635 -
Not sure about the Nems, but I believe the Quartz Emitters come with a to-hit buff of 100%, or some silly-large number like that.
Ooh yes, several times.
Everytime I try a new MMO it reminds me of why I love this game so much and I come back to it in short order.. I don't think any other MMO has held my attention for more than 1 month for years now. While CoH keeps me occupied year round.. Granted I'm not as hardcore as I once was, but I still get decent playtime in.
A few reasons why I keep coming back.
The community - MMO players as a whole are usually quite immature. This does not seem to be as true in CoH, even after the flux of F2P players (I have heard more raunchy jokes/comments in the last year than the previous 6 combined.. But its still a far cry from other games)
Costume Editor - 'Nuff said.
Ability to have unique builds - This is a biggy for me.. I love tinkering with builds and leveling them up. Many other games either have a cookie-cutter level progression (IE everyone gets the same skills at specific levels) or a talent tree. Talent trees are nice, but pale in comparison to this game's build system. The difference between two characters with the same AT/Powersets can be extremely robust, and I love it.
Enhancements - I love the idea of enhancements. I like being able to tweak the attributes of powers to my liking. Many times when I'm playing another MMO I'll look at one of my abilities, look at the cooldown and say "well I could half that with SO.. err.. wait, no I cant". It makes me feel restricted knowing I'm stuck with a specific set of attributes that the Devs set beforehand, with very little ways to adjust it outside of maybe a talent or two.
And lately I have grown quite fond of our dev team, and how much they actually communicate with the player base. They might not do everything we want, with good reason I might add, but they sure interact a heck of a lot more than most dev teams do. -
That comes off as incredibly corny lol..
And ya, something is wrong with Marauder's smile.. I would have put a more serious smirk on him, not a goofy ****-eating grin. -
Quote:I think this pretty much hit the nail on the head.Just to start the discussion (argument?) again..I think part of the problem with wanting and finding average comparisons is that the average person..most likely (judging from all the players I know) wont actually LOOK on the forums for advice. They will just ask in game on Help, ask friends etc etc.
The ones posting are more of the min max type, and WANT those end level talks about best performance.
So yes..in that regard..the average builds ARE a bit less common, on here. And as Klaw said, it can be misleading for a newer player to see that and think a set needs it all to be any good.
from my personal experience on Virtue, I've seen maybe two or three people max state that Beast Mastery is underpowered.. The ones who did state it were also playing it, and said they loved it anyway. -
Yea I don't recall Archery's redraw being much of an issue, and I was playing it with Kinetics..
Then again, redraw doesn't really bother me, so ymmv. -
Quote:/Water would be the obvious thematic choice for me.It's numbers like this that make me want to make a Nature/something defender rather than the obvious plant/nature controller...but it's a problem of concept for me on the blast set. What concepts have you come up with for a Nature/ Defender?
/Archery could work if you go for a sort of "Elf/Woodsperson" character concept. (Though as you pointed out, the redraw might get ugly)
/Fire sounds odd, but might be able to be fit in as some sort of "Mother Nature" character. Forests and greenery are all good and well, but mother nature can also spit out molten lava, and fire is actually quite important to the ecology of a forest.
/Dark could fit well if you go for a "corrupted" forest or some such, color the Nature pallet darker colors as well. I did this on my Plant/DA and it meshed quite well. -
Quote:Pretty much agree here.Actually with a Time/Fire I'd probably just stick it in Fireball. Time has a pretty good AoE heal already so I wouldn't feel the need to maximize the healing proc. Given that I'd probably stick the set in Fireball since it has a very good enhancement values.
I wouldn't sweat the heal proc on a Time Defender, and just stick the set where ever you want really good enhancement values.
Fireball, RoF, and Inferno (If you're prepping for I24) all come to mind. -
Quote:The upcoming Nature Affinity is in a similar boat. Wild Growth + Charged Armor with Cardiac puts it at near capped S/L Resists, with 60 or so Energy resist, and 25 into everything else. This is without Tough.So interesting factoid on Defender Toughness. A Cold Domination or Storm Summoning Defender with either Dark Mastery or Soul Mastery (for Dark Embrace) has almost the same Resistances as an Invulnerability Scrapper. Unslotted the numbers are (going S/L/E/NE/F/C/T/P) 30/30/15/15/15/15/15/0 for the Scrapper and 27.5/27.5/20/15/20/20/15/0 for the Defender.
