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  1. I've never had a Praetorian that didn't get that badge as a matter of course somewhere around level 15. My secret? Slimby. That as well as always soloing and leaving it on 0x1 with bosses on. Praetoria is pretty much a single player RPG that spits you out into a MMO at the end. If you look at it that way, well, it may or may not be any more appealing to you but I've enjoyed my time with it.
  2. DA enemies are so vulnerable to knock. Ravagers are like giant teddy bears, it takes them like six seconds to get up and they don't have any protection whatsoever. The rest of 'em aren't quite that ineffectual but it is a really solid way to deal with problem enemies. That Keres looking scary? Not once she's ragdolled. Conqueror about to MoG? Not once she's ragdolled.

    That said, it is important to note that crane kick isn't exactly a power that you control x8 spawns with. In terms of shutting down specific enemies when used intelligently and at the correct moment, though, it's easily superior to cobra strike in DA since you don't also have oppressive gloom.
  3. PleaseRecycle


    It's undeniable that shockwave is far less broken than bonfire. In much the same way necrotizing fasciitis is less severe than rabies, but you might want to get it looked at if you contract either. That's definitely the best analogy I can think of.
  4. PleaseRecycle


    Shockwave's volume is ~2.5 times greater than energy torrent's, a useful figure when discussing coverage of a cone. Spin isn't better on brutes, incidentally, because in practical attack chains it gives them less aoe over time. That's beside the point, of course, which is that my claws scrapper's shockwave recharges in 3.41 seconds and frequently renders everything it hits unable to act. It depends on their model, of course, large NPCs such as behemoth overlords have no chance whatsoever (if only there were some way to take advantage of that!). Normal sized NPCs get the chance to either fire one power per cycle or to try to move. If they decide to try to move, they are instantly knocked down again without having attacked or moved.

    Think back to all of those threads about that one archetype that people found frustrating because it so often makes enemies want to run away. Which one was that again? I seem to have forgotten.
  5. PleaseRecycle


    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    By 'radically too good' you mean what Energy Torrent has been doing since Issue 3?

    The truth about your argument
    I'm not clicking on that but I hope you enjoyed linking it.

    You may not be big on numbers but you should be able to appreciate the difference between a twelve second recharge time and a twenty four second recharge time, to say nothing of the cone size or damage. One of those numbers is twice as big as the other! But wait, that's actually bad for energy torrent! It's good for shockwave though. Very good! Shockwave is very very good now. It makes all of the men fall down, and they don't even get a chance to get back up. Too bad, men!

    Sad now.
  6. PleaseRecycle


    Amazing how making a power radically too good makes everyone appreciate it!
  7. I'm beginning to think some of you people have never been on a team before, or soloed with a blaster for that matter. Is the only application you can think of for bonfire seriously shoving things into a corner to be aoed? That's a personal problem, it isn't anything to do with power quality.
  8. What they should do is use the new temporary power bar to give all of the heroes carnival mallets. The villains would begin their assault by poking their heads out of the eight doors and it would be up to the heroes to quickly bonk them into submission. This would continue until the heroes had exhausted their allowance or won the teddy bear.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Anything that requires the 'right map and strategy' to not be detrimental is not a good power.
    That isn't what he said. If the only way for a power to not be detrimental in your opinion is for it to be a perfect farming tool in all cases, well, you're even more fanatically opposed to nuance than I would have guessed.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    So what? The entire premise of the post isn't worth discussing.
    Precisely. If a thread isn't worth taking seriously it's definitely worth becoming outraged over, that's my motto.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    That common, pejorative usage was in fact also used during the classical period at the height of ancient Greek culture that most people, including historians, think of when they reference ancient Greece. Just like when most people reference ancient Egypt they aren't thinking of small stone age villages clustered along a fertile valley, but a place with cities and huge stone edifices. Now, some historians might focus on the earliest known settlements, but no historian will say "Ancient Egypt" and expect you to visualize tiny clusters of huts along a river.

    So i call PANCAKES on that line of reasoning.
    All I know is that I'm freaking furious about this minor aside in dug's original post which actually was about Jack Emmert and not sociolinguistics.
  12. Seriously though, is it reasonable that one power, easily double-perma, should be able to perfectly control virtually any spawn all by itself? Fire controllers aren't the only ones who get bonfire, for one thing, but even if they were I'm not sure the fact that plant is a great set would imply that fire should now be completely invincible.

