160 -
The single-player game works just fine for me.
The parts that most frequently don't work are the parts that expect you to be able to team up with other players (missions with multiple elite bosses in one group and iTrials are my biggest gripes currently).
This is especially true when the content I want to run isn't 'popular' -- I ended up running a small but solid group through the 1st Terra Volta respec trial last week when it was the WTF in order to get a Notice of the Well for my Incarnate character, but the process of recruiting was painful.
I have no idea how I'd have gotten as far as I have into the Incarnate content without being able to run Dark Astoria solo to 'prep'.
Pauper -
Quote:That's my recollection as well -- the divisions on the meter represented various milestones (trusted enough to give Story Arc missions, trusted enough to give cell phone, trusted enough to unlock Enhancements in contact 'store', etc.). Some contacts were relatively easy to unlock, but many required you to be well into their Story Arc (if they even had one -- not all did) before they'd give up the cell number.Yea, you used to have to at least halfway through that little friendship meter (or whatever it is) with a contact before they'd give out their cell-phone number.
Pauper -
Quote:It's a noisy set -- not quite as noisy as standing next to a portal in Portal Corp, but if you're really rolling the attack chains, it's close.The Beam Rifle power set is also on sale, how's everyone's experience with it? I may just pick it up.
I also wasn't that thrilled with the options for the rifle itself, though haven't yet seen the two new rifles in the Retro Sci-Fi set. I ended up going with the DUST rifle as being something with in-game history.
Pauper -
You guys are making me feel bad for being ill/emp.
Pauper -
Quote:Definitely a matter of taste. I'd rate the zones as follows:Shows how much it's a matter of taste. I would rate those, from best to worst:
1) Striga
2) RWZ
3) New DA
4) Night Ward
5) First Ward
6) Hollows
7) Croatoa
1) First Ward
2) New DA
3) Night Ward
4) Rikti War Zone
5) Striga Isle
6) Croatoa
7) Hollows
I did First Ward with a Primal hero, so take that with as much salt as you need to -- I thought the story was very engaging (and it led to an interesting RP moment in my supergroup as the Praetorian Warden who originally rescued Katie Douglas from the Seer Network found out I'd locked her back in it). There's a lot of information in the mission briefing/debriefing screens, so if you're in the habit of clicking through those quickly to get to the action/rewards, I can see where you'd think the story isn't as coherent as I thought it was.
The new DA was also very engaging, though I'm not sure how excited I am to try re-running the entire zone through Ouroboros just to farm it for Incarnate Threads -- though I may not have a choice until Magesterium-obsession begins to die down once people have tier 4'ed their Hybrid slot.
Night Ward isn't as engaging to me as First Ward was, since the stories seem largely disconnected (despite having obvious connections -- the stuff in the Midnight Mansion was triggered by Master Midnight's actions in the First Ward storyline, for instance). The zone is saved largely by the presence of the Animus Arcana, which are a group of 'enemies' unlike any other in the game. In a game that's gone very hard toward the graphic novel style of dark story lines, a bunch of living spells is a breath of fresh air.
RWZ is nice for the few missions that break the traditional mold (in other words, those missions that differ from the ones you get at Firebase Zulu -- 'go to this cave and beat up bad guys!' 'OK, sir!'), and for the amenities built into the zone (having a crafting table in the main quest-giver room is probably one of the best QoL ideas a zone builder has ever had).
I recently re-ran Striga on a former Praetorian toon and was reminded why the traditional opinion of Striga is 'I run it until I get the Wedding Band, then stop'. I wouldn't mind getting a group together for the strike force, just for old time's sake, but I've completely lost interest in the rest of the zone content, since there's so much else to do in that level range. (Which in a way is odd, because you'd think 'fighting Nazi werewolves and vampires' would never get old.)