The Scrapper does have better Defense but the higher Defender numbers for pool Powers can help close the gap there.
Now obviously the Scrapper gets a lot of other nice goodies like Debuff Resistances and Mez Protection but it's still interesting to think about.
Toss in a few Def IOs, weave, CJ and Maneuvers, and you're sitting on a healthy Defense padding as well.
All this is before factoring in their to-hit/DMG Debuff and massive healing capabilities, not to mention the potential to run around with a permanent +100% damage buff and perma snipe without tactics. -
Quote:When people talk about how Corruptors are so much "better" than Defenders I just smile and nod. The extra damage is nice but the toughness of Defenders is a lot higher than many people realize, especially when you factor in Pool Powers (Defenders get Tanker mods for most self defense buffs and the best Leadership mods). It's most noticeable with sets like Traps and Time but every set has at least some abilities that can keep the Defender himself alive and the higher numbers DO make a difference.
Especially solo (Thanks to Vigilance). There is very little difference in damage until Scourge starts to kick in, and that's only really noticeable on bosses and a few tough LTs.
In which case the superior -res debuff values of Defender kicks in and shortens the gap once again, for those sets that actually give Defender their proper advantage *glares angrily at Tar Patch* This is especially noticeable in Sonic Blast.
People act as though the damage difference between Corruptors and Defenders is as wide as the difference between Brutes and Tanks, when it's really no where near that profound. -
Those are indeed epic moments to have on a Defender, especially as a Stormie.. When you can go balls-to-the-walls on a Stormy you can survive a lot of **** lol. (and with the Vigilance Bonus, well you have infinite End at that point)
I had a similar experience the other day on my (then mid 20s) Storm/Water defender. The mobs were Council though, but we were hit with a double pull from the front and several chained ambushes the behind.
I was able to corner the ambushes using Hurricane while O2ing the only surviving scrapper as he cleaned up the mess in the front.
In the end we cleaned em up followed by an echo of cheers from the team.. Funny because the whole time they were telling me to run for it, but I say to hell with that! -
I'm also of the mindset that making MMOs increasingly easier is costing them commitement in the long run.
People tend to get more attached to things they had to work hard for. From everything to real-life money (I.E., they know the value of a dollar, are less likely to blow it/part from it easily) to video game characters.
Modern games, when compared to MMO's of years gone passed, basically have an "instant-50 button". Leveling becomes so easy, death becomes so meaningless, even godly items are easy to get. The end result is people gobbling everything up and just quitting because they have little emotional attachment to their character.
CoH avoids this due to its alt friendliness, and some people get quite attached to their characters through role playing.
I played FFXI back when the game first launched in the US. It was tough, it was grueling, you couldn't solo, there was very little quest direction, no one knew what anything did, making money could be a chore, you could de-level from dying, you were "level locked" every 5 levels after 60 (up to 75) and had to do tough quests to unlock the following 5 levels, leveling up weapon skills could take days, crafting took months... Sounds like hell to a modern MMO gamer.. But you know what? We toughed it out, we hit the level cap, we played the same toon for years on end all because we got super attached to it. Formed great communities full of helpful people who would be willing to take a few hours out of their day to help you complete your AF or some other quest.
Go ask someone in WoW, or [insert new MMO here] to help you with a quest that could take upwards of a few hours, and even potentially cause them death and de-leveling.. Odds are you'd be laughed at and mocked, hell even your 'friends' might whine a bit and make an excuse.. Yet completely random people, some who couldn't even speak English would agree to help you in that game.
It was tough for me to quit, I felt like I was deserting my character, a part of me that I had worked on for years. I have never experienced that feeling in an MMO again. -
Quote:I'd say the problem with the MMO market is everyone and their mother rushed out to throw out some half-*** slapped together generic fantasy game. Of course a huge percentage are gonna fail! Even if they were actually good, the market is over saturated at this point, and you're going to have to slog your way through a huge pile of crap to get anywhere.
This is my general feeling as well... Of all the many MMO's ive tried in the past several years, only a handful even stick out to me as being enjoyable, and I've tried many.
It really reminds me of the video game crash during the early 80s.. Same basic concept. To many companies pumping out too many (low-quality and halfassed) products at once. Trying to jump on a new bandwagon.
