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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Other people have already made the point that this is a "team" trial so basically everyone involved is going to have to rely on each other to stay alive. You just can't solo everything in this game.

    Frankly your concern over not being able to keep yourself alive based on your "own tools or powers" is starting to sound a little too much like the classic "but I'm supposed to be able to solo anything" Scrapper rant. It always amazes me how much Scrapper players whine when they finally face one of the very few things in the game that can -actually- hurt/kill them and how quickly they assume those things are bugs that need to be fixed. Even Superman had his Kryptonite...

    Consider this one of the few times you actually have to think and use some tactics to stay alive. *shrugs*

    Superman didn't die or get rushed to a hospital everytime someone had kryptonite either.... Such a bad analogy. With that being said nearly everything in incarnate trials or praetorian related content is lethal to super reflexes. They have piles of accuracy making my only form of self mitigation worthless. So we get our level shifts and our destiny powers and things are slightly better so hopefully those team buffs will help me right? And those buffs do help me. There is no "finally scrappers face one of the very few things ingame that can hurt them", many things ingame especially since going rogue launched are especially lethal to a person that mitigates solely on defense so don't give me that crap.

    This is not a solo rant, I don't know how or why you think it is. I'm not soloing I'm on a league, with my group right next to my group fighting the villain. I am using self heals, I am being healed, I am using rebirth, I am still dying. Ok this isn't a solo rant. This power needs to be toned down to a more reasonable level.

    You can use tactics to dodge the rest of the stuff antimatter throws at you but if you are missing just the slightest bit of health on that tick you will die. We shouldn't be relying on the 1 shot rule to make something hard. Plain and simple it isn't right, fun or a fair system.

    Something has to be adjusted. It's still going to be a very challenging trial without an undodgeable death attack.

    Multiple obliteration beams a faster disintegration tick that feels more like being disintegrated. It should be a a rapid dot but certainly not 90+% per tick. It should put a regen debuff on your so you can't auto regen thru it and still have to be healed though. Obviously it would be too easy if I could just regen through it. They can make this hard without a death sentence power.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    How do you know Omega isn't exactly that?

    I suspect that Omega is going to be very similar in function to Alpha. It would round things out nicely.

    We won't know for a while, but don't count it out yet.
    I think omega is just that but instead of boosting multiple stats you boost 1 or 2 and it has a normal level shift so you can be +2 outside of trials now.

    On another note why does being natural mean you are automatically human? What if you're from another world and you are naturally stronger than the average human on earth. Such as Superman!.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    In an encounter designed to be faced by 12-24 people, I'm of the opinion that one person by themselves should expect to be killed in 1 shot, without help from the other people around them. Sorry it's a bummer, but I'm not sure your expectations are reasonable in this case.
    It's a tick for 99% health I'm not by myself people are healing me. If I have just 5 hitpoints gone when it ticks I'm dead 1 shot rule hardly matters at that point. How is it unreasonable for me expect something better? Why does there need to be an undodgeable attack that can 1 shot me when there are two other massive aoes already that can one shot you if you dont move away.

    I got hit by this power 3 times alone in one trial tonight died all 3 of them. Ran out of greens each time. Popping greens while being healed and under rebirth effects. The only people that seem to be surviving that I've noticed are regen scrappers, stone armor and invul.
  4. Debt is not something I even care about. But dying from something that I can't even do a thing about just pisses me off. Being killed by a single attack where none of my own tools or powers can save me just because I'm missing a little bit of health just isn't fun to me. And makes me feel like I'm playing the common rpg and not a superhero mmo.

    Slightly offtopic: Being killed in 1 attack like this is a major turn off for me. Too many other games have it, our pvp system has it (along with many other new problems with the current system)

    I think someone here already answered the question for this thread. I had heard others complain about this power before and didn't know what it really was until it hit me and so far it kills me everytime it hits me at some point during its ticks.

    For the record we do use a macro and when I get hit by it I make sure im out of entanglement range and I simply jump up and down why using the macro hoping the people with healing will see me easier. It seems to work too but I still end up dying from it.
  5. I'm trying not to sound like a complainer here but why must such a power be so unforgiving?

    For me this is the only thing I don't like about this trial. No bit of tactics on my own part can prevent me from being hit by it, short of not attending the trial or not fighting in the final phase of the trial. Surely there is a much more reasonable yet still difficult adjustment that can be made to this power.

    I propose to make it tick more and more often but for less health. A really quick high damage dot similar to that of burn but much higher.
  6. I really think some of them don't spawn enough if you ask me. I certainly wouldn't want the spawn timers to be increased. Would like to see new gms added to each and every zone though.
  7. Look I get that you want to make these things difficult but this is just unfair.

    Anti-Matter's Disintegration of your body deals 1895.08 points of damage.

    My hitpoint cap on my sr scrapper is 1807 That's hitting me for 88 more hitpoints that I even have and I have the accolades and +hitpoint set bonuses. Even with having all of those emps healing me and regen powers on me none of it mattered since it ticked for more health that I can possibly even have. How do you expect me to even survive that? How about adjusting this and making it tick more often but not so high.

    If you want to make these things difficult then feel free but adding instant death mechanics like this are not fun.
  8. It was nerfed / fixed. There was a bug making it proc way too often and sometimes the proc never expired. But they have done something else to it because it definitely procs way less than 10%. The chance for build up is a mere 5% and even it procs more.
  9. I usually go for level 34 - 37 myself. I don't typically exemplar in anything below it very often and most of that stuff is pretty easy to where my purple and pvp sets will still help me.
  10. As it reads here in the side by side comparison.

