Characters on Test
Humm... there was a bug during Closed Beta that prevented users to create characters on Test server. The problem seemed to be that the server did not recognize any character slots above the basic 12.
The workaround: delete characters until you have less than 12, and try again.
BUT... this is from memory, so you might want to wait for someone to confirm / correct this information before trying.
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Humm... there was a bug during Closed Beta that prevented users to create characters on Test server. The problem seemed to be that the server did not recognize any character slots above the basic 12.
The workaround: delete characters until you have less than 12, and try again. BUT... this is from memory, so you might want to wait for someone to confirm / correct this information before trying. |
Well, actually, it wasn't a bug - they cleared the record of "purchased" slots.
You don't actually have to delete anything, just "purchase" and apply slots until you've got a space to create again.
The test server will not charge anything, thus why purchase is in quotes. It'll give you all the warnings, but will NOT charge.
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Actually, I think what happened is this:
Character Data from the original Training Room was copied over to Training Room 02. Training Room 01 was taken offline, and Training Room 02 was set to be the defualt server for Test. As such, "purchased" slots didn't make the move, and need to be re-"purchased".
If you have anyone on your Global Friends list on the Training Room, you'll notice that it says they're on Training Room 02.

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I didn't see this posted anywhere, but, I am unable to make any new characters on the test server. I deleted all the ones I copied over the years. Are they restricting anything due to the dual pistols beta? Thanks!