I'm also in the process of re-running Croatoa with a toon who's been on my bench for some time, and the difference in story structure between Croatoa and the new Dark Astoria, despite them both being 'eldritch suspense/horror' themed, is as good an example as exists for the serious upgrade in story content that seems to have entered the game starting around Issue 19. DA has a number of factions, for which you slowly learn why those factions exist and how they're using/being used by the other factions. Croatoa is more like 'go fight these dudes, then go fight these other dudes, then find out that there's yet another group of dudes that are the real bad guys, even though it's not really clear why except that they're bad guys'. It's easy to see that the early Croatoa missions were an attempt to use the 'don't assume certain groups are evil just because they're ugly' trope, but aside from a couple of interesting mission fights, the overall plot is just kinda flat. Sorry, but I've got no better term to describe it.
Hollows? Meh. I'd rather re-run the Shining Stars arc for the fifteenth time than go Troll-hunting for David Wincott again.
Just my $0.02US.
Pauper -
Quote:I disagree.It occurred to me last night while playing that one of the problems with Blasters might be in the perception. Yes, they level slower solo. Yes, they faceplant more often. But in a real furball of a fight when all the powers are flashing around you don't often SEE the results of a Blaster.
Working on getting my Fire/Energy Melee blaster to Incarnate level, so joined a bunch of folks on Victory over the weekend. They were farming the Psychic Clockwork that's part of Tina McIntyre's first mission.
Watching the fight, I saw a lot of 'DOMINATION' and 'SCOURGE' and other text, but watching the combat detail scroll told another story:
You have defeated Cannon Knight
You have defeated Line Oscillator
You have defeated Line Oscillator
You have defeated Assembler Duke
X has defeated Gear
You have defeated Gear
You have defeated Gear
You have defeated Gear
OK, I'm exaggerating, but just a little. I probably got credit for about a third to a half of the mobs in each group that we fought, which I consider pretty decent for a team of 7.
Part of it might just be experience -- I see lots of corruptors leading off fights with their AoE attacks, and I'm guessing that they do so because they can, and because their damage isn't so high that they pull excessive aggro for it. I can't do that on my blaster -- if I lead with Fireball, I get pummeled into the ground, so I lead with something else and, after the tanker has had a chance to work his magic, then launch the Fireball and Flame Breath. (Rain of Fire is such a provoker of curb-stomps by red and purple mobs that I've dropped it from my build.)
Now before you respond angrily that all I'm doing is telling people to play blasters smarter, I get that there are folks in this thread who know what they're talking about, and that some tweaking to the blaster archetype is probably warranted. It'll be interesting to see what those changes are, even if they're only a change that causes blasters to have as many pop-up messages in the middle of combat as a controller or stalker.
Pauper -
Congrats, everybody!
Now I just need to find some non-Mag iTrials to unlock and fill the slots I need to join the club!
Pauper -
Quote:You're also not allowed to directly delete a storage object that's not empty -- so there's no way this question can actually come up.2. If i'm editing the base and accidentally delete a room containing storage bins, what happens to the salvage/enhancements that were in those bins?
Pauper -
Quote:Except that's not the point -- the point is that what's being presented is the *male* power fantasy (if I had rock-hard abs, women would flock to me!), not what's actually attractive to women. Look at Statescrotch, for instance -- strong, powerful, and no package, because eww, right? Even though, according to your theory, having a huge package would actually be attractive to some women.And part of what makes an alpha man an alpha man is physical attractiveness to women.
Quote:I've seen my fair share of female lust from prepubescent schoolgirls right through women in their golden years to know that it's not always about the money, it's not always about the sense of humor, it's not always about the intelligence. Sometimes it's about raw sex appeal.
Quote:What is it that you think they're complaining about?
Quote:It seems to me to be that women are portrayed unrealistically in comic books, typically in an oversexualized manner. My contention is merely that almost everyone is portrayed unrealistically in comic books, typically in an oversexualized manner.
Then remember the recent Avengers movie and ask yourself which character's initial appearance was wearing a catsuit and tied to a chair. Had to be one of the guys, right? Because guys are equally sexualized in comics, right?
