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Something to help lift spirits around here..
A lot of you may know about these, but others may not.
They are a series of Youtube videos that follow a duo of badguy NPCs as they raise through the ranks.
There are no pictures or video, its all audio, but it is quite funny if you give it a chance.
Hope a few people enjoy =3 -
Quote:I do wonder if this will make it into a Big Bang Theory episode..
NCSoft.. the new Wil Wheaton in Sheldon's eyes? -
Well I think i might stick to Skyrim for a bit..
I've been looking at other MMOs, and I feel its too soon. It's like going out and buying a cute puppy to try and replace the old and trustful dog you just lost. -
Aye, pigg diving the textures is one thing, but its a true hassle to re-UV map stuff in accordance to said textures.
At that point I'd just redo the textures by hand, unless they were laid out in a sane manner..
Still, even ripping the geometry gives you the mesh, and you could always do the textures at a later date/take your time.
Quick, somebody figure out how to hack the animation files so we can force everyone into a T-Pose for easier rigging! -
Hmm, so it's an OpenGL version of 3DRipper DX, nifty.
Sadly their webpage seems to be nonexistent, or down at the moment. -
I was really looking forward to the blasting changes.. curses!
Quote:I just resubbed last night, played for about an hour, and felt this way..Seconding the WoW thing. I'll probably pick up a month, and play for ten minutes before remembering that I hated everything they did in Cata and even more so in Mists.
Save the 15 bucks and go buy some good ice cream or something, you'll enjoy it longer xD
There's also a few very solid looking Wrath private servers if you didn't mind Wrath.. Maybe some TBC if you look hard enough. -
I too was shock and dismayed, everything seemed to be going well enough. This news was so sudden and abrupt.
I will definitely miss the Defender/Corruptor ATs.
Few other MMOs have support classes that are as diverse and fun as they are.. -
Quote:QFTIt's just a matter of perception.
BEFORE the Paragon Market, we only got new power sets during the release of SOME issues.
Now, we get power sets released with every issue, PLUS more power sets available on the Paragon market.
See, it's just a perception issue.
Would you really rather go back to having one or two new powersets every couple of years, or what we're getting now? -
^ lol to be fair, I'm sure they mean "Defense" as in "Damage Mitigation".
"Defense" in most any other game is just a catch-all phrase for damage mitigation.. But not here in CoH, drives me nuts sometimes xD -
A problem as I see it for balancing these sets against sets with snipes is what metric would they use?
Would they balance it against them assuming that the snipe set has perma snipe? If they did that then Ice Blast would outperform the sets with snipes if the build failed to obtain Perma Snipe.
You can't just give Ice Blasts universals boosts to counter Perma Snipe, since Perma Snipe is an outlier performance wise and not every build will achieve it.
A quick fix might be to give Ice Blast/Sonic/DP etc some sort of damage boost if they also maintain the 22% To-Hit number. Ice for example, might get a damage boost and lower cast time on Bitter Freeze Ray if they maintain 22% To-Hit. -
2x Heal/Recharge, 2x Resist/Recharge, 1 Heal IO and 1 Res Io, all at level 50 should yield near ed capped returns to resist/rch/heal, especially if boosted.
Or some other clever combo using Frankenslotting that I'm too tired to think of xD -
I was under the impression that "cult" meant a small yet devoted fan base.. TNG = Cult? How? That show was/is quite popular among a wide array of people.
Though I will agree with its assessment on Fringe. As much as I liked the parallel universe story arc, it did detract from your ability to miss an episode or two and know what was going on. -
As another Defender enthusiast, I would also roll Corruptor.
But beware, come I24 Rain of Fire is going to get a "double whammy" fix.. That is, it will no longer do Blaster level damage, and it will no longer do triple scourge.
This closes the gap some, but with Corruptor's higher damage cap coupled with their higher damage scalar they will still deal a hefty amount more damage than the Defender.
Rain of Fire is "WAI" for Defenders, Corruptors have the Blaster version.. for now. -
Quote:Anyway, over the last... year-ish or so, I think I've spent a good extra $100 or so above and beyond my VIP subscription. A little bit here-and-there sure did add up!
This here is key. People tend to compulsively buy things that are cheap. Do this all year-round and you spend a surprising amount of money.
I'm glad its successful, as it fuels more new shinies, which in turn yields more sales for Paragon, which then fuels more shinies. It's an ongoing cycle. -
I don't really mind our current poses for females..
That being said, I would also welcome new additional (I.E. Optional) poses that spiced things up a bit and gave more options. "Casual" and "Feminine" poses come to mind.
Might as well spread the love to the Males and Huge though. "Casual" could work for all 3, with maybe "Hulking" as an option for Huge
There have been other MMO's that did this, and it was a nice little addition. -
I'd go with Emp;
PBU Fort = 37 Defense to everything, which can be useful even on def capped characters if you happen to run into defense debuffs (not to mention the much-dreaded Psi hole).. Fort also yields a decent +32% or so Damage Boost, and a to-hit bonus that will help your blast toons obtain perma Snipe. a Power boosted Fort alone should get them there.
CM for obvious reasons, but it also helps with Blind
Regen/Recovery Auras rotated out with AB (since you don't think you can get AB perma without IOs) should mitigate all endurance issues and give your toon loads of regen. Not to mention huge recharge bonuses while AB is up.
As for the buffbot's survival.. Well, if you're not morally against it have them auto-fire Healing Aura. Give them Tough/Weave and an APP shield, stacked with Maneuvers. Stealth might help prevent them from gaining accidental aggro. So you should only have to worry about AoEs. -
Quote:Or they could have, you know.. ate BFs?Not to be a downer, but the only reason the OP pulled that off is that there happened to be an Empathy defender in the group. Without that particular character the actual scenario in that situation would be that the defender would take a ranged mez from the DE, the toggles would drop, and the defender would die instantly. The empathy mez protection is what really made the difference.
I at least keep a healthy portion of BFs free on my Defenders for such an occasion.
More often than not I blow them taking alphas though.. Silly timid tankers/brutes..