    Inventions will be limited on free to play and premium. Now unless hami-os are going to be considered inventions with them being so special do you see people buying tons of hami stuff again since setbonuses will likely not be available to non subscribers?
  11. Bunch of powers need to be swapped and changed imo. Why were carnies given thermal radiation heals on the support pet? It should of been a dark ring mistress using twilight grasp. Why is a nemesis surgeon using healing aura when he should be using a syringe. heh, just a few things that didn't make sense to me.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    - Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Gigantic Vanguard Sword.
    - Caution: Gigantic Vanguard Sword may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.
    - Gigantic Vanguard Sword contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.
    - Do not use Gigantic Vanguard Sword on concrete.
    - Discontinue use of Gigantic Vanguard Sword if any of the following occurs:
    • itching
    • vertigo
    • dizziness
    • tingling in extremities
    • loss of balance or coordination
    • slurred speech
    • temporary blindness
    • profuse sweating
    • heart palpitations
    - If Gigantic Vanguard Sword begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.
    Gigantic Vanguard Sword may stick to certain types of skin.
    - When not in use, Gigantic Vanguard Sword should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration. Failure to do so relieves the makers of Gigantic Vanguard Sword, Paragon Studios, and its parent company, NCsoft, of any and all liability.
    - Ingredients of Gigantic Vanguard Sword include an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.
    - Gigantic Vanguard Sword has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is also being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.
    - Do not taunt Gigantic Vanguard Sword.
    - Gigantic Vanguard Sword comes with a lifetime guarantee.

    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll be sure to pass it along
    Just one question though. Will the vanguard sword protect us from blackpebbles nerf gun? Also can we have that nerf gun as judgement aoe?
  13. This week:

    Friday 7/8 at 9:30pm est
    Sunday 7/10 at 9:30 pm est
    Leader: @noyjitat (likely as Glorious Girl)

    I will attempt to start forming the league at 8:45pm each night with a planned start right at 9:30pm or sooner if the league fills up very quickly. League formation will be in whichever rwz has the fewest players which lately has been rwz1.

    I will post here if for some reason raid times change or if I had to fine someone else to lead.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
    Unless those groups see through stealth then there isn't a problem running without mez protection. If they can see through stealth then sneaking up on them wouldn't work anyway, so you would just leave the mez protection on.

    Unless you are playing a stalker, and need to be hidden to AS or get an easy crit, there is no reason you can't have stealth running without mez protection and just turn the mez protection on when you are in place before any other attacks.
    All of those groups do see through stealth. And lets not forget nemesis snipers, longbow spec ops, probably some others
  15. Energy aura for scrappers sounds great but why wasn't it added for tankers as well? And why no energy melee for scrappers? I'll take what I can get but I was really hoping to see that as well.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    how can KB ever be disruptive?
    Knockback can be very disruptive. Sometimes accidental and other times just be an outright *******. (I'm looking at those of you that use bonfire in the middle of rikti invasions)

    This would atleast give you the option of suppressing your knockback when you team with people or turn it to knockdown so you could blast the hell out of stuff without inconveniencing your melee team mates.

    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    I just want my PB to have the knockback on Solar Flare changed to knockdown just like Foot Stomp was..
    This is just a prime example of one those many knockback powers that I wish did knockdown instead.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
    Also, I want my MA to do psychic and toxic damage instead of smashing.
    Different types of knockback or reduced knockback is completely different than asking for different damage types.
  18. If they can make a power that makes knock powers stronger like powerbuild up and powerboost I don't see why they can't make another power that does the opposite and weakens them. You pick the option and null puts a debuff on you that lowers knock mag.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I support this if it is a global setting where people can choose to turn off all the secondary effects for all their characters or leave them all on.
    I think this would be the only secondary effect that I personally would want to be able to modify.
  20. Noyjitat

    Keyes iXP

    *shrugs* I myself usually get the required components and craft the incarnate powers up to tier3 and then just burn threads on incarnate xp. It's so much quicker that way atleast it seems that way to me. Although I understand and agree that they don't quite give you enough incarnate xp from kills.
  21. Your idea and voices for cutscenes would be cool.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    While I'm a bit against it in principle.

    If you don't like KB, then don't roll Energy Blast.

    However, if they just gave the option of "turn off your knockback" but not turn it into knockdown or knockback. Then at the very least, all you have is a energy blast and nothing more.

    But then one would ask, if all you want is energy blast, why not roll Radiation Blast?
    I dont think many people roll energy blast for the knockback. Energy looks cool and is fun to use and many anime characters such as characters in street fighter games and dbz use energy attacks.

    This again would be an optional feature just like everything else on null. If you don't want to turn off your knockback nobody is forcing you to do so And it gives you a wider variety of powers to use that you normally wouldn't use as much while teaming.
  23. Knockback is a commonly complained about thing. I love my energy blast, my bone fire etc but wouldn't it be nice if it did knockdown instead? It would still give me a form of mitigation but would no longer scatter things everywhere. And this would be so much better than other ideas where people suggest enhancements for this. I mean who really wants to waste a precious enhancement slot to remove knockback from a power?

    How about giving me the option to change my knock powers into either:

    Knock up
    or no knock at all.

    So I can still have knock mitigation if I want it but it doesn't have to be knockback it can instead be knockdown. The suppression of knockback should be completely suppressed too so that if someone else is also using a knockdown power that my knockdown power won't result in higher mag and still cause knockback.
  24. Shipraid time rescheduled. Tonight and for now on every friday and sunday I'll be leading shipraids at 9:30 pm est. This should make it easier for you to attend the weekly Cops and or hamiraids. I will attempt to start forming the league at 8:45 pm for any early people. We will start at 9:30pm unless the league fills up early or people can't get in the zone due to a trial taking up slots.

    I will post here if times change for any reason.
  25. All the more reason for them to someday get rid of the walls or the forcefield part above them so you can fly over them.