Red Valkyrja

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  1. I haven't tried this yet, been to busy at work. But just for gits ans shiggles, I saved this thread offline so I can reference it later with the demorecords I do have.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Ummm... this is me. Since when have I EVER done the 'proper' thing?

    Well, you got me there, but hey, you're the one that started the movie quote. :รพ
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw NCsoft kill CoH at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

    Thank you, Michelle.
    Well SOMEONE had to say it.

    Besides, I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next person, but this one seems to be right up there with the whole 'chem trails' thing.

    Now see, the proper response would have been...

    "No problem whatsoever."
  4. Red Valkyrja

    Marvel Heroes

    Originally Posted by Alannon View Post
    If you recall, Marvel sued Cryptic over City of Heroes and the ability to create custom characters that looked like Marvel Characters. Now, they are making a Marvel game and you can't help but play a Marvel character. Some logic they have there...

    p.s. DC was cool about Cryptic, saying that it could only help broaden the appeal of superhero comics by having a game that let you make your own. And THEIR game does let you make your own instead of forcing you to use a pre-defined character.

    I'm trying to understand exactly what it is that you're trying to say.

    Yes, Marvel sued NCsoft/Cryptic over copyright/trademark infringement. It was also discovered that it was Marvel employees that had done so. The case was settle out of court, but not because NCsoft would have lost. How do I reckon? That lawyer was at HeroCon '08, he got a standing ovation for "succeeding in fighting off Marvel." I'm sure an out of court settlement was more cost-effective.

    Marvel Heroes is currently being made by Gazillion with permission from Marvel Entertainment. So it makes sense that playing Marvel characters would be okay. Cryptic was originally developing Marvel Universe which fell through and eventually became Champions Online.

    SOE developed DCUO and I don't recall a big stink between them and Cryptic, not that I paid that much attention.

    As far as Marvel Heroes goes, I really have no interest in playing a limited selection of characters, I could get that out of most any standalone or console game.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw NCsoft kill CoH at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

    Thank you, Michelle.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    ...Isn't that telephone booth located in an Alternate Universe... of an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE?!

    That conversation probably just cost you like 45K.
    Faultline is an Alternate Universe now?
  7. I've got more of an ICU unit built, not sure if it will help.

  8. Red Valkyrja

    Other MMOs?

    Wait? There are other MMOs? ... I don't believe you.
  9. Vince "Dark Watcher" D'Amelio

    The man who gave us those seemingly simple, three extra controls that made base editing so much easier.
  10. I've gotten GM Lloyd on several occasions as well. One particular issue took a week to resolve, with the weekend and playing email tag and all, and it was resolved to my satisfaction.

    GM Lloyd and the other GMs I interacted with as I was handed up the chain were all very helpful. I was so impressed that I wrote a letter and sent it in.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    Sorry about that. On the bright side, you only have about 2.5 months left of it. Also... turn off avatars?
    Adblock Plus is far more effective as one can pick and choose which images to block.
  12. Red Valkyrja

    Not Goodbye

    Originally Posted by TheNet View Post
    Loving the your favorite bugs you are all posting. Let me hear more.
    My favourite bug so far, falling off the floating CoT island in Mission Architect and taking 45mil in damage.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cdr_Chaos View Post
    NCSoft gave people no prep time, at all. Unless they want to go down as worse than SOE at handling an MMO, they owe it to the players to give us all VIP status before the end. That or make us all fully leveled Incarnates.
    I'm sorry, but I've spent a lot of hours in this game. I'll be coming up on my 5 year anniversary next month and rarely does a day go by that I don't log into this game.

    All that said, your sense of entitlement astounds me. We (players) lost a creative outlet, a social venue, a home away from reality. The people at Paragon Studios lost their jobs. Which of us do you think got the bigger shaft?

    It really sucks that we're losing City of Heroes, I will miss it and many of the people here greatly. It sucks even more that the majority of Paragon Studios is now looking for work.
  14. That's pretty much it. Log in, screen shot, alt, rinse, repeat.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
    I can only state that I know who my next MMO will not be published by... Not a company that undervalues its community of content developers and its clients.

    I have been looking into the "secret societies / conspiracy" MMO, and am still awaiting patiently for that FTP online mecha game coming soon.

