Keyes iXP
I havent been in game for a while now due to issues with my comp. But i heard that the new trial gives a diff type of xp. maybe you have to unlock the first for to earn anything? i could be wrong just an assumption
Spyder's Flame: Fire/Therm Corr- Main
Countless Alts
Numerous people are complaining about the vastly reduced iXP since the patch. My suspicion is that it's dividing it among everyone on the team, even the ones who can't earn it.
Yeah my alpha is open and filled. I was getting physical and psychic xp..the values were just so bloody pathetic. In contrast, I just did a 24 person baf. ONE % xp for the prisoner phase. So just that gave me move than all of keyes? That is just wrong
Mmm thats an idea Sooner. Another friend is telling me how she is getting 3% per BAF run atm..I have taken 25+ alts through the trials, before i20.5, and I never once got under 5% on a baf.
Anyone else have similar stories? I find it very amusing, and not at all surprising, that the devs efforts to 'fix' iXP and have it apply to an entire league..seems to have ended up with us getting less.
Update..just ram a Lam. EIGHT % destiny xp. 8. Prepatch, every lam I did for destiny would be at least 15%. I wonder if this is working as intended, or just another thing the awesome testing doesnt uncover?
supposedly we should have been sharing the xp across league now, but it seems the opposite is true
i havent had much chance to test this since all the toons im running atm have slots unlocked
(i usually used the xp conversion anyway since it was faster lol)

I've only played two trials with toons that didn't have everything unlocked and both set new record lows for me by a wide margin. 4% towards Lore on the first BAF then an even lower 3% on the next.
Global: @Calorie
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If this is sharing, give me personal iXP again
Just did a BAF..5% judgement xp. FIVE. So 20 needed to unlock it? lol. Glad they addressed the grind by making it more of a grind
If this is sharing, give me personal iXP again
Just did a BAF..5% judgement xp. FIVE. So 20 needed to unlock it? lol. Glad they addressed the grind by making it more of a grind |

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Numerous people are complaining about the vastly reduced iXP since the patch. My suspicion is that it's dividing it among everyone on the team, even the ones who can't earn it.
At any rate, I'm not sure what happened, but my rate of gaining iXP is much lower - probably somewhere around a third of what it was before. I really don't think we needed to spend longer unlocking those slots.
Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!
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Sounds about right Dark..1/3 of what it was. One friend has already told me she wont be running any more toons through the trials as they stand now.
Agreed, there is something wrong with IXP in general right now. I got 5% Judgement on a 24 man Baf twice last night. A friend got even less.
"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off
Agreed, there is something wrong with IXP in general right now. I got 5% Judgement on a 24 man Baf twice last night. A friend got even less.
Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!
Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis
I have the same issue. I've run a Fire/Kinetics controller and an Electric/Fire tanker on all 3 trials since the 20.5 patch and the numbers are greatly reduced.
My tanker actively fought, went after extra mobs and stayed to finish mobs after winning a Lambda and had a whopping 12 percent experience for unlocking the interface slot.
The least I've ever gotten on a Lambda, and this includes DCing, lagging, playing a pure support toon and being afk, is 20 percent toward interface.
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Well, I can post some data from before the patch.
- My dark defender has Interface unlocked and Destiny at 19%. That is from FOUR runs of Lambda.
- For the BAF, 8 runs has her with Judgement unlocked and 48% on Lore.
I log trials and TF's in a spreadsheet. That's the only character I have in the range between nothing unlocked and everything unlocked.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
That sounds about my average also Iron..12 % interface from a LAM now, crazy. I realllllly hope this is not WAI. If so, and the next lot of Incarnate powers take as long to unlock, it can go jump. It took long enough to unlock Lore before this patch, I shudder to think how long now.
As for getting a redname to comment...who knows. Not like it is a big issue or anything..
*shrugs* I myself usually get the required components and craft the incarnate powers up to tier3 and then just burn threads on incarnate xp. It's so much quicker that way atleast it seems that way to me. Although I understand and agree that they don't quite give you enough incarnate xp from kills.
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One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck
Procrastination meter coming soon.
Sent Z a message..I think
Before patch, I could get 20% or more during trials on my AoE heavy toon. Now I can't get more than 5% per.
I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.
Mmm thats an idea Sooner. Another friend is telling me how she is getting 3% per BAF run atm..I have taken 25+ alts through the trials, before i20.5, and I never once got under 5% on a baf.
Anyone else have similar stories? I find it very amusing, and not at all surprising, that the devs efforts to 'fix' iXP and have it apply to an entire league..seems to have ended up with us getting less. Update..just ram a Lam. EIGHT % destiny xp. 8. Prepatch, every lam I did for destiny would be at least 15%. I wonder if this is working as intended, or just another thing the awesome testing doesnt uncover? |
On the other hand, before 20.5, players on the same team got different amounts of incarnate XP for the same kill. I wonder if that is still the case.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
No reply..assuming I sent the message correctly
Incarnate System

Also; the title of the thread mentions Keyes, but it affects all trials. It's just more noticable on Keyes because your XP is split in half for both sides of the tree.
And yeah, this really needs to be fixed. I went into a Keyes today with 35% Lore, keep in mind Keyes is the newest and most difficult trial released so far...we completed successfully and he made it to a whopping 37% Lore

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online

I did a BAF this afternoon with 22 and got 5% toward Judgment.
Before the change to iXP distribution I would get 15%ish regularly, unless I was slacking or something. So... yeah. Hoping for an adjustment to the new change soon. Not looking forward to unlocking slots on new Incarnates right now. New plan: work toward t4 on others.
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Just did a keyes trial, with 30% judgement, 85% destiny, at the start. We just finished, a pretty good run...and those percentages have NOT moved? wtf is that, 45 mins for a grand total of zero?