B & W screenprints?
I can't say that I've ever heard of that happening. More often than not, it comes though as a blank screen, either solid grey or black.
Taking a screenshot of any full screen window has always been finicky. If you (or anyone else) are using Vista or Win7, you will find under Accessories the 'Snipping Tool'.
That will allow you to select areas of the screen to capture.
Back when I was playing on XP I used to get around the blank screenshot by bringing up Paint, and then moving it down until just the title bar was visible at the bottom of the screen so Windows would see that at the 'active' window, then take my screenshot of the enhancement screen/character creator/etc.
Hi Guys,
was just ingame with a player having the following problem. Nobody had any idea how to help.
He/She asked how to take a screenie of their build from the enhancement screen. We all gave the same and usual responses (/screenshotui 1 et cetera) and felt smug.
Then they say, "thanks guys that worked but why is it that whatever way I use they are all in Black and White?"
Am really curious what any answers might be and it is probably really obvious!
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Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!