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Quote:Storm powers getting fixed to their appropriate damage scale...
That's an evil thought. Probably true, but an evil thought.
Whelp, I'm probably gonna get shot for posting this, but here-goes!
At this point it needs to be done. There's too much discrepancy now between newer and older 'storm' powers.
Why should Water Blast be the only Corr set that uses the proper AT modifiers for its 'storm' pseudo pet?
Why should Corr Fire Blast get Blaster-level Rain of Fire, while Defender's version doesn't? Yet Defender's Ice Blast gets a full Ice Storm and Blizzard.
While they're at it, they should fix all pseudo pets.. Give Brutes a proper Shield Charge, Scrappers too. Scale Trip Mine/Time Bomb properly on MM/Corruptor Traps. Look into Domination effecting stuff like Volcanic Gases, Tar Patch should be best on Defenders, etc etc.
All this pseudo pet business is a huge mess now and reeks of lazy game design. It gives legacy sets advantages or disadvantages, depending on which way the pendulum swings.. In my humble opinion it needs to be sorted out, and has for a long time. -
Quote:Is this even the case for married couples?If I was a Mod, I'd instantly change it to MrsYouKnowWho.
Also, your memory must be mistaken, since accounts aren't allowed to be transferred. Your husband was helping you to set up your own brand new account and he signed you in with a name you'd like changed... right? Riiiiiight? Surely that's what you'll put in the Personal Message (PM).
Aren't they legally "one unit" for these like this? -
Procs don't care about the enhancement level right? Only whether or not you have access to that power?
So couldn't you turn your low level attacks into buzzsaws? -
Quote:The look popularized by Aladdin is IMO possibly safe. I can think of some possibly offensive things you could do with that costume, although I can think of probably worse things you can do with a few other parts.
The truth of the matter is nothing is safe. Anything the devs put out could be used in a derogatory matter. Just because you, me, or little Johnny can't think of a way, doesn't mean that the guy across the street can't.
The whole excuse of "But so-and-so could be used in an non-politically correct manner" is getting so old, and possibly preventing so many perfectly valid additions to this game that I am getting completely and utterly sick of it.
I know you weren't reasoning as such, but I'm sure someone in this thread is bound to.
And yes, Jafar's cape would be totally badass. Same with the robe that the Warlock in Venture Bros wears.. His name escapes me atm. (Orpheus I think?) -
I completely agree with what everyone is saying in this thread.
Quote:It's nice and refreshing to see someone in an MMO who actually has this type of attitude.. And it seems to be fairly wide-spread among the CoH population.
It made me feel kind of guilty, I had something in the game that they'd never get to use, and they simply weren't playing at the time they could have gotten it (RL issues).
Just another reason why I stick to this game.. Everyone's not a bunch of ego-stroking jerks out for only themselves. -
Maybe a mix of Living Hologram, Solid Hologram, and Hologram?
Boss pet could be "Living"
LT pets could both be "Solid"
2 minions could be "Hologram", with another being Solid.
Another idea is you could tack some term on to the end of Holo~. To many people Holo alone is enough for them to understand that it's a hologram of some sort.
Holobeast, Holosentinal, Holobrute, Holofiend.. etc etc.
The minions could be "Holorascal"
2x Lts could be "Holofiend"
Boss could be "Holobeast"
Capitalizing the second word makes it stand out more (Holorascal vs HoloRascal), but that might not be your cup of tea.
Just some brain storms, hope it helps a bit. -
Quote:"Rain of Bananas" Slow and KD.. Banana peels cause the KD, banana "mush" causes the slows xDthat banana one is bit...strange.
Banana Blast set...well ever got hit by a banana before? It stings a bit. "Defeating evil by the power of the banana. Shadowhunter does not stand a chance!" I can done kd, smash damage, and what other affects?
"Bananatrops": "You toss a multitude of banana peels over a small area. Enemies who wander into the targeted area are likely to hilariously trip and fall over the banana peels, causing minor smashing damage over time." -
Quote:What about mom's? Why not make a pregnancy themed power set? Mom's could fight crime with their baby cannon.
Tier 1 - Baby Cannon - Mom does a backflip and out shoots junior wielding a mace to hit the target over the head then snaps back like a rubberband to reload.
Tier 2 - That's Gotta Hurt - Junior pops out throwing shurikens
Tier 3 - It's Triplets - Three babies pop out wielding flame throwers in a cone attack
Tier 4 - Labor Pains - Mom lets out a bellow AoE that stuns all her opponents
Tier 5 - Breathe! - Mom's breathing lets her temporarily boost her endurance
Tier 6 - Push! - This power builds up a boost to damage
Tier 7 - I Want Morphine! - AoE Opponents affected flee in terror as mom demands a pain killer and explains how she intends to pull everyones bottom lip up over their heads so they can "share" what she's feeling.
