Jolting Chain IO ?
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Thank you Mental. Now how to slot it? I was thinking a mix of end mod and range. Thoughts?
When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.
I just treat it as a ranged damage power.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Range will only affect the first blast, from you to the first enemy. The damage is pretty pants too. It's the same as cages without containment.
Thank you Mental. Now how to slot it? I was thinking a mix of end mod and range. Thoughts?
Acc and maybe a few procs is probably the way to go. The chance for hold from the ranged set isn't bad in it.
One thing to keep in mind is that (unless they changed/fixed it) Procs only have a chance to fire on the first target. Chains won't proc them.
@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too

Erm, pretty sure this isn't the case. The chance for end might work this way, for a good reason (chains don't have -end) but other procs from the ranged damage and knockdown sets should propagate.
One thing to keep in mind is that (unless they changed/fixed it) Procs only have a chance to fire on the first target. Chains won't proc them.
Edit : sorry, it's the Chance for Stun from the end mod set which won't work in the chains. In fact it might be broken overall.
The chance for hold definitely does, I have it myself and the Chance for -end should as it's from Ranged Damage too (I gave that slotted too but it is harder to see in action). The damage proc from knockdown should almost certainly work too.
This thread is epic win. I rolled an Elec/Kin a few days back. I've never so much as touched these sets before and slotting options are giving me a bonafide stroke. Thanks for the heads up on Procs. I think I'm going to slot 5 Devastation(s) with the 6th slot going to apoc proc.
When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.
I'll second all this.
Range will only affect the first blast, from you to the first enemy. The damage is pretty pants too. It's the same as cages without containment.
Acc and maybe a few procs is probably the way to go. The chance for hold from the ranged set isn't bad in it. |
It's a good power for knocking guys down but that's it. At higher levels you really don't even need to use the power since you can keep every spawn you come across end drained or even confused if you have enough recharge so knocking them down doesn't even matter. IMO I consider it a novelty power and it's the only power in Elec/ I would ever skip. Now I do like it for those low levels where Static Field isn't up.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

Yep, at higher levels the animation time makes it a bit annoying and unneeded.
I'll second all this.
It's a good power for knocking guys down but that's it. At higher levels you really don't even need to use the power since you can keep every spawn you come across end drained or even confused if you have enough recharge so knocking them down doesn't even matter. IMO I consider it a novelty power and it's the only power in Elec/ I would ever skip. Now I do like it for those low levels where Static Field isn't up. |
There's a few places you could find it a lifesaver. Vs bosses, especially really mean bosses like Night Widow who shrug off your holds it can be really useful. Mind you in my case I'm playing a Elec/NRG domi so Power Push fills in that weakness for me nicely.
As a cheap-to-slot power it's pretty handy to have and I do love the effect of a ripple of knockdowns passing through a spawn.
Don't forget that your Gremlins have it too, so they'll often do the work for you anyway (one of the most underrated things about the sparkly little aggro magnets IMO)
Quick question for the forum go'ers,
If I slot Jolthing Chain with KB IO's, will it then do knockback instead of knockup?
When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.