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  1. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    Nonsense. That data all gets sent once: when you load their character. Just like all the other costume data.

    So yeah, there's about an extra 32-50 bytes of data to download per character but you only load it once. It would not be a noticeable increase over what is already happening when you enter a crowded area on dialup.
  2. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    The "extra data" would be pretty inconsequential even to a modem user running at 36K.

    I'm against turning off seeing custom colors, too. People are forced to see what color my underpants are, there's no reason to hide any other parts of my costume. Can you disable my pink assault rifle? My cape?
  3. You might be surprised how many players are willing to SK/LK up. Or how many 50s don't mind being brought down a few dozen levels.

    I can't tell you how many times I've faced Frostfire at level 50.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I used the heck out of the WAR teaming. It could have used some UI changes but it was great.

    [/ QUOTE ]So did I, so did I.

    It's barely used now, though (but I'm willing to grant you that that might be because of a dearth of players). Just like the current team search got used pretty well for a few months after it was renovated and then settled into the state it is today. You might be unaware, but the search feature you use is a revamp and much improved system compared to what was released.

    Team Search features are wasted effort and pointless this late into the lifespan of a MMORPG. We're not gonna use it much more even if it was the greatest feature ever made in any MMORPG.

    Even in the most successful MMORPG ever in the history of the world, they tried to fix their teaming feature set and it did very little to improve the experience of trying to form a team. People just avoided using it and relied on the tried and true old searching and sending PMs or spamming general.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not sure of the Devs' rationale for this as it SEEMS to discourage teaming, which is contrary to anything they've ever done before.

    [/ QUOTE ]Well, to be honest, one big change under Posi's tenure from States is the approach to teaming.

    Yeah, a lot of this game is about forcing you to team. Most of that came from Statesman, who had an approach to "encourage" teaming by creating those gosh darn SUPER FUN "3 team members must click these bombs at the same time" missions.

    Statesman's approach to encouraging a gameplay behavior was always basically murdering Timmy's parents and then threatening to do the same to little Timmy unless he joined a team and started playing the "Right way" immediately.
  6. If it was something we wanted to see in broadcast we wouldn't denigrate it by calling it spam.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm just wondering how that would even be workable. You seem to want to define a Team by the leader and how many people are in it. But both of those things can change. A team is a fluid object that can change completely over a period of time. You could start a team with members A B and C, over time gain members D E and F, then lose members A B and C. Is the current state of the team the same as the original state of the team when A first formed it? How do you organize these objects for searching? How do you organize them at all?

    I'm sorry but this doesn't make any sense to me at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think it would be possible to make the team search window dynamic enough to handle such things. Would be up to the devs to decide how to implement it.

    EDIT: The danger that the OP overlooks with the private team option however, is if what if most team leaders start marking their team as private?

    THAT part of the suggestion could make finding teams even harder.

    [/ QUOTE ]That's probably exactly what would happen, too.

    Honestly, with how little used the team search feature is (people barely ever set their flags or search notes nowadays and the only real flag you can trust is the big red one), they definitely do NOT need to touch it.

    Team search features in every single MMORPG I have ever played all vary from very in-depth and useful and easy to use to plain old arcane and they all have one thing in common: hardly anyone ever uses them.

    In the end, even in a game that made teaming the easiest I'd ever seen it (by default, your team is listed as "Open" and anyone can join it unless it is full and even then you just create a raid/warband to make it bigger), Warhammer Online, the playerbase is still afraid to create a team themselves. And being the leader of a team in that game, in most circumstances, is generally meaningless.
  8. I've pulled off the TF with a tank easy enough. I mostly just had the Phalanx do all the work.

    I haven't pulled off the Silos SF, though. For some reason it seems even more difficult to manage my teammates when they're Arachnos.
  9. Well, the fact that they don't appear in old content kind of answers the question of why. It must be something they need to do by hand because it doesn't automatically proliferate, possibly on a mission-by-mission basis. Which is a lot of tedious work, so it hasn't happened.
  10. They've had banner ads on PvP Online and Penny Arcade very recently. For about a month.

    They have recurring features on MMORPG.com and IGN.

    You people suggesting they're not trying to market the game are dense.
  11. I don't encounter GM staff too much. The one issue I had was a mission with no mission door (which had been the straw on the camel's back that made me take a few months off). When I came back, the door still didn't exist so I filed a report. The standard GM couldn't help me so here comes Gilgamesh himself to fix me!
  12. Razoras


    ... pass me the au grotten potatoes!

    ... go back to jail and do not collect $200!

    ... use the handrail at all times in low gravity areas!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes. Rick Dakan is the "father" of City of Heroes. It was his idea, not Jack's, as so many people seem to think. Rick created Nemesis, the Rikti, the 5th Column, and who knows how much else. He was a writer for the game at least through Issue 2 (he claims to have had some writing involvement with the Shadow Shard, I don't know how much). There was a much more detailed article on warcry.com from just before Issue 3's release, but it seems to have been removed.

    [/ QUOTE ]I think Jack gets credit because game media sucks and doesn't do any research or doesn't care. Everyone interviewed and chatted with Rick during the early days of development, but once they brought Jack in as Lead Designer suddenly it was Jack's creation. Most people interviewing Jack probably didn't interview Dakan or really know anything about previous developer interviews.

    Then players read all that and don't know any better and ultimately you end up with Rick Dakan basically being entirely unknown except and virtually uncredited ("Special Thanks" in the manual, but game development credits are incredibly sketchy generally) with a few exceptions while Jack gets to tromp around Cryptic Studios as the father of City of Heroes.
  14. Here's an article about Rick Dakan.

    He was originally the Lead Designer of CoH and we have him to thank for a lot of the lore and story. CoH wouldn't have existed without him.
  15. I think relating E&B's death to EVE Online is really a stretch.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Controls were crap

    [/ QUOTE ]Yeah, I had watched the movie while waiting for the game to show up to get amped up and then was supremely disappointed by how crappy the gameplay was.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    This isn't directed at you BaB's, but you guys gotta get your house in order.

    [/ QUOTE ]This is a really major dropped ball and was probably an ill-advised post by BAB.

    It's pretty tempting to echo the "Did you guys know there's a chat bug?" Or the long-standing issue of channels not keeping their color settings during zoning, etc.

    Hard not to get pretty jaded and cynical when we see a post like that.
  18. They took away my old sounds and gave me new ones dangit!
  19. Rather than animated revolving doors, they should be made into PhysX revolving door objects that behave like the doors on the telephone booths. Players can either carefully push through or get treated with pieces of doors exploding and flying all over as they run through.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Bcause buildings have doors.

    [/ QUOTE ]Quote the heck out of this.
  21. We had similar posts like this when they fixed the Gunslingers a few years ago. Suddenly Gunslingers were overpowered because now they did more than shoot their single attack and teleport around.

    I'm a little curious about how other villains behave now. Malta's new behavior is likely the result of tweaks to AI to fix problems observed in AE. What other enemies out there use their powers better, now? This surely can't be something solely restricted to Malta fights. How about Outcasts? They would seem like a type of group that would get stuck in "brawl mode" prior to this change.
  22. We need Lady Liberty to start spinning around and gesticulating every time someone clicks her.
  23. Razoras


    [ QUOTE ]
    Now we need a much brighter cursor.. I can't tell where I'm typing in my ID window..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Make sure that you call it a caret, not a cursor, in a feature request so you can speak right in dev jargon and get priority seating for speaking the secret language.

    A cursor is your mouse pointer and the caret is the vertical flashy bar in a text field.