Also, I think any game that boasts itself as a "Serious competitor to WoW" is doomed to failure. The only company that is going to kill WoW is Blizzard themselves. -
Hmm a very interesting and informative read.
Looks like they are using a form of "Alpha Transparency" to make the globe look like it is made of a framework. Meaning it would be a simple sphere polygon that uses a texture to define which parts of it are "invisible" and not. They do this to save polycount.
The game seems to have troubles with this from time to time... Even recent stuff can have ugly jaggy white/noticeable edges. The mane/hair of the new Liger pet springs to mind, as well as some capes such as;
Notice the edges of the cape, which is supposed to be transparent, are well defined against the various auras of my toon.
I'm guessing the devs thought it looked too poor and just settled on the stone globe we have now. -
Hmm, I have mixed feelings about Rune of Protection..
I think the Endurance hit is too severe when coupled with the huge recharge time. I guess its a sort of "Defensive/Crashing T9" Power but in an AoE buff form.
I don't really see myself purchasing this set as-is, but I'm sure lots of folks will enjoy it. -
They're just pulling random stuff out of thin air and messing with us. Howling in laughter as we try to decode and make sense of it all ;P -
However you can summon him in Talos Island 2 immediately after defeating him in Talos Island 1 right? (Granted still only get 2 merits on the second kill)
That is if your server is populated enough to have multiple Talos Islands xD -
Quote:I'm sure it was brutal as all hell, but some sorta of cor with a nice aoE res debuffing ability probably would have made a more noticeable difference than a 3rd Kin....not really, they weren't syncronized, if that's what you are thinking - if they stacked, it just extended the length of the buff, or helped reach the cap if the first didn't, etc.
Fire/Rad springs to mind, has the debuffs and still comes with an additional speedy buff in the shape of AM. -
Quote:Like Mad Grim said, the Overwhelming Force proc will give Caltrops a chance to KD.I know about that one but caltrops has no KB but i heard you can make it a KD
There's another IO, the Proc from the purple Targeted AoE set, Ragnarok. It also gives the slotted power a 20% chance to KD. -
Quote:I just want to counter-argue everyone saying to never slot hover for defense: if you fly, and you're trying to softcap your defense, and you're within 1% or 2% of the cap, and your other defensive powers are already maxed, then by all means slot hover for extra defense.
People forget that 1% defense is a very big thing when you're close to the cap.
The defense return per slot for the first 2 you add (on Tanker/Defender at least) is actually fairly good. .5% Defense (To EVERYTHING) per slot isn't something to sneeze at if you're going for a broad range of Defense positions/types and already have Weave etc maxed out.
I can't think of a single IO set that yields 1% defense to everything (outside of the special +3% def ones), at the cost of 2 slots.. Guassian's gives roughly the same return per slot, but requires 6, and only matches it for Positional. Typed defense is only half the return. No one seems to talk down on Gaussians.
That being said, my standard slotting for Hover/CJ (if going for a softcap) is 1 LotG +7.5% Recharge and a single Def IO. -
Quote:Oh I dunno, the Mez Protection ones should help out even the most decked out IO builds on various toons with no native Mez protection.The people with the INF that needs to burn have enough INF to afford builds that wouldn't need Amplifiers.
IO's can't buy you solid mez protection. -
Very interesting proposition.
Would single target debuffs get the same treatment?
For example, Benumb would work as a Power Boost when you cast it on a team mate? -
lol but I love it when a boss tosses a little Red Cap on your shoulders and it sits and beats on your head.. Gotta be one of the most unique attacks in the game xD
Quote:Exactly, and I believe the Devs specifically mentioned that they were releasing Waterblast in spite of all the unwholesome ways people could use it. Then said they were going to pay close attention and generic those who do..Yeah. It's not fair to totally cut off some cultures/ideas just because of the possibility of someone doing something bad. That'd be like denying waterblast to everyone because of the people who've made blood and urine blasters.
(Though I don't think they have a problem with blood, its the other bodily fluids)
Quote:I'm sorry, but I seriously can't look at that picture without having to stifle an immature giggle. It's looking more and more like Aladdin is pinching Jafar's nipple while giving him a smarmy look every time I see it.
And I can't tell if Jafar likes or dislikes it.