    Even if you think powers like shockwave or gravitic emanation are within acceptable bounds when slotted with the overwhelming force proc, they're still not generally capable of shutting down trial spawns all on their lonesome.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Are they any powers apart from Bonfire in which this proc becomes overpowered? Because it's just the one power, you could just do a little special case tinkering. For example make Bonfire ineligible for Universal Damage enhancements, or add Repel to the power.
    Are there any other powers that have a 100% chance for KB? Are any of them spammable?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Some apologies from the posters who attacked those of who pointed this out months ago may be in order as well. I don't honestly remember who they were and am too lazy to go check, but this outcome has been known from the first day the proc was announced, and some of what our fellow players had to say about pointing it out was fairly un-nice.
    Woah now OT, I've heard of reaching for the stars but some things simply are not meant for mortal men to see. Would you ask the wind to stop blowing, or Johnny to declare tankers "fine, thanks?"
  15. The basic thinking is thus: if cloaking device gives ~200% regen and some quantity of recovery, it's really good. I don't see how that could be found to be unbalanced in the general case in comparison with the other sustain powers in the beta, thus it is likely to survive testing. Moreover, Hawk's reports of the solidity of the tohit mechanic based on internal testing is the most confidence I think I've ever seen the devs express in any single balance change before setting it loose for open testing. Between all that and the nebulous threat of time bomb buffs, what's not to like?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    But I wouldn't reroll just yet. The snipe changes look like they are uniformly disliked. Their final version may be different.
    Yes, uniformly disliked by you. A quorum of one!

    It's interesting that on one hand we hear that devices is too good after this change because it has too easy a time accessing the new shinies, yet on the other hand we're warned that devices sucks after this change because tohit is so easy to get on teams. What I take from all this is that I'm very grateful most of you guys aren't in charge of balancing the game.

    This constant trickle of feigned outrage used to be annoying but at this point is mainly sad.
  17. PleaseRecycle


    According to the launcher, JC Denton certainly seems to be enjoying his free hat. Deus ex pileum?
  18. The new brute ATO is cool but I don't think it's an especially good fit for /regen, despite the thematic similarity. Why not? It gives endurance discount and regen is a set that already comes in under par for endurance burning. Now a /fire brute, that could take advantage of the new proc... too bad nobody plays those!

    Even though the OP has already decided to go brute I'll chime in and agree that regen is noticeably superior in brute form. When your entire schtick is being a big bag of hit points it's helpful to go all the way on it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Warrent/Reese has fascist slash potential.
    Gosh, Warrant, we kid around, don't we? Let me get you out of that hot, sweaty power armor. I know a few members of powers division plus some interdimensional interlopers who would like to get their hands on this reactive shielding! Fortunately my hands are the only ones on it tonight...
  20. Has anyone mentioned that in issue 24 all blasters apart from /mental, which does not need assistance, will be vastly more survivable? Cause they will. I made a beam/dev in anticipation of the next issue. No, I'm not being sarcastic.
  21. It's almost like some of us predicted this exact scenario months ago. At least now I know the devs have me on ignore so I can get right to posting all those saucy images I have lined up.
  22. PleaseRecycle

    So ... Snipes

    What brute is going to take musculature, though?

    Anyway, the reason I brought that up is because you added fury to the base DPA without considering damage enhancement, which is silly. I did not and still don't feel that it was a major indiscretion, hence my jocular tone. Don't really care one way or the other about the snipes on scrappers, myself, but let's not give brutes undue credit. It's bound to go to their heads.
  23. Like I said I begrudge no-one's personal preferences. Still, I don't think Obitus' numbers do much to hurt my case. To get single target performance out of SJ that's competitive with MA's you need much more specific slotting, in many of those cases much more global recharge, and both of the -res procs that are available to you. The latter is problematic given that -res procs are apparently being significantly nerfed in issue 24 unless something changes during the beta. More problematic for me is how locked in those chains would make me feel. Obviously MA's chain doesn't have much in the way of variety but something about the rhythm of it is pleasing to me.

    Also pleasing is how, as you point out, you typically are killing minions in two shots ceteris paribus. It's super satisfying to take a boss from half HP to dead with one critical uppercut but when you have to use it against a pre-maimed lieutenant since that's all that's left standing, well, I can only speak for myself when I say that makes me a little sad. Happy for the crunch, but sad for the overkill.

    It may be worth noting that I dislike titan weapons a lot more than I dislike street justice and by any account it's stronger than SJ or MA. Having to start slow and end up fast... I'm playin' scrappers here, do I look like a brute?!
  24. The only way I was able to complete it was by putting laser beam eyes on auto and then just sequentially targeting everything in the mission while moving as little as possible. That's an unfortunately crappy realization of such a theoretically fun vignette.
  25. This yellow journalism is a transparent tool of the bourgeois! Can't you see, friends? Here, take my newsletter instead! This issue has great tips for thetan removal.