This world you think exists where male and female characters are equally over-sexualized in comic books? Doesn't exist. If it did, you'd be creeped out a lot more, because there would be many more over-sexualized characters who weren't meant to appeal to you. That argument is just your way of saying, "I like the world the way it is, why should it have to change?" Which is unsurprising, as the world was built to appeal to you as a straight male.
Quote:Putting out artwork that doesn't clearly evoke "COMIC BOOK!" in average mens' minds would be marketing suicide.
That's part of my point in my previous post -- marketing still wants this stuff pitched to teenage boys of all ages, because in their minds, that's who buys this stuff. The game as a whole provides a lot more than that, and I give the art directors credit for that. But the game is better than "not putting T&A on the splash screen is marketing suicide".
And that's kinda the point of the whole thread.
Pauper -
First, let me say that, despite the number of references to Hitler, this is a surprisingly interesting thread to read through. One observation:
Quote:Having recently finished the Power storyline for the Praetorian Loyalists, where your final morality decision is whether or not to present Cole the evidence that Praetor Berry is defying his wishes with respect to one of Berry's secret projects, it's not clear that anything changes as a result. Cole shows up, sees the evidence, says he'll have to have a talk with Berry. But he also compliments you on being one of Praetoria's best and brightest, even though the storyline is all about getting recognition without really earning or deserving it.Even if you want to claim Cole didn't know about what Tilman was doing, what the other Praetors were doing (which would require a remarkable level of blindness and stupidity), there was one law: Cole's. His power was absolute.
Then, shortly after, you're shipped off to Primal Earth and Berry is still a Praetor.
I haven't done Cole's personal story yet, and it's always dangerous to speculate on things you don't know about, but my guess would be that Cole's biggest failing was his trust in his friends -- he made them Praetors because he thought they could do good for Praetoria, but also because he liked them and thought they liked him. No matter how many times they went against his wishes, the Praetors were always able to convince Cole that they were doing what they were doing for Praetoria's benefit, and his benefit, and Cole believed them, not just because he was a tyrant, but because these were his friends.
Sure, it may sound like sympathy for the devil, but if Cole were really as ruthless and evil as some in this thread are making him out to be, a lot of Praetoria's problems wouldn't have been nearly as bad, because the people behind them -- the Praetors -- would have faced the same evil justice as those who went against the state in different ways.
Pauper -
Quote:No. No, no, no.Almost every comic book male that is drawn is done so with the intention of having features that appeal to women--impossibly huge muscles, an impossibly handsome face, free of any real-life blemishes (except those which are socially regarded as "tough" or "rugged," such as a tattoo or distinguishing scar), and yes, in some books and with some characters, even a healthy... um... "package" to go with the package.
These are not characters that are drawn to appeal to women -- these are characters that are drawn to represent what men consider 'alpha' men.
I can see that you're trying to make a reasoned argument here, but you're talking right past the people you want to convince, because what you're talking about has nothing to do with what they're complaining about.
Quote:But really, this game isn't the place to address such matters. Again, the goal here is to mimic the art form, to give players the sense that they're in a comic book, not to be realistic, redefine a genre, or make social commentary.
With that said, if you actually play CoX, then you know that not every heroine is depicted the way Penelope Yin and Swan are. Head to the Rikti War Zone, for instance. Run the Shining Stars arc. I've seen way worse on PC builds than exists in most of the NPC heroes, and I'll happily defend the art direction of CoX against folks who would assume that, because there's a little cheesecake in the login screen that the whole game must be like that.
But just because the art direction generally gets it right (barring stuff that seems pretty heavily directed from marketing, which in my experience is where most of this guy-centric cheesecake stuff actually comes from), doesn't mean they're perfect, and doesn't mean they get a free pass from being part of the culture they're supposedly just reflecting.
Pauper -
I find World of Confusion to be very helpful on my Ill/Emp controller in a limited role: damage mitigation from melee-based ambushes.
