue 24 "rian rerolls/respecs everything" I am extremely pleased with this going to need more slots.

    hey devs, now that martial arts is getting we could sure use some alternate animations to pretty up the package
    Neither are a straight port over of Martial Arts, both Martial Combat and Martial Assault have new animations.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
    Yes, you are chasing a dream. I chased that dream long ago. There is no way to pan your view downward while flying without diving down as well. Prove me wrong somebody?
    Ah, been a while since I've had to perform this. Malice reminded me of something.

    Rotate your camera into t look down position, then hold down the Space bar while flying.

    Problem is, now you can't see where you're going. Though if you're just trying to grab a screenie, it works. You just have to be quick about it before you headbutt a building
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    So use the existing ingame tools the devs added to block blind invites.

    Either set your Search flag to red which blocks invites, or type in /hide and select 1. Hide and block all Invite Options.

    Whenyou are ready to join a team you can reset your flag or unselect /hide.
    Originally Posted by Soul Trapped Burrito View Post
    Err is that something that has come out within the last 6 months or so?

    Never heard of it.
    Both have been in the game since before I started playing though the Search Flags have been given a UI overhaul since then.

    Setting your Search flag by

    1. Clicking on Team at the top of you Chat window (while not on a team.)
    2. Click in the space below 'Search Comment'
    3. Type what you want your Search Comment to say.

    You can also use the /comment command.

    Set your Teaming option by:
    1. Clicking on Team at the top of you Chat window (while not on a team.)
    2. Clicking on the 'You are not looking for a group' drop down menu.
    3. And selecting one of the following:

    You may also use the /lfgset command.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    Do path auras work alongside Super Speed now (except for the flashing at your feet, of course)? The upcoming "minimal FX" Super Speed customization in the next issue might be just the ticket, at least for players who don't mind the path aura being on all the time.
    I believe Path Auras work alongside Super Speed. I think what El D is recommending is to allow for them to be an alternate animation for Super Speed, freeing up the character to use a personal aura like the aforementioned Glowing Eyes (or other personal preference) at the same time. For instance I have a Plant/Thorn that might use Autumnal Path (on Super Speed) and the Leaves Aura.

    Until D mentioned it, I hadn't even thought of the idea. It would be interesting to know if it is even possible, or just so problematic that it's prohibitive.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenjoy View Post
    Change at least one costume piece along with your powers for the game to actually save the changes.

    I've seen this suggestion before. If I recall correctly, you can change a costume piece and change it back, I do not believe that you have to change it permanently.
  8. I'm surprised that CoH didn't make it on the 'Most Dramatic Change' list and sent an email to asking way.

    Also, I voted.
  9. Positron sent out a Tweet several months back, about there having been 6 level 50 Praetorians. With First Ward and now Night Ward allowing Praetorians access to story arc missions up to level 39, I'm sure there are more level 50 Praetorians out there.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Why does a character with water powers have to have a synonym or metaphor for "water" in their name?
    My body shop mechanic 'Sand Blaster' doesn't.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Where's that like button gone?!

    That's all I could come up with.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    Westin gets my vote.
  13. True, Mistress Maria is the Intro contact for Night Ward, even though she's located in First Ward. I forgot her.

    I just keep hearing people repeat that Night Ward is 30-35, which it's not.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post

    These 2 contacts in Night Ward are level 30-50. All others are 30-35. I did these 2 story arcs on 1 character so far and he was about level 43 at the time I did them and yes not through Ouroboros Flashback.
    The highlighted portion is incorrect.

    The Night Ward contacts you are referring to: Montague, Ward, Sir Bedwyr, and The Magician are 30-39.
  15. A few helpful hints on the new tools added to Base Building.

    Once you have placed an object, you can hold down the following keys to move and rotate items.

    Shift+L mouse button = Vertical movement.