Tier 8 - Sympathetic Labor Pains - AoE Affected opponents clutch their stomachs as they experience gut wrenching Labor Pains
Tier 9 - Summon Babies - Three Babies are "born" (pets) One wields a mace, another Shurikens, the Third a Flamethrower.
Holy hell that was a fun read xD
Trying to envision what these powers would look like in-game really made me laugh. Would this be the first gender-locked Powerset? What about "Huge" body frames, could they use it? -
It's worth noting that Howling Twilight and Dark Pit do stack quite well and are up together quite often with enough recharge. I'm sure you know this, but you didn't mention it.. So I thought it was worth bringing up.
I personally wouldn't bother with Invoke Panic to stack with Fearsome Stare.. I find that any bosses that didn't happen to be mezzed (remember, Stare has a chance to do Mag4) are so debuffed into the ground by everything else that they aren't much of an issue.
Also worth noting, that if you have the spare power slot and want to add even more soft control to your arsenal, that you can slot the new KB IO into Torrent to turn it into a nice KD tool. TT doesnt come baked with any sort of -KB values, so you can take full advantage of Torrent.
As for Power Boost, that's up to you. Longer mez duration is generally a good thing, and Soul is otherwise a very solid pool, also coming with Soul Drain to boost your damage and a pet. Power Boost also allows Fearsome Stare to totally floor enemy To-Hit in one application, and makes the fear last a hell of a long time. -
Dark/Archery should be quite solid, and not too bad on the redraw either.
You might open up with 3 or so powers (Fearsome Stare, Tar Patch, maybe Darkest Nights if you really need it) then after that its pew pew time until you need to reapply Stare.
Dark is great at locking mobs down at a distance. Allowing your cone AoE to do its job, and preventing them from scattering before you can fire off Rain of Arrows.
I would recommend slotting the new KB --> KD proc into Explosive Arrow. Otherwise it might blow mobs off of your Tar Patch.
You might have to fire off your heal a few times. But with all your debuffs going around that usually isn't a constant nagging thing unless the proverbial poop hits the fan. -
Dark Blast and Traps has some good cohesion.
To-Hit debuffs stack well with FFG and Seekers
AoE immob means they won't be running from Acid Mortar or off Caltrops
Dark has a heal in it, something that Traps lacks. Traps does have a good Regen power though.
The AoE stun in Dark Blast should stack with Seekers, not sure how useful that will be in practice though.
It may seem a bit whacky in concept, but it is quite viable in practice. -
Trip Mine - 5 ft range summon, un-interruptable.
Time Bomb - Long Range summon - player controlled detonation - un-interruptable - Basically turn this power into an Omega Maneuver clone with the option to detonate early.
While we're at it, standardize the power damages. Corruptors/MM seem to be using Blaster modifiers, and Defenders are stuck with Defender modifiers. (120ish vs 190ish for Trip Mine, 180 vs 272 for Time Bomb)
It's a huge damage discrepancy and its rather unfair to the Defender. Either boost Defender mine damage closer to what Corruptors/MM get, or bring theirs down.
I realize that Defenders are a "non-high damage AT". However, their primary power should not be that overshadowed by another AT's secondary version. Defender Time Bomb does less than Corruptor Trip Mine for crying out loud! -
Hello and welcome to CoH!
I'm sorry to hear you're having such a problem, however I would recommend you try posting in the Tech Support section of the forums. You are more likely to get this kind of help there. They too are "Full Access" -
Quote:And why do we have absolutely zero sets with a chance for cold damage?!?!?!!
I wouldn't mind seeing a new ranged damage set that has one. (yes, ranged damage, hear me out).
There are absolutely no pure-damage procs in a current (Non-Purple/PvP) Ranged Set. They are all survival procs, with a relatively low chance (chance to heal, chance to hold). Or a chance to BU with an abysmal proc rate
In contrast, Melee sets have a metric ton of them.. I never understood this discrepancy and it makes some of my ranged toons cry.
Or hell, a new universal damage set that *isn't* linked to some event and doesn't require a butt-load of merits to obtain. -
Also, I am surprised to hear they are buffing Aid Self.. I was half-expecting a nerf. I seem to remember a past dev or two was very unhappy with how powerful it was on certain toons, but didn't want to put it on the chopping block.