New Hulk Cartoon and New Avengers Cartoon
The buzz on the Hulk show is bad. Worse than Ultimate Spider-Man (which has actually managed a couple good episodes).
Apparently, it was planned that EMH would end, and this is just a follow on.
Avengers Assemble is not a continuation of EMH. It's a a complete restart and is supposed to conform better to the movie universe.
In fact the guys at EMH had to rush out a finale episode early and abort the Surtur storyline they had been building up all season. The remaining episodes may not even air in the US. I regret thumbing my nose at EMH when it first premiered; it shaped up quickly and in the end it had a lot of heart.
Slowly, but surely, Marvel is starting to let the "tail wag the dog". The movie is infecting the other universes where stories and characters are being adapted more to the movies than vise-versa. If the movies start to tank, there will be a lot of collateral damage.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
This isn't actually a new thing. They did it with the X-men movies when they were all the rage. Shortly after the second X-men movie the X-men in the comics started to dress in the same 'plain' black suits. Pretty much throwing away any personality their Giant-Size costumes gave them.
Slowly, but surely, Marvel is starting to let the "tail wag the dog". The movie is infecting the other universes where stories and characters are being adapted more to the movies than vise-versa. If the movies start to tank, there will be a lot of collateral damage.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
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I haven't seen the Hulk cartoon yet, but from what I've heard, it's already got some strange ideas going on, for example giving She-Hulk Energy Blast and turning Skaar into a Broad Sword Scrapper.
Yowtch. And to think I really enjoyed EMH (Australia aired the full run of the second season out here).....Agents of S.M.A.S.H just sounds a bit daft.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
So, no Yellow Jacket. That's too bad, I was really enjoying him on EMH.
The cast has a lot of similarities to the Avengers movie, as they want to reach and appeal to the broadest audience possible. |

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
I'm not sure that the Marvel movies count as the tail anymore - they generate way more cash and reach a way larger audience than Marvel comics - it just seems like common sense now to flip the creation process and have the movies generate comics rather than the comics generate movies.
Slowly, but surely, Marvel is starting to let the "tail wag the dog". The movie is infecting the other universes where stories and characters are being adapted more to the movies than vise-versa. If the movies start to tank, there will be a lot of collateral damage.
The size of the movie going public compared to the comic reading public, combined with the price of movie tickets compared to the price of comics means that Marvel earn more from movies like Daredevil than from their most popular comics.
Or, to give another example, WB/DC made far more money from "Batman and Robin" than they ever made from the most popular DC comic series just like they did with "Green Lantern" and "Superman Returns" - and the profits that they've made from the current Batman trilogy leaves the entire DC comics range in the dust.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
What's the time frame we're talking about?
I'm not sure that the Marvel movies count as the tail anymore - they generate way more cash and reach a way larger audience than Marvel comics - it just seems like common sense now to flip the creation process and have the movies generate comics rather than the comics generate movies.
The size of the movie going public compared to the comic reading public, combined with the price of movie tickets compared to the price of comics means that Marvel earn more from movies like Daredevil than from their most popular comics. Or, to give another example, WB/DC made far more money from "Batman and Robin" than they ever made from the most popular DC comic series just like they did with "Green Lantern" and "Superman Returns" - and the profits that they've made from the current Batman trilogy leaves the entire DC comics range in the dust. |
These movies tend to take about 3 years or so are you telling me TDK made more than all the Batman staring, guest staring and featuring books combined did in the same time period? I'm not talking about total gross of either profit stream but rather what DC/TW pockets from either stream in the same period
Slowly, but surely, Marvel is starting to let the "tail wag the dog". The movie is infecting the other universes where stories and characters are being adapted more to the movies than vise-versa. If the movies start to tank, there will be a lot of collateral damage. |
This isn't actually a new thing. They did it with the X-men movies when they were all the rage. Shortly after the second X-men movie the X-men in the comics started to dress in the same 'plain' black suits. Pretty much throwing away any personality their Giant-Size costumes gave them.
It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.
Well it was a cool car.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
You're right. They did make way more money from the movies.
I'm not sure that the Marvel movies count as the tail anymore - they generate way more cash and reach a way larger audience than Marvel comics - it just seems like common sense now to flip the creation process and have the movies generate comics rather than the comics generate movies.
The size of the movie going public compared to the comic reading public, combined with the price of movie tickets compared to the price of comics means that Marvel earn more from movies like Daredevil than from their most popular comics. Or, to give another example, WB/DC made far more money from "Batman and Robin" than they ever made from the most popular DC comic series just like they did with "Green Lantern" and "Superman Returns" - and the profits that they've made from the current Batman trilogy leaves the entire DC comics range in the dust. |
Here's where you're wrong. They didn't see any big increase in readership because of the movies.
Changing the comics to fit the movies just upsets the current fanbase. Any who pickup the comic from watching the movie isn't likely to stay reading the comic if they even bothered to pick it up.
Because going to see an action movie (or movie in general) about a superhero is seen differently than reading a comic book.
Comic books are for little boys! Movies are for everyone!
That's still a common thought process in most Americans.

If great numbers in other media meant better sales in comics, then Teen Titans Go would of been one of the biggest comic book sellers.
You keep making the comics to help appeal to the new market. It gives the movies an audience that's already in place, while allowing you to change some things around and make it work better for the masses.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Yes, this may be semi old news (2 weeks) but I didn't see it mentioned anywhere.
So, according to Jeph Loeb, we have a couple of new shows to look forward to. Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. and a new avengers show. Apparently, it was planned that EMH would end, and this is just a follow on.