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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    The super easy way to get the Test Server set up is to copy the City of Heroes launcher shortcut that you have on your desktop. (Rename the link something like "CoH Test Server" so you know which is which.) Right click on the copy, and select Properties. For the line where it lists the link to the program, encapsulate the whole thing in quotes and add -test to the end. It should look like this if you've installed it to your default location:
    "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CoHUpdater.exe" -test

    Hit OK to accept the changes, then double click the shortcut. It will ask if you want to install the CoH test client, and let you pick where you want to install it to (default is "C:\Program Files\CoHTest\"). Let it begin the install, but when it begins to download things, immediately cancel out.

    Navigate to your City of Heroes install directory (default "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\") and hit Ctrl+A to select everything. Copy everything in the directory.

    Navigate to your CoHTest install directory, and paste the contents of your CoH directory there.

    Go back to your CoH Test Server shortcut and run it again. It will do a repair (takes no more than a few minutes) and then only download the updates beyond what is available on the live servers.

    This will save you several hours and a lot of bandwidth.

    (Just to make it extra-easy to differentiate between the two shortcuts at a glance, I also changed my CoH Test Server shortcut to have the City of Villains logo as an icon. )
    This always seemed to work for me in the past. No luck after a Windows reinstall. Updater is fixing files right now. So, I will just let it do its thing.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    We don't care about people who ragequit without thinking logically, though. They are like the AE babies, we are better off without them.
    But they just won't DIIIIIE! Or maybe they were already undead... roaches... ewwwwww.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hard Kisses View Post
    nvr said i cared either way, jus stating a fact of life in this game. idc what i pay as long as i get it
    And this is why I will continue to take ALL of your influence if possible. It is NOT my fault you are willing to pay 10 times the worth of something to have it now, but then again, you said you don't care. SO PAY ME!

    The market sucks FOR YOU. Not me.. it is fantastic over here in the "I can wait a couple of hours for a bid to fill." It IS your fault that market prices rise so high because YOU don't care how much YOU pay for an item. Don't throw dirt on me because you are dumb enough to pay spiked prices.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Yes, you will need to purchase another whole copy of CoH in order to start a second account. No, the same billing info on both won't throw up any flags.
  5. Just had a quick question about starting a second account. I was wondering if I need to make another purchase of CoX? Generally, just the process. Want to do some self-pl over the 2xp weekend. Also, would using the same billing information cause any flags to be thrown?

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
    Humm... there was a bug during Closed Beta that prevented users to create characters on Test server. The problem seemed to be that the server did not recognize any character slots above the basic 12.

    The workaround: delete characters until you have less than 12, and try again.

    BUT... this is from memory, so you might want to wait for someone to confirm / correct this information before trying.
    Heh.. I am Mr.Overkill.. I deleted everything, and it worked. Thanks!
  7. I didn't see this posted anywhere, but, I am unable to make any new characters on the test server. I deleted all the ones I copied over the years. Are they restricting anything due to the dual pistols beta? Thanks!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
    OH PLEASE. Those calls were all legit and you know it.

    -tosses Silver Tooth a black and gold towel-

    QQ Moar! I got a Superbowl party to plan.
    Yeah, I think the Saints had nine penalties for 90 yards and the Vikings had 2.. So unfair.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post


    WHO DAT!

    Man.. That atmosphere was AMAZING! I was so impressed with the community as well. No riots or violence that I have heard about. Been 43 years in the making. I myself have been waiting for 28 of those years. Regardless of the outcome of the Superbowl, this football team has helped erase the Katrina memories that were associated with the Dome.

  10. Well, in about 24 hours, I will be in the big easy soaking up that atmosphere. The team means so much to that city... It is going to be such a great, great thing to be a part of. So excited about the game.. WOOOOOOOOO!! WHOO DAT!
  11. Yeah, the Saints/Vikings game is going to come down to the amount of pressure on Brees. Even if the Vikes get some pressure, he gets rid of the ball so quickly that it is hard to get a sack. The vikings have a weak secondary, so if our offensive line holds up, it is going to be a very long game for Brett Favre and company.