Slotted with just an accuracy and a confusion+, I find that melee ambushers run up to me, get hit, get confused, then run off toward an enemy. By the time the confusion wears off (about 2 seconds), the enemy has to run back to me in order to engage -- but by then I've had time to re-target and Blind them to put them under lock.
I'd expect to be disappointed if I was counting on World of Confusion to be a primary power, but as a tool that enables my primary powers, it works just fine.
Pauper -
Quote:Prefer to avoid work-arounds like that when possible -- if I have enough points now, I can.You can still get Celestial until next Tuesday as originally said on the e-mail. Details are on the link on the first post.
Quote:And keep in mind you are gonna need Destiny and Lore need to be unlocked to run the Magisterium trial.
Well, at least I finally ran the Midnighter arc so I don't have to keep turning down invites to Imperious Strike Forces.
Pauper -
My scrapper whom I've barely played since finishing First Ward with him thanks you all!
Pauper -
Quote:I used to be one of those who enjoyed going above and beyond, until my employers began to expect it -- then 'going above and beyond' turned into 'what we expect of you anyway' and it stopped feeling special or even worthwhile.Some people derive value from going above and beyond the base expectations of their job, although I guess there are fewer and fewer people like that nowadays.
Just my opinion...
Just my $0.02US.
Pauper -
I also will guess Twins, based on the advice of one of my favorite characters from musical theater, Pseudolus. (Ooh, gotta check to see if that name is still available...)
"Twins! A fine, big boy. And a strange, little boy..."
Pauper -
Quote:Sounds like you got into Death from Below, the level 2-5 trial.So, finally got in and was unhappily surprised to find myself exemplared way down- I thought I'd joined the higher level one, but obviously not.
Drowning in Blood, the 'other' trial, requires you to be at least level 15 to join, I think.
Pauper -
Quote:Well, you might find the new cape mission significantly improved over the old one -- check it out once you hit 20.I defended the gating of both back in the day based on the reality that games need carrots for people to chase, but the modern era has provided a bounty of real, actual goals to aspire to. Giving interested players a way around running tedious missions for their graphic fun was a good decision. Many's the character of mine who had to do without one or the other due to my antipathy toward the system of acquiring them.
Pauper -
Quote:My first Praetorian character did the 'Power' arcs and chose to maintain Loyalist throughout all morality missions, and I got the impression that I was going to Primal Earth as something of an advance scout/one-man strike team for the coming Loyalist invasion.there's no "yes, my Lord" ending anywhere in GR - you're either continuing to fight for freedom, or you turn against your former master.
All of my other Praetorian toons have finished level 20 in the way you describe, though.
Pauper -
Quote:This.If any of you have ever played the PC version of The Temple of Elemental Evil, it has a very cool intro which is customized for your party's alignment. Basically they went through the trouble of creating 9 different intros to the game so that you could choose the one that would give your character proper motivation to get to the starting point of the game.
It's a concept that's so very rare.
One of the things I like about CoX and that keeps me coming back is that, seemingly unlike most other MMORPG developers out there, these guys actually seem to care about the low-level experience. In seemingly every other major-market game out there, the early levels only exist in order to get past them in order to experience the 'real' (i.e.: end-game) content.
I missed GR when it launched and came back just as Freedom was being marketed and I'm still not done exploring Praetorian starting content. I also haven't gotten any of my toons to level 50 yet, and I'm not feeling all that bad about it, either.
Pauper -
I like the flavor, and you've clearly put a lot of effort into the presentation of the set, but I guess what I'm looking for is how, mechanically, this set differs significantly from Mercs?
Pauper -
Quote:As far as I can tell, the components are only useful for being turned into 'real' salvage via Brain Storm Ideas -- a piece of old base salvage turns into 1 Brain Storm Idea, while a component turns into 3. But it sounds like you've done that before.I went through and turned most of my base salvage into other junk when they got rid of it, even so I've got a couple hundred chunks of components in these itty bitty little storage units. Components I don't even remember how to use or what they're for- heh.
Pauper -
Every time I look at a specific building in our office complex I think to myself, "I should head over there and work on my Architect mission."