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  1. Quick question for the forum go'ers,

    If I slot Jolthing Chain with KB IO's, will it then do knockback instead of knockup?
  2. Organicide

    For @Hannah 15

    Holy Cow,

    This thread has ignited (pun intended) some debate. The gentleman who posted this build was doing me a favor. The OP was assisting me with leveling a SS/FA Brute (I've decided to take up "planting crops") in game and has some questions as it concerned a build for this sort of career. He offered to post a build for me here as he couldn't send it via global mail. My brute is level 40 now and I'm receiving a number of sugguestions as to how to build him for strickly AE content. Some are telling me to max S/L def, others are telling me Melee and then I'm hearing build for AoE/Fire and Cold def. My gut is telling me AoE/f/c/ is the best option for what it is i intend to do. Any sugguestions are welcome. My budget for the build is 500m.
  3. My Fire/Psi/Ice With t3 Reactive now "works" the Crey Cyborgs map in 3:42. My well IO'd SS/FA/Elec (also with t3 reactive) takes 4:58. Sadly, I can't speak for other dom sets. I can say I've never seen times like these before. I don't expect them to last.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Not_BC View Post
    Maybe I'm missing something ...

    But wouldn't Interface +Hotfeet + Mud Pots =
    If by you mean no endurance, massive aggro and face plant then yes.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    I don't many shield mace brutes.. I don't see many mace in general
    I run a Mace/SD brute. He's at 42 and it's been fairly smooth sailing save for some endurance woes in a prolonged battle.
  6. Organicide

    TA/DP direction

    I adore the Siren's sleep power from the Sonic Blast set. Helps a literal ton with Alpha mitigation. The stacking -Res is also a great boon to the teamer and soloist alike. I know you went DP, I just needed to relate.
  7. Organicide

    Kinetic melee

    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    It's still good on a scrapper, but the only set it feels odd on is /sd. The animations turn into one handed versions and it really throws it off. I will agree that stalkers likely make out the best with it, but the Ice/km sounds interesting. *sigh* I might have to roll that at some point. Tanks are using Quick Strike anyway for bruising so might as well use it first for pumping up PS's buff. Color KM as blue and it also fits with Ice.
    I cant recommend it enough. Not only is it highly highly effective vs AVs/GMs/EB (It's not unheard of to dampen their dmg -50%) it's also a rare build. I'm literally the only one I've seen on Freedom. PuGs don't seem to notice the effect it has on tough targets and you're not likely to get kudos for this build but being a hero isn't about that, right?
  8. Organicide

    Wanna Tank!!

    I'd say stick to brutes. They can attain Tank like levels of mitigation and pump out loads more damage.
  9. You may consider just rolling a SS/FA and having him farmed to 32 for about 100 million. Then you can self farm at -1x8 all the way to 50. Use the tickets you get along the way to fund your build. Then when you're 50. You can charge lowbies/use tickets and make real coin.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    I got the Void Judgement on my Earth/Thorns/Soul Dom and it rocks the house. Toss in the damage and control from VG, QS, Trops, thornburst, dark oblit, fling, soul drain, stalag, etc and he just mows down the opposition.

    I was soloing a x8 Nem farm and their vengeance buffs were no match for all the damage and debuff I was hammering them with.

    These incarnate powers have taken a plodding control monster and turned him into a chain saw.
    I went Ice Mastery on my Earth/Thorn but you are making me want to reconsider. I'll give it a run on test. Curse you.
  11. Organicide

    Kinetic melee

    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    I hadn't really thought about that, it does seem like a pretty freakin good set for stalkers. Don't have to worry about ramping up to do effective damage, BU coming back all the time, you get to keep burst, and lose the cone.
    Hell yeah, that's a good mix.
    Try it on a tanker. My Ice/KM/Soul tanker can whittle an eneimes dmg down to next to nothing.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Ice Armour has -14% dam in CE and Shield has -7% Dam, however the resistance of shield works well. I think if anything the -Dam from one power will not stack with another contribution from the same power.