    The Noise in the Superdome is going to be... insane. I know it is going to be hard to rattle Brett, but if they can't hear play calls and start getting false starts, you can hang it up. GEAUX SAINTS!
  12. Well, the Saints are back to form after destroying the Cardinals. Minnesota crushes the cowgirls. To all the doubters saying NO was done, see ya next week. I bought my tickets for the NFC championship game over a week ago. Like I said, NO is healthy now on both sides of the ball. Going to be very tough to beat, especially in New Orleans.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    To be honest (since I'm a Redskins fan), as long as the Cowboys, Eagles and/or Patriots don't win the SB I'm fine.

    I'll be rooting for the Saints to win it all I guess...I like to see 'new' teams win the SB...like the Saints/Vikings/Jets/Bengals/Chargers/etc.
    HI 5!! I am a Louisiana native, so yeah I am pulling for the Saints. I despise the Cowboys, but damn did they trounce Phillie, not once, but twice. Alot of folks fell off the Saints bandwagon, but there were a ton of injuries on the defensive side of the ball. Everyone is close to healthy, so we will see where we are next week.

    The jets looked really, really good. They played their game, great defense and a good ground attack. I really think it is up in the air. If the Saints get back on track, they will be almost impossible to beat. The Cowgirls are playing great football and so are the Chargers. This should be some great playoff football.

    Oh and WHO DAT!!
  14. I recently upgraded to 7 after running XP for the past 3-4 years. I wasn't going to run Vista either. 7 seems very stable and not nearly as bloated as I was afraid of. I am probably going to buy the 64 bit version of 7. (running an evaluation copy at the moment)

    I say go for it. Coh runs fine and I havent encountered a single problem as of yet.
  15. Very, very nice indeed! Thank you!
  16. So glad you weren't hurt! Kudos for fighting back as well. Go smack a punching bag or run a couple of miles if you need to!
  17. Those aren't bad, I have seen much much worse. Really cool letting him use his imagination like that!
  18. Pure_Massacre


    Nice.. I didn't spot ze loyalist. Can't wait for GR. /threadjack. Wait.. I jacked my own thread.. so freaking dirty..
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
    Thirds post, and already I'm gonna cheat by posting two because I just can't pick one over the other.

    Both are from Secondhand Lions that I watched with the kids a few weeks ago. I'd probably pick differently if another movie was still in my head, but there it is.
    I LOVED that line from Second Hand Lions. Great movie.
  20. Pure_Massacre


    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Have you tried this and this?

    Also, this power reduces enemy damage.

    Thugs and thermal will work just fine. Be sure to stack maneuvers and slot your enforcers for defense. You'll do fine, but levels 18-23 will suck. Don't worry, they do for any mastermind. Scrapyarders.
    Yeah took both of those. Not having any real problems at the moment. I suppose I am used to storm and dark. Having debuffs that just practically stop incoming damage. Thanks for the heads up folks.
  21. Pure_Massacre


    I was playing this combo and got it to 10 so far. I was wondering how well these two will mesh later in the career? I do have some buffs to keep them standing a bit in a fire fight.. but I don't see anything to actually reduce the incoming damage. Is this a combo that just isn't going to work too well together? Thanks for any general advice!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Machine_Man_X View Post
    My current and by far favorite scrapper is Fire/Shield/Blaze. I'd put it up against any scrapper for farming speed. I also think Elec/Shield would be comparable for pure no boss farming, but lacks the single target damage to finish off bosses as fast as Fire.

    Aside from farming, a F/S/B scrapper is a top notch all around scrapper. The single target damage make it a superior candidate for AV and GM killing (on teams). With Aid Self, you would also be a pretty solid AV soloer, though I personally did not go this route.

    All that said, its going to be expensive to get to that point. But hey, what good is farming if you have nothing to spend it on, right?
    This. Electric is great with no bosses. Fire is going to be much faster if you decide to farm with bosses. They may even be equal in terms of farming no boss maps.
  23. Hmm I think ours was.. 29-30 minutes. ITF. Speed run, skipped as much as we could.