KM or Clawz to pair with /Fire Armor?




Brute Forum Go'ers,

I've had a concept in my head for a spell now and with double XP weekend fast approaching I'd like your recommendations, opinions and experiences as it concerns Kinetic Melee and/or Clawz.

The biggest mystery for me currently is Kinetic Melee. From the power descriptions (which I've learned to only half trust) KM reads like a hybrid of Clawz and Energy Melee? Having never played the set before, I'm interested in trying it out for the first 20 levels or so just to see if I like it. Power Siphon is the other question mark. I understand that while activated I'll "siphon power from the enemy and apply this damage to my own attacks aganist them". This mechanic fits my theme of a corrupted phoenix fairly well but I'm also a mild power-gamer and would like more info on the numbers. Namely, how much damage will I steal if I reach the max of 5 attacks? Will it exceed that of Follow Up's buffage (another power that fits my concept and as an added bonus, the devs are giving us Vanguard pack for free in April. Fire clawz ftw!) or does it all average out over time to be fairly equal in terms of +DMG.

I also seem to recall that Eviserate (sp) for brutes was changed to a single target attack from the scrapper version which was a Shadow Maul like attack? Is this true? And if true is that power now worth picking up? Are there any pit falls to either set? I know claws is or can be highly resisted given it's lethal dmg typed whereas KM has an energy aspect to it. My other brutes have all been Dark Melee so I'm slightly worried clawz will leave me hanging late game.

I'd like to base my pick on late game results so if anyone here has some info or has played both sets, plz feel free to opine about it here.

My long term plans for the toon are to One: Soft Cap it to S/L dmg type (expensive but I will take the time to V-Merit my way to Kinetic Combats). Two: Cardiac Alpha Slot for improved End mgmt and +resist. Three:Cram as much +recharge in as there are slots (again, gonna V-Merit for LOTGs and Four: Play for fun and profit +SF and other epic mis-adventures. I don't yet have a full build worked out but It'll be fairly standard stuff. I'd imagine Fighting, Fitness (duh), Leaping and Hasten. Epic I'm like to go Soul for DOblit, Gloom and DNight (again, concept and effectivness).

Thank in advance for any advice,


When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



It's my understanding that the damage buffing aspect of KM works better for Scrappers than Brutes. On the other hand, I understand that Brute Claws are as good or better than Scrapper Claws. So, I'd go for Claws.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



On a Scrapper, I'd give the nod to KM, since they get larger damage buffing, more of an impact from damage buffs (higher base damage numbers, no Fury to dilute the effects of extra +damage), and critical Concentrated Strikes to instantly recharge Power Siphon.

For Brutes, Clawz FTW.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.



Thank you to all that responded. After taking in your responses and a little independant research I've decided to build both a Claws/FA Brute AND a KM/SD scrapper. Both are sitting at level 18 currently and as expected the brute was the easier ride but is starting to even out. I'm quite happy with how the KM is shaking out (fan of the animations as well). If anyone here plays on Freedom, please feel free to look up "Pyre Tyger" or "Kinetic-Core" for some playtime.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Kumquat View Post
On a Scrapper, I'd give the nod to KM, since they get larger damage buffing, more of an impact from damage buffs (higher base damage numbers, no Fury to dilute the effects of extra +damage), and critical Concentrated Strikes to instantly recharge Power Siphon.

For Brutes, Clawz FTW.

This. Power Siphon works better for scrappers because they have higher base damage, lower caps -- 120% is nothing to scoff at, but you are sitting at that much with fury.

Buffs like power siphon and AAO are better for scrappers because damage buffs work offo f base damage -- an example

According to mids, Smashing Blow, generic high damage "Pow"

for scrappers: 101.85 base damage at 50, 120% from siphon power = 224.07 damage, before enhancements, (+95% (three damage SO's) = 320.07 damage with saturated with SP)

For brutes (Who, by design, have lower base damage that tankers, it offsets their massive damage cap and fury): 61.73 base damage at 50 -- 135.8 damage with PS fully saturated (
194.44 with 3 damage enh and fully saturated power siphon -- less than a scrapper with nothing but power siphon

Of course, fury adds another 300% to that, which puts it about even, but.. the point is, brutes get significantly less bang per buck for damage bonuses than scrappers, and for a set whose defining power IS their damage booster (and the instantanious recharge of it via crits on it's t9) -- It beings to suffer for brutes in comparison to scrappers.

Claws however focuses on light, quick attacks, which.. in turn, build fury fast -- it's perfect for brutes