    Knock yaself out.
    My thanks New,

    I completely forgot about chilling embrace's -Dmg which is sad because I have an Ice tanker . I'll now consider an Ice/KM/Soul/Paralitic build.

    Thank You.
  13. Let me lead this off with a hardy "forgive me, for I know not what I do". I was interested in rolling a Shield Defense/Kinetic Melee/Soul/Paralitic(?) Tanker for maximum -Dmg. What I'd like to know is if this -dmg will stack with one another and to what amount. IF there is a link to some sort of numbers library I'll happily check it out for myself.

    Thanks in advance.
  14. Fire/Psi was once all the rage, for farmers that is, but it wasn't animals they raised. Dare to be different my dear boy and roll an Ice/Psi Dominator. The stacking slows and -rech are effective additional controls and are quite a sight to behold. Drain Psyche makes running Arctic Air a breeze. THe set is highly underrated!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Valheru_fury View Post
    After having made a elec/ice and really liking the melee aspect I figured I'd make a another /ice toon. I decided to make an fire/ice dom even through its likely to be an uber end heavy combo. I was wondering if cardiac alpha slot is necessary or can its end problems be solved through heavy end reduc and/or some help from epics/patrons. If I did indeed decide to go cardiac would it make a resistance epic/patron armour more attractive? Also anyone out there thinking that P.B with domination and spiritual core paragon would make flashfire's stun would last practically forever.(not that mobs would last that long) Just my thoughts
    I do rather love Spiritual Core for Doms that are lucky enough to also have a AoE stun. Slot Hot Feet well with end redux IO's/sets, try to fit in miracle and numina +end IOs and the performace shift +end proc. You should be golden.
  16. I really like having it in Choking CLoud, Volcanic Gasses and Poison Trap.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brightwel View Post
    I know Energy Aura gets quite a bit of hate and that in comparison to other sets, it isn't as good but its a must for my latest concept. So I would really appreciate it if someone could give me advice on a KM/EA brute build. Just so any kind soul knows, I'll be taking speed as a travel power and energy mastery or possibly mace mastery as a Epic, thanks in advance.
    I don't have a build for you on hand. What you'll wan't to do at some point is soft cap your defense to 45% for S/L damage types and if possible Eng/N.Eng as well. I would advise you to take the fighting pool for Weave and Tough. I know you mentioned wanting to take Super Speed for travel. You may also want to take Leaping for COmbat jumping which is not only a great combat mobility power but also adds about 1.88% to all def types. The Steadfast 3% Def Io is also a solid purchase. The PvP 3% IO while helpful can be cost prohibitive (usually it sells for 2 billion +). After reaching the S/L softcap you can either slot for +recharge to get your +Heal/+end power up more often or look for IO sets that add more hit points so you'll be harder to take down and less prone to spike damage deaths.

    Accolades are a boon as well. Check out cohwiki for more info on those.

    Good Luck.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scientist_16 View Post
    That all sounds incredibly expensive.
    It shouldn't be too expensive to softcap ranged def. Thunder Strikes are relatively inexpensive. The Stupefy stun set might be a little pricer but not too bad and can be placed in both Dark Pit and your Rez power for both ranged def and 6.25% recharge bonus (again I forget it's name). You get a little +Def from Shadow Cloak (forget the name right now) and a little more from Hover should you choose to take it. I'd also recommend picking up Maneuvers from the Leadership Pool. Oh, and Dark Servant can take the Blood Mandate pet set (also inexpensive) for some additional ranged def.

    Slotted for recharge can get expensive. V-merits can earn you some fast LOTG 7.5%.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gearsinger View Post
    Endurance can be a huge problem as well. Hot Feet is very expensive. I think it's worth it to do Tip missions and purchase the Miracle and Numina's uniques as soon as you can slot them. I ate endurance extremely quickly even if I only had Hot Feet on when there were two or more mobs in range of it.
    Hotfeet has a flat endurance cost. THe number of mobs in prox to you won't increase the cost to run it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AF_Bill View Post
    I think claws is one of those "Anything goes" type primary powers. I went dark on one, but I don't care for the animation/concept. I'm starting a new one too, but not sure if I'm going /inv or /wp either.

