737 -
IMHO First Class is the best X-Men movie we have so far; still got a few Bwah?!-moments but it's good enugh to enjoy.
Also, the Wolverine cameo is quite funny -
What's with this fricking Image Verification if one wants to use the search function?
I had to refresh the image like 10 times before I could make out all characters.
Here's a little tipp: The characters shouldn't have the same colour as the background. -
This is the second try as the forum ate my first post -.-
So this one won't be as elaborate, just the basics.
Macross Missile Massacre
Small wrist- and shouldermounted rocketlaunchers popping up and firing a swarm of micromissiles.
I was thinking maybe a cone attack doing fire damage and knock down.
3M - TV Tropes
example it's at 2:13
Da Bomb
Well, basically just this:
The character jumps in the air, pulls a big bomb out of hammerspace and slams it into the ground ->
PBAoE with self teleport like Spring Attack, doing energy damage and massive knock back...maybe blind any survivors. -
Instead of a statue, which Statesman would deserve, I had the idea to put him (and Sister Psycho) in Galaxy City Echo.
Somewhere on the ledge of a rooftop, keeping watch. Maybe even put some kind of Memento Mori badge at his feet. -
For example the snake headed staff(wand) some CoT are using.
What's missing for broad sword is the Red Cap Dagger,
which is somewhere between a giant dagger and a short sword in size...if in doubt, make it even larger
The long promised Rularuu (and Vanguard) TW aside, a Rularuu themed Crab backpack would be nice for future content. -
Quote:THAT would be awesome for my Claw/SR scrapper, Human ChainsawAnd we need chainsaw options for battleaxe, broadsword, Titan Weapons, and Claws.
Also, I hope the backtank has a biohazard sign on it... and maybe some fluids dripping out of it.
Quote:Tank Girl did pretty darned well.
I'd go crazy over a set with Tank Girl stuff - the ripped fishnets alone would guarantee a sale here!
Oh yes, please! -
Quote:So, no Yellow Jacket. That's too bad, I was really enjoying him on EMH.The cast has a lot of similarities to the Avengers movie, as they want to reach and appeal to the broadest audience possible. -
Maybe something like Machinedramon
Quote:I'd like other different types of arms too! Like, maybe huge arms? Or skeleton arms? Or feathered arms!
As for a mechanic tail, how about you do it like the Cybertech spine, just a bit bigger? -
Quote:Old WoD Hunters can't be embraced... they just diefor the last year has been my mainstay in Hunter the Reckoning as a martial artist bodyguard turned hunter. His next stint will be a continuation of the Hunter character turned into a Vampire
That aside; it would help to know which Clan he 'joined'.
A few ideas from the top of my head:
Gangrel - Claws/WP, Brute
Nosferatu - definetly a Stalker
Tremere - Grav/FF, Troller
Ventrue - Mind/Psi, Dominator
Toreador - Dunno... paint a bullseye on your back
Brujah - StJ(or SS)/SR, Brute
Lasombra - Dark/Dark, Dominator
Tzimisce - StJ(Claws? Spines?)/Bio Armor, Brute
Assamites - StJ(DB)/Ninjitsu Stalker
Giovanni - Thugs(Zombie?)/Pain MM
Ravnos - Illu/Kin, Troller
Malkavian - too bad we have no chainsaws; maybe a TW Scrapper
Followers of Set - Staff/Dark, Stalker... and hope for a snake staff in the future
Salubri - Emp/something, Defender
Baali - Demon/Dark, MM
True Brujah - DP/Time, Corruptor -
Yeah, well.. I'd prefer a bruise over a hole every day
But you're right even with a vest the bruise is nasty, w/o one it probably doesn't matter if the bullet penetrates your skin, the resulting bruise would go all the way through your body
Unless you're Luke Cage that is.
On an almost unrelated note:
Spider-Goat, Spider-Goat
Does whatever a Spider-Goat does.
Can it swing from a web?
No it can't, it's a goat
Look out, here comes the Spider-Goat. -
The Leviathan was made to be Merulina's avatar, so she put a pretty vast amount of her essence in it.(The Great Old One/) Merulina then went on shore to explore the arival of something/-one and was killed by this "shadowy figure".
I doubt it was Dirge of Entrophy, who while beeing a brilliant master mind is still just a single Nictus.
Anyway, what is left of Merulina is all bound in the form of Leviathan. -
Quote:With that in mind, I vote for Snaptooth.A memorably evil villain has a morality. But it's one in which their goal is the highest possible good -- whether it's their own power, the acquisition of knowledge, the destruction of the world, or even something like protecting their family. In the pursuit of this goal they are more than prepared to sacrifice anything else.
And for the worst of them, that goal is coupled with another -- the misery of everyone who doesn't share it. Not just death, although they may inflict this on a large scale, but the awe and terror of the petty sheep who would have stopped them.
Quote:They don't have much in the way of a single villain to represent them, but collectively my vote goes toward the Red Caps. Most of the villains have some mitigating factor, or at least a motive: Mother Mayhem is insane, Emperor Cole believes the ends justify the means, Recluse wants to rule the world, Hamidon thinks the world's better off without humans and so on. None of which makes their actions any less evil, but it makes their characters a little more redeemable. The Red Caps have kidnapped people throughout history, grotesquely changed some of them into monsters while keeping their minds human, forced them into centuries of deathless combat (and that's only a small part of what they do to their victims, it's just the only part that's fully described) ...and the only reason they do any of it is because they think it's funny.
But the way the Caps are depicted in game, I have to wholeheartedly agree with you... nevermind my global -
yay, my name's mentioned at around the 12 minute marker
although I have to admit, it sounds very weird in english -
Quote:Read. The. Book.I never read the book. So I thought the movie was fun. But never saw the sequels though. Heard they bit.
Quote:Agreed with Le Blanc here. Never read the book but thought the movie was decent enough.
When I first saw the movie I loved it and still do... all that over the top violence and the bugs don't look too bad either. Then I read the book and realized that while it is sci-fi and about a war with an insectoid alien species too that's pretty much everything it has in common with the movie.
Quote:The only thing she nailed is her obsessive belief that a movie needs to be an exact clone of the source material, deferring mediums and artistic reinterpretation be damned. It's clear, you people are purists.
"Wah wah wah! Scene in Watchmen was different so it ruined the whole story! Starship Troopers changed it mooore! WAAAH!"
For example:
What if Uncle Ben would've told Peter Parker the "with great power" line and then just kept living?
Then Parker wouldn't have been guilt tripped to become Spider-Man...
Nah, that's stupid. For our movie he becomes a hero simply to get laid.
See what I did there?
Sure, it could still be a good movie but it definetly wouldn't be Spider-Man; or just by name only.
Besides, it's a fact that Verhoeven didn't read Starship Troopers prior to filming it... to not corrupt his artistic vision (his own words).
Most sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you failed there, not Arcanaville. -
also there's this pesky square-cube law; remember Hitler's super-heavy tank project?
With current materials the Mech's legs couldn't bear it's weight.