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  1. I wouldn't mind two new AT's, one for each faction..

    Support/Melee or Melee/Support

    and I think a Ranged Attack/Defense would be fun, but use sub scrapper defense numbers to avoid Tank mages.

    *just two completely random ideas off the top of my head*

    The removal of Lego Hands!

    Shaders, I want to make stuff look metallic or Leatherlike (ala CO)

    50+ content would be nice, as long as they avoid any WoW-like End game, I don't want this game to turn into a raid fest.
  2. Lol this is hilarious, this was brought up before and everyone ragged on the guy who suggested it...

    Anyways, I'd welcome it with open arms, zoning is a PITA.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
    But my math teacher always taught me Pies R Squared...
    They lied to us! Just like our History teachers!

    I love that Family Guy clip, they mimicked the Disney style so well.
  4. I would really like to be able to select shaders for each piece of your costume. They have it implemented on shoulders. Various costume pieces are already metallic looking such as the Valkyrie booster packs and the Arachnos Widow costume, so it has the groundwork laid out.

    Something along the lines of "Cloth" "Leather" "Metallic".

    CO does this and I love it.
  5. I remember reading somewhere (thinking it was the Freak group info page), that the lesser freaks feed and take care of the freaks who have blades, hammers ect for their hands.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    I have no money problems on any of my toons anymore, and have done a ~2 billion build, and several 500+ million builds. All in all I have over 5 billion worth of stuff on all my characters. I've never managed to join the billionaire's club though. I can't seem to hold on to my money long enough. It's generally spent long before I get close to that amount of liquid cash. I often try to give away inf, either to lowbies, or through quick, random costume contests and I've run into the same thing the OP mentioned. Some people think you're trying to one-up them if you give them money.
    Haha, and I'm quite the opposite. I make sure my toons have fairly good builds, but I don't go out of my way to buy Purples or LotG: Recharges ect.

    Id estimate I spend roughly 100-200 mil on a normal toon build, leaving me with lots of cash in the bank. I seldom play em past the mid 40s, and I NEVER play my 50s (except for my farmers), so decking em out with purples just seems silly for my style.

    I'm also a penny pincher. I generally won't pay a lot of premium on stuff. If a rare salvage is selling for 1mil, and I cant get it for 1.2mil, I'll just wait..

    Anyways, in regard to the OP. I usually just say something like "wow nice, thats cool".
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bunny_Slippers View Post
    Stop people form whining? Come on, this is the internet, NOTHING will stop people from whining.
    Aye, they'd just end up whining that there's nothing to whine about.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpaceNut View Post
    Can someone explain and/or translate "Bubble Hearthers"?
    After a certain level Paladins get a spell which makes them immune to nearly all forms of attacks. It's called Divine Protection its graphic resembles a large bubble around the pally, so WoW'ers refer to it as a "bubble"

    Later in the game the duration of said buff lasts about 12/14 seconds iirc.

    Hearthstone's (aka Hearthing) is used to recall yourself to your homepoint, usually an Inn somewhere in a capital city.

    Hearthing takes 10 seconds, if you get hit or effected by any attack it is interrupted and the spell fails.

    A pally can cast Divine Protection ("Bubble up") then cast Hearthstone without much worry to it being interrupted. Escaping pretty much any condition in PvE or PvP without death.

    Thus we get BubbleHearth, the art of Hearthing under the buff of a 'bubble'.
  9. Oh alright, yes i see it now on the costume page.. Didn't look closely enough hehe.

    Thank you both for the replies, that's actually the first time I've ever noticed anyone use that pattern, odd being as how its fairly old now.
  10. Hi folks,

    I have a question regarding a costume pattern I saw the other night. I saw a low level villain donning a pattern that was most definitely a spider pattern. It spanned across the sides of the thighs up onto the side of the chest. To two halves combined formed a giant spider on each side of the costume.

    Now I figured it was just some new pattern they added within the last few patches, so I never asked him where he got it. However I cannot find it within the costume creator. I was wondering if anyone knew how to get it? I don't have any screenshots to go by or anything so I hope my description was clear enough.

    By the way the villain was *not* a VEAT, that was the first thing I checked, also had only a few vet badges and very little else..

    Would really match my Widow, so I'm hoping someone can help me.
  11. I would like one, for the above reasons.. I still itch to play old MMO's now and again, but some I can't because they are online.. Asherons Call 2 comes to mind..

    Luckily theres a 3rd party server up and running for PSO:BB, so whenever I need my PSO fix I just head over there (all official PSO servers are closed).
  12. I havent had much of a problem until just a few hours ago.. It seems to be pretty rampant at the moment. Hopefully the devs are looking into it. I virtually cannot play ;(.
  13. I have been having this problem for the last hour or so.. Pretty annoying..

