Merge IO categories

Adeon Hawkwood



There's a few set categories, like Targeted AoE, that have a grand total of three sets going for them {five if you count PvP and purples}. There's also set categories {like Ranged damage} that share all the enhancement facets with far, far more sets available.

So; if sets are similar enough in purpose, why not roll them into one category? Ranged and TAoE, Melee and PBAoE, most mezzes {though those might need rewriting to cover multiple effects}, etc.? There'd be less frustration over finding a recipe that can be slotted in a power, and recipes and salvage that generally go unused might finally see some use.



Perhaps a better solution would be to add more sets to these categories with too few sets?

There's been a lot of clutter added to the drop tables for a while now. This would swing things back in the right direction and make up for those 10,000 Gabriel's Hammers I have deleted/vendored.

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That would work too - I guess it's kind of a question whether it would take more resources to merge categories, or implement new sets from scratch.



Many of the procs from single target sets are balanced against just hitting one enemy. The chance to hold is in the single target ranged for a reason; they don't want characters group holding mobs via rain of fire, ball lightning, frost breath, etc.

The other issue to merging is the bonuses...PBAoE sets tend to be survival-based, as they are meant to be used in the thick of things. Defense bonuses, hitpoint/regen bonuses, even resistance bonuses are found in PbAoE sets. Targeted AoE? Only one set has one PvE defense. Given their history, I doubt the devs would give all the close AoE +defense/hp/regen survival tools to sets that are more bent toward ranged AoE's.

Also, ST sets tend to have stronger bonuses, many times for fewer slots. This makes me think that they made bonuses so that if you are better against single targets, you are hardier, while if you have a bunch of AoE's you lose access to those stronger bonuses by being able to kill lots of things fast.

Beyond the types of the bonuses is the number. Most power sets have limited number of a variety of types...single target, an AoE or two, a soft or hard control, you get the idea. This variety sets a limit on how many times a player can dip into bonus pools, as one power set may be able to take advantage of, say, a bunch of kinetic combats, whilst another cannot because of the set type limits. Merging sets would simply mean everybody could max out to the 5 rule ASAP. Variety AND limit of options in IO sets is an integral part of their balance.



I don't want different set types merged together.

I might get confused and buy a Targeted AOE instead of a Ranged.



WE need more IO sets in several categories. More Targeted AoE sets, for sure. But also purple Resistance and Defense sets. And why do we have absolutely zero sets with a chance for cold damage?!?!?!!

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~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Just need better Targeted AoE sets. Other than Ragnarok, the rest are awful.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
At least targeted AoEs are good spots for AT-specific IOs.
Correct. My poor Water Corruptor though. I guess there are much worse problems to have than 4 AoEs!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
At least targeted AoEs are good spots for AT-specific IOs.
It depends on the AT. My Blaster's tend to stick Blaster's Wrath there but for several of my Defenders I'd rather have the PBAoE heal proc in one of my single target attacks (particularly if it's my only self heal).



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Many of the procs from single target sets are balanced against just hitting one enemy. The chance to hold is in the single target ranged for a reason; they don't want characters group holding mobs via rain of fire, ball lightning, frost breath, etc.
Something to keep in mind here is that with the change to PPM in I24 the issue of procs in AoEs versus Single Target powers should be largely sorted out.



And the inexplicable range limitations to be extended, especially for the low level ones that are just 10 or 15 levels in range.

And for the levels to go to multiples of 5 like the S/D/TOs so that the market doesn't have all those entries that only vary from their neighbor by less than one percent. That level of fine detail isn't needed. (And change the -3 Levels for bonuses to work to -5.)

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And for the levels to go to multiples of 5 like the S/D/TOs so that the market doesn't have all those entries that only vary from their neighbor by less than one percent. That level of fine detail isn't needed. (And change the -3 Levels for bonuses to work to -5.)
Or just change them all to function like SBEs.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
And why do we have absolutely zero sets with a chance for cold damage?!?!?!!

I wouldn't mind seeing a new ranged damage set that has one. (yes, ranged damage, hear me out).

There are absolutely no pure-damage procs in a current (Non-Purple/PvP) Ranged Set. They are all survival procs, with a relatively low chance (chance to heal, chance to hold). Or a chance to BU with an abysmal proc rate

In contrast, Melee sets have a metric ton of them.. I never understood this discrepancy and it makes some of my ranged toons cry.

Or hell, a new universal damage set that *isn't* linked to some event and doesn't require a butt-load of merits to obtain.