    Ctrl+L mouse button = Horizontal movement along the same plane. Still has some glitches so it can be a little frustrating at times, just make sure to have your Patience button pressed at the same time. ^.^

    Alt+L mouse button = Rotation. The rotation point is not the same for all objects, some rotate around a center point, other rotate on a corner.
  16. When you shop at the Thrift Store, you may wind up with something like this, a lot of mismatched things thrown together.

    Or sometimes you can get a decent bed at a consignment store.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    Also being a play on Texarkana, a place in Texas, something I suspect not everyone would automatically realize.
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I read it as "Tex Arkana" initially, at least phonetically, but I didn't know such a place existed.
    Organica was only half-correct. Half of the city of Texarkana lies in the neighboring state of Arkansas, hence Texarkana.

    As for the name, I too was going to recommend maintaining the old nickname as well.
  18. WAI. Every member of the Heist shares the badges earned, no matter who is actually playing which part.
  19. Happy Hatching Day, Rasta!
  20. Welcome back to the game and enjoy!
  21. Correct, those are Invention Origin (IO) Enhancements.

    Single Origin (SO) Enhancements you buy from vendors in the game or gain as drops. The same goes for Dual Origin (DO) Enhancements.

    A new term you may hear or come across is SBEs (Store Bought Enhancements.) These are purchased from the Paragon Market with Paragon Points, are store counterparts to similarly named IO Sets like Mako's Bite and such but ARE NOT Invention Origin. You can slot these regardless as to whether you can use IOs or not. They are account bound so you cannot auction or trade them.

    Another new term you may hear or come across is ATOs (Architype Origin Enhancements), these are typically gained from Super Packs which are purchased from the Paragon Market. but ARE NOT Invention Origin. You can slot these regardless as to whether you can use IOs or not. These are not account bound so you CAN auction and trade these. (Edit: Once a Catalyst has been used on and ATO to upgrade it to a Purple version of the ATO is can no longer be traded or auctioned.)

    Also, people will incorrectly refer to ATOs as ATIOs, this tends to lead to confusion as some will assume that it follows the same rules as the Invention Origin Enhancements.
  22. Sorry about your troubles, Janlee, but do take care of yourself.

    I hope to still see you chatting in the channels and at the FPS.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Marvels View Post
    Thanks guys, the way it is expected, but I'm still in stage 3, and there is still a little over two hours. Very anxious to make the character and play ... rsrsrs
    You can start creating your character now, that's the point of the staged downloads. I know the first time I played, I spent over an hour in the character creator.

    Even with Stage 4 still downloading you can still start making your character, even enter the Tutorial and Atlas if you decide Hero or Mercy if you decide Villain.

    Welcome to the game and feel free to come back here and ask questions or in the [Help] channel.

  24. Tips on taking screenshots

    Okay, I've seen quite a few posts where people are having issues with taking screenshots, particularly within the costume creator. ParakonWiki does have an extensive write up on taking screenshots.

    Vista* and Win7* users.

    Vista and Win7 have a screen capture app called Snipping Tool, You will find it in the Accessories folder. It allws you to capture free-form, rectangles, windows, and full-screen.
    *Vista/Win7 Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, and Enterprise.

    Now, on occasion I have come across users that have the 'blank-screen' issue when trying to use 'prnt-scrn' in the Costume Creator. (I know I did until I was pointed towards the Snipping Tool.) I have a work-around that I have yet to see fail for anyone that tries it.

    Blank screenshot workaround.

    1. Bring up whatever art program you are going to use (MSPaint, GIMP, etc.) I recommend one that is less of a resource hog for these initial screenies.
    2. Move said program so that only a small portion of it is visible like the Title bar down at the bottom of your screen. Be sure leave it in the foreground (on top of CoX.)
    3. Hit PrintScreen.
    4. Move your art app back into view.
    5. Paste.

    I would actually have two instances of MSPaint running, that way I could select a part of the full screen image, and paste in into the second window gathering a little collection of cropped screenies.

    I hope this helps.