    By the way, if you kill CityofHeroes.EXE under the "Process" tab it should pretty much kill it instantly, or at least quicker than using the applications tab.
  14. Ya I'm thinking the same thing, bah!
  15. Hey folks.

    I'm trying to bind "strafe left/right" to my right mouse button + A and D.

    So when I want to strafe right i'd hold down my right mouse key and D at the same time.

    So far I have tried the in-game menu option which doesn't let me add the two together. I also tried keybinds such as;

    RBUTTON+D "+right"


    D+RBUTTON "+right"

    Neither of which work. The game ignores the first button in the series so I end up with unwanted results.

    Any ideas?
  16. The Happy Hippy is happy to help!

  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I have a friend who occasionally buys infamy and stuff. Seems like a good way to lose your account/get hacked.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aye, especially if you have to setup and account with them before you buy/sell anything. A good amount of people use their game's account name/password for the registration..

    A little thing people usually overlook.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Fire/TA and Dark/TA.

    Fire/TA for stacked Slows with Glue and Rain of Fire, a nice little hellish maelstrom that's about half as deadly as OSA, but usable three times as frequently.

    Dark/TA for cone spam with five damage procs and absolutely disgusting amounts of -ToHit stacked with Ranged defense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    HOLY CRAP!!! this bugs the living hell out of me!!
    look, it's not personal, please play how ever you want to play, and enjoy any aspects of the game you like, but i can't fathom this kinda mentality.

    if you were a superhero/villain, and could shoot fire or dark energy out of your hands, would the first thing that springs to mind be "NOW i need some trick arrows and i'll be superduper"? no, it wouldn't, cause it effin dumb!! you would just shoot fire, and be happy. i can't fathom playing a character with two powersets that don't fit SOMEHOW, sure stretch it as much as you can, but make some kind of connection.
    i'm amazed that people can play this game with that much focus on the functionality aspect of it, this game has never been hard enough to warrent power gaming, so characters like the above just flaberghast me.

    not an attack on your play style, just an knee jerk reaction to your listing Fire/TA and Dark/TA and how people approach this game so differently.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ROFL, jeeze. I'd hate to see your reaction to my Robotic/Dark Mastermind :P
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What JWbullfrog said. Many people suspect that GR will bring with it a merging of the markets, but it hasn't been confirmed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    * on Combined CoH/CoV Markets:

    04-28-2009 18:51:58 [Local] Positron: Combined Markets: Maybe, farrr in the future... when the datamines don't have a HUGE discrepency in available inf on either side.

    04-28-2009 18:52:55 [Local] Positron: If people are willing to pay 200m on heroside, and you cant afford 60m villainside, you definitely cant afford 200m

    [/ QUOTE ]

    the thing about that is, in my most recent experiences in the market red side is actually MORE expensive. On the things i've been watching anyway.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was thinking the same thing. Even fairly common IOs like Crushing Impact (level50) is 2-3x more pricey Red Side.

    I've seen LotG7.5% go for 120+million Red Side, last I checked Blue Side it was 50-60?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I used the name "AngryPlayer" when i was talked, but yes, I gave them a real character name, on an active account. Currently my main, too. When I got online this afternoon, I had 2 spam emails, which is none more than usual.

    I'll run HijackThis just to be safe, though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, lol, my bad.

    Would of made it more humorous (imo) if you gave them some totally fake over-the-top name

    Anyways, ya you should treat RMT sites like any other shady businesses. They won't hesitate to totally screw you over if they can.

    My brother keeps getting his WoW account stolen, and im sure his frequent visits to such sites is one of the problems. He doesn't buy gold, he sells it hehe.
  21. I just can't wait to see Rain of Arrows (hopefully) SCOURGE!

    That's gonna be fun ;P
  22. Primantiss

    Funny AFK

    Hell, even *Water* is toxic to us in massive quantities!

    Water Poisoning
  23. Lol funny story.

    I especially like the name you chose to give to the PR.
  24. Primantiss

    Funny AFK

    It wasnt in CoH, and it wasn't me.. But the funniest AFK I have ever seen is the following;

    We were in the middle of a party in FFXI. Now in FFXI, if even one member went AFK (especially a support), the team was pretty much on standstill until they got back.

    We were playing with a supposed couple. They kept flirting back and forth through out the party, and about 40 minutes in one said "afk we are going to have a quickie". Sure enough they both went afk.

    It was both hilarious and irritating at the same time. What sucked the most was one of em was our healer so we had to wait for em to come back... I think I got sick of waiting and just left LOL.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm curious to see if your AT name changes when you switch sides. Like MasterMinds become Commanders, Stalkers become Spec Ops, Scrappers become Warlords, Brutes become Brawlers..ect.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    that would be semi-neat for some reason devastator screams out to me for blasters

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Only if you assemble it from five Blasters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't forget to include a pair of wrecking balls!