    Nothing official except "no elves".
    I played a member of a secret society during it's beta. Interesting game, but I didn't find it enough so to fork out for a sub.
  16. Red Valkyrja

    Bootleg Edition

    Originally Posted by Supraman View Post
    That's what i was hoping since i can unlock the VIP items and drop to premium afterwards which would give me a few additionally benefits for character building that i wouldn't get on a free account. Can someone list the stuff i would get for free that transfers over when i drop to premium?



    Just out of curiousity, which VIP items were you looking to "unlock"?
  17. Stalkers do very well in Praetoria, especially with the updates. I took three through 1-20 Praetoria pre-adjustment. If you're solo then the ambush mobs are manageable. I've taken one of them through First Ward pre-update and Night Ward, post-update.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post

    He did a fine thing by getting this crazy ball rolling, but would have served the game better by moving on after getting the backing organized.
    Or like some people, learned from his children and become a better person for it. ^.^
  19. Red Valkyrja

    New player

    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    As a first time player, he won't have access to global channels unless he buys a bunch of points.
    In case you don't understand what StarGeek was talking about your Tier level in the Paragon Rewards Program determines what you have access to in the game. To see it, click on this icon either at your character select screen on in-game.

    Clicking on it will open up your Paragon Rewards Tree.

    Every $15 worth of point you purchase in the Paragon Market will earn you a Paragon Reward Token, which you then slot into the tree above. In order to drop any given Token into a slot, the Tier below must already be filled. So that in order to place a Token into a Tier 3 slot, Tier 2 will have to be filled. Note: Your very first purchase of Paragon Points will grant you a bonus Token, so even a $5 purchase will get you a Token.

    If you can afford it, the $50 option will give you 4600 Points (4000+600 bonus points for buying in bulk) to spend in the Market AND 4 Reward Tokens. (3 for 3*1200 worth of points and your first purchase bonus Token.)

    If you hover over each of the slots, they will tell you what perk they will give you in-game.

    Notice the thermometer on the right-hand side, as you acquire more Tokens (by purchasing points in the Market) this will increase. Hovering over the gold arrow will show you what you will have access to for filling a particular Tier level.

    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    True. In that case I recommend using the Looking for Group channel. It's available to free players and is a good source of teams.
    Fix'd, the LFG (Looking for Group) global channel is a good place to find teams on every server. True, you may see chatter more so on some servers than others but I've always seen people looking for teams or calling out TFs/SFs/Trials.

    Oh, and Welcome to the Game Coruno. ^.^
  20. For the more tech-minded in our forums community, they'll want you to run CoH Helper and post the results here.

    My first thought is, how often do you blow the dust out of your system? Fans and heat sinks will get clogged, in some environments you'll have to blow them out at least once a month if not more often.

    My second thought, your video card is dying. My laptop did the same thing, though it's graphics started glitching before it finally melted, mostly due to poor design by HP.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I'm a bit of an absolutist on this issue.

    Combined with NC's seemingly official copywrite position When In Doubt, **** the Players! there isn't much room for puppies & rainbows. =P
    I'll be more than happy to /petition Incredible Hulks/Skeletors/Ironmans all day long if it means NCsoft isn't having to waste money on another lawsuit.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    /Macro tXP OptionToggle NoXP
    That works perfectly, thanks StarGeek.
  23. I'm sure someone out there knows how to craft a macro that cycles between the two, but you've gotten me closer than I was, Hopeling. Thanks. ^.^
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    I do not encourage this, only for discussion purposes. But let us discuss. How far off of this image do you need to be for it to be creatively (important to me) and inoffensive to corporations (important to NCsoft.) Again, the conversation has two main thrusts, finding out what is cool artistically, and finding out what is cool with actually doing in game without agroing the powers that be and taking their time away from getting me my danged Bio armor. Thank you in advance for your kind replies.
    Honestly, what you can get away with is subjective, it all depends on the player reporting said "tribute" character, because they are the ones notifying the GMs. It is then the GMs discretion as to whether the character is generic-worthy and they tend to err on the side of caution.

    Typically, if a costume is close enough that I actually look at their bio as well, then their costume alone is worth a petition.