Choose my next 50 Dom!
I just finished up an Earth/fire Dom that I love but Fire/earth was also a very serious contender. So I'm gonna say fire/earth but grav/fire sounds like fun too.
Fire/Earth would be a great meleer. What (A/P)PP would go with that? Soul?
Please buff Ice Control.
I am currently having a lot of fun on my fire/fire. The damage blooms well, just got my rain of fire from the ancillary pool. I can't wait to finish him up with the whole slotted/unlocked rain of fire/fireball/rise of phoenix/fire armor kit. It really does feel like a blaster who happens to have pets and holds, and can be very versatile. Once he's 50, he will have a whole bunch of sets he can use to amp him up even more.
A less common suggestion, but still a fun one, is a plant/earth dom. Seeds as an opener, and creepers for distraction, it's a very forgiving combo that allows you to clonk things on the head or in the face with giant mallets or boulders. Plus, the soft controls of /earth can help plant/ as it's a bit vulnerable if seeds doesn't stick well.
I just finished up an Earth/fire Dom that I love but Fire/earth was also a very serious contender. So I'm gonna say fire/earth but grav/fire sounds like fun too.
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"Heh-heh! Heh-heh! FIRE! FFFIRE!" ......Effin
My 2 best were Plant/Thorn and Earth/Earth. Kinda working on an Elec/Earth...but i'm not really sure how far he's gonna make it. He's a little shy of 20 right now..but i'm having a bit of a time getting into the Elec/ groove. Solo he's not too's a little rough.
Kinda concidering giving Grav/Energy another go, on the theme of a telekinetic. Yeah... i did kinda rob the idea from another poster...but i'm going a bit of a different route with the /energy attacks being kinetically charged force attacks. <shrugz> What can i say...i kinda liked the grav as tk concept. Tho...grav/psy as a TK/Telepathy-esque could work too.
Sooo many little server space.
RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
Out of your list I would go with the Mind/Energy/Lev but if it were me it would be a Mind/Energy/Fire.
My Mind/Ice/Fire is one of my favorites, Energy was a strong contender for secondary but Frost Breath beat out Whirling Hands.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Of the on your list I would go with Mind/Nrg/Lev.
Elec/Psi/Ice Doms can be absolute beasts (well, what Dom can't, really?). I'd recommend you give that combo a shot. Unlimited end and health, wildly varied controls, and good ST and AoE attacks make it a fun Dom to play.
You seem like a Dominator afficionado so I'm puzzled as to why don't you have a Mind/Fire Dom yet.
Please buff Ice Control.
Please buff Ice Control.
I got a Fire/Earth and it is a nasty combo. I originally started with the Fire APP, and it was ok, but went with ice cause of the defense and Sleet. You make orange all over the place.
Please buff Ice Control.
Yeah I would vote for Fire/Earth too
Mind/Fire. There's a guy on this forum who's soloed the LRSF with his. The low activation times, recharge times and mob resistance of /Fire coupled with stackable Confuse and Mass Confusion allows for some completely insane solo stuff.
I went ahead and rolled an earth/ice and an earth/nrg. I'm going to also roll a fire/earth and elec/ice. I have one slot left on Pin, though, so I gotta decide if I'll delete someone, pay for server transfer, buy more character slots, or roll one on Virtue.
I got both new doms to lvl 13 and slotted with generic lvl 15 IOs. With the same control set it's easy to compare which is 'better'.
/nrg has better mitigation with the kb and stun from power push and bone smasher, so he's safer to play
But /ice has more AoE dmg with ice sword circle... if you can leverage it without getting killed.
For control, they both have ST hold, QS (more debuff than control) and Stalagmites. The problem with making use of QS's nice -DEF is the long animation means that by the time it casts, the AoE stun from Stalag is expired and I get shot up. It'll get better when powers are slotted more, but in the meantime I have to Stalag, QS, then quick juggle targets with ST hold. /nrg can also toss a stun or kb in there as I mentioned, so it's pretty solid, but /ice can only slow recharge and that is useless for preventing alpha strikes. I can see Chilling Embrace becoming useful actually, as you could toss the area controls, charge in with swords and stack the slows and -rch to make it pretty safe to stay in melee.
Anyway, just figured I'd share for those of you interested.
Please buff Ice Control.
Hi Dark,
We teamed a ways back on an all Dom team and enrolled them in HTTT. My toon was Prof. Wurmwood (Plant/Psi). He made it to level 29 before life got in the way and had to be shelved for a few months (a year). Anyeho, the HTTT was among my fav memories of the game and I was hoping that we could something like that going again (i.e. all dom team that meets once or twice a week).
Now back on personal prefrence would be the earth/ice/ice. While I do enjoy nrg assault, it can feel a little clunky at times. YMMV.
When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.
My two favorite doms (and the only ones I took to 50) are fire/earth/(ice) and elec/ice/(soul). I could not pick one over the other... both are perma-dom & perma-hasten... I love all the weird controls and pets on the elec, especially the fortunata who just sits back at range and blasts away in safety, but I also love all the chaos and damage that the fire/earth brings.
I haven't tried soloing any tfs with them, but that's not really my style. For solid teamplay and great soloing and all-around fun, both combos get my highest recommendation. I'm working on a grav/energy, ice/thorn & baby mind/energy currently... so maybe one of those will turn into a new favorite. We shall see.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
Just rolled an Elec/Ice, and I'm having a lot of fun at level 21. Its damage isn't stellar so far, but on teams it's a great character for locking enemies down, and once I have enough slots to give the attacks proper attention, I'm thinking that carving enemies up will be a little easier. What really does it is Power Boost combined with the secondary effects. It's great.
Too many alts to list.
Hey everyone,
I'm almost done respecing and alpha'ing my current lvl 50 doms (see my sig), so it'll soon be time to get another to the end game. I currently have the following doms created:
Mind/Nrg/Lev - 44
Fire/Fire - 39
Plant/Thorn - 36
Ice/Ice - 35
Grav/Nrg - 35
Grav/Fire - 31
From that list, which one would you recommend I finish up next? Or should I roll a different one completely?
A couple combos I've thought about are:
Or maybe there's something out there I've overlooked that you've found thrilling. What is it?
Please buff Ice Control.