    Claws is the "little black dress" of Brute Primarys. It has a little bit of everything. Good AoE, good single target, some knockback/knockdown if thats your thing. It also has a nifty 20% endurance and recharge discount as its inherent "bonus". I literally can't think of a bad pairing for claws.

    The real crime is that it can't be paired with stone armor or shield defense.
  21. I much prefer the game play of Mind/Energy. This is not to say elec/energy is bad, far from it. It's just that Mind doesnt have to worry so much about the knockback potential of some energy attacks.
  22. KM makes me think of the off spring that would be made if Energy Melee and Claws got together...

    It's really quite a capable set that does well for solo'ing hard single targets such as AVs/EB/etc and is decent for larger spawns of lesser critters with Shield Charge and Burst. The -dmg that comes with both sets is also quite nice to have vs those harder hitting mobs. Sadly, we scrappers don't get access to Darkest Night epic power that Tankers and Brutes do but it's still a nice synergistic edge that no other scrapper set(s) can provide.
  23. Hi Dark,

    We teamed a ways back on an all Dom team and enrolled them in HTTT. My toon was Prof. Wurmwood (Plant/Psi). He made it to level 29 before life got in the way and had to be shelved for a few months (a year). Anyeho, the HTTT was among my fav memories of the game and I was hoping that we could something like that going again (i.e. all dom team that meets once or twice a week).

    Now back on personal prefrence would be the earth/ice/ice. While I do enjoy nrg assault, it can feel a little clunky at times. YMMV.
  24. Thank you to all that responded. After taking in your responses and a little independant research I've decided to build both a Claws/FA Brute AND a KM/SD scrapper. Both are sitting at level 18 currently and as expected the brute was the easier ride but is starting to even out. I'm quite happy with how the KM is shaking out (fan of the animations as well). If anyone here plays on Freedom, please feel free to look up "Pyre Tyger" or "Kinetic-Core" for some playtime.
  25. Brute Forum Go'ers,

    I've had a concept in my head for a spell now and with double XP weekend fast approaching I'd like your recommendations, opinions and experiences as it concerns Kinetic Melee and/or Clawz.

    The biggest mystery for me currently is Kinetic Melee. From the power descriptions (which I've learned to only half trust) KM reads like a hybrid of Clawz and Energy Melee? Having never played the set before, I'm interested in trying it out for the first 20 levels or so just to see if I like it. Power Siphon is the other question mark. I understand that while activated I'll "siphon power from the enemy and apply this damage to my own attacks aganist them". This mechanic fits my theme of a corrupted phoenix fairly well but I'm also a mild power-gamer and would like more info on the numbers. Namely, how much damage will I steal if I reach the max of 5 attacks? Will it exceed that of Follow Up's buffage (another power that fits my concept and as an added bonus, the devs are giving us Vanguard pack for free in April. Fire clawz ftw!) or does it all average out over time to be fairly equal in terms of +DMG.

    I also seem to recall that Eviserate (sp) for brutes was changed to a single target attack from the scrapper version which was a Shadow Maul like attack? Is this true? And if true is that power now worth picking up? Are there any pit falls to either set? I know claws is or can be highly resisted given it's lethal dmg typed whereas KM has an energy aspect to it. My other brutes have all been Dark Melee so I'm slightly worried clawz will leave me hanging late game.

    I'd like to base my pick on late game results so if anyone here has some info or has played both sets, plz feel free to opine about it here.

    My long term plans for the toon are to One: Soft Cap it to S/L dmg type (expensive but I will take the time to V-Merit my way to Kinetic Combats). Two: Cardiac Alpha Slot for improved End mgmt and +resist. Three:Cram as much +recharge in as there are slots (again, gonna V-Merit for LOTGs and Four: Play for fun and profit +SF and other epic mis-adventures. I don't yet have a full build worked out but It'll be fairly standard stuff. I'd imagine Fighting, Fitness (duh), Leaping and Hasten. Epic I'm like to go Soul for DOblit, Gloom and DNight (again, concept and effectivness).

    Thank in advance for any advice,
