Bullet Proof Skin!!
I read about research being done to splice spider silk-spinning genes into goat lactation anatomy at least 12 years ago and the agenda was for it to be used in production of reinforcing mesh for connective tissue, and other structures with some speculating it would be used preventively to reinforce at-risk joints in promising or currently successful athletes. And what's the first thing I hear about it's being used for, freaking bulletproof skin.
Sweet Christmas!
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Yeah, well.. I'd prefer a bruise over a hole every day
But you're right even with a vest the bruise is nasty, w/o one it probably doesn't matter if the bullet penetrates your skin, the resulting bruise would go all the way through your body
Unless you're Luke Cage that is.
On an almost unrelated note:
Spider-Goat, Spider-Goat
Does whatever a Spider-Goat does.
Can it swing from a web?
No it can't, it's a goat
Look out, here comes the Spider-Goat.

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
I read about research being done to splice spider silk-spinning genes into goat lactation anatomy at least 12 years ago and the agenda was for it to be used in production of reinforcing mesh for connective tissue, and other structures with some speculating it would be used preventively to reinforce at-risk joints in promising or currently successful athletes. And what's the first thing I hear about it's being used for, freaking bulletproof skin.
![]() |
One of the issues with steroid use is that the muscles become stronger faster than connective tissue, so there are joint injuries.
Now, as an evil scientist, this makes me think that we could treat the joints on a subject, have him on a very demanding physical training regimen combined with steroids, and then treat his skin to make it bullet proof. Bullet proof and super strong. I finally have a back story for a SS/Wp Brute! Woohoo!
One of the things that isn't elaborated on in the article, but that is key to the technology is that the mesh made from the spider-goat silk is bizarrely welcome in the human body. It is particularly unlikely to be rejected being ironically recognized as original equipment by the immune system. Supposedly there was brief, if any anti-rejection medication used, which is rare for organic-source transplants. Spider silk is some crazy material. One downside to reinforcing joints with the stuff is that it would potentially increase fractures as the bones become the "weak link" in an overloaded joint.
One downside to reinforcing joints with the stuff is that it would potentially increase fractures as the bones become the "weak link" in an overloaded joint.
Unless the person has a gene that gives them unbreakable bones.
Unless the person has a gene that gives them unbreakable bones.
http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceno.../03/13-01.html |
Human bones can already be pretty durable, but combine that with the skin and the next thing you know we'll be indestructible.
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Definitely putting all of this stuff into a character bio. I love science!
Well, now we know why Squishies don't flinch at bullets.
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

There is a Nova which shows the goats the goats. Thet are at the end however if you are intrested.
Yeah, the whole notion of "bullet proof skin" making you essentially invulnerable is kinda...well...ignorant of physics.
Sure, you might not get a penetrating wound, but there's still all that soft tissue damage underneath. That kind of blunt force trauma can still break bones, disrupt arteries, etc.
Take a look-see at this vid (at about 7:40 onward).
There is a Nova which shows the goats the goats. Thet are at the end however if you are intrested.
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/tech/ma...stuff-stronger |
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Someone will just come along and invent a better bullet, or maybe advances like this will finally spur real development in energy weapons!
Honestly did nobody read the article beyond the headline and first paragraph??
Does it work? Well, the skin is only able to stop bullets fired at reduced speeds, TechNewsDaily reported. It was not able to stop a bullet from a .22 caliber rifle shot at a normal speed, which is the required standard for today's bulletproof vests. |
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Tempus unum hominem manet
They can already microwave the crap out of people already.
And they can bombard them with infrasound.
Also, a 500 Terawatt laser was recently fired at Lawrence Livermore. More power than the entire planet uses at any given instant in time.
Honestly did nobody read the article beyond the headline and first paragraph??

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Me likey way this sounds!