Where do i go with this?

Adeon Hawkwood



Hey folks. I am struggling with how to create a character in the city that has been bouncing around my table top RPG sessions for about a decade. He started as a low power super in a Super tabletop RPG using store bought armor and judo. He has had many incarnations including two cyborg stints (one really really high power) and for the last year has been my mainstay in Hunter the Reckoning as a martial artist bodyguard turned hunter. His next stint will be a continuation of the Hunter character turned into a Vampire, so that he can save the world. As you can see, the poor boy is all over the map. But he is a lot of fun.

My question is how should I create him in CoH? I would like to capture him as the current Martial Artist Vampire. I have access to StJ, but I think the classic MA moves are more appropriate. I think MA is pretty Gimpy compared to StJ and i'm sort of a powahgamer tho, but not enough to throw me off concept. It's a fine line. Any ideas where I should go with this?



stalker, dark armor with martial arts or stj

not great, but fits the theme



I'd second that and consider whether Fighting pool makes any sense given the changes being proposed to it (which would be down the road somewhere so maybe not a real character-building concern right now).

You's also want the wolf pet and coyote travel power if you don't already have them.



I assume by "Hunter" you mean "Hunter of the supernatural" kind of thing?

I'm a great fan of both Martial Arts and Street Justice. Though Street Justice is the newer and shinier set, Martial Arts is still nothing to scoff at. A successful strike with Eagle Claw boosts the chance for your next critical hit ... I usually follow with Dragon Tail. You should choose the set that best defines your hero since you're trying to represent him as best you can.

Until the rumored changes to the Fighting Pool come along (mentioned as being a sort-of "Street Justice Light" if you take all three of the modified pool's attacks). At this time, only Melee ATs have access to Martial Arts so that limits you to a Melee AT, really.

That leaves Scrapper, Tanker, or Stalker on the table. (Brutes will hopefully get the Martial Arts set soon!) Of the three types, which suits your concept? Tankers will be really tough and deal moderate damage, Scrappers will have moderate survivability (and better with IOs) and deal tons of damage, Stalkers have prowling and skulking and deal tons of damage but are "paper tigers" and fall to damage fast.

Remember that you have Ancillary Pools available at level 35 to help fill out your concept. Darkness power pool might be nice, or maybe weapons.

When (as has been rumored) other power pools make their appearance, you can use them as to tailor your concept as well.

As for Secondaries, choose one that goes with concept as well. Dark Armor? It has some powers that might go along with a "Hunter", especially a fear aura which, admittedly, needs some slotting to be effective.

Will Power or Regeneration might be nice too ... but they lack "tricks".

I'd love to see a "Sword and Martial Art" Assault set, or a "Sword and Gun" Assault set. Then he could be a Dominator, Darkness Control/Sword and Martial Arts.

With the speed this game is evolving, in six months you'll have a completely different idea on how to build him, so be prepared to make alternate versions!

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



StJu and MA are about the same. Proof.

Also the Eagle Claw flip in air with hang time can be explained away with vampire powers.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Yeah a MA/DA Scrapper or Stalker would seem about right thematically.



Willpower kinda steals their regen from nearby foes, and the whole heightened senses thingie would fit with the vampire theme. And maybe he's a daywalker, his hunter powers resisting the embrace, allowing him to withstand sunlight. It's been awhile since I played Vampires - Bloodline (and I've never played the actual tabletop whitewolf game), but I seem to recal that not all clans had access to stealth until they aged abit, so the whole stalker/non-stalker thing would be dependant on that - the crazy clan and the ugly clan were stealthy, but the sane, pretty clans like Ventrue and Brujah were fully visible. Anyway, you'd know best.



If you do wait for the power pool changes you could make a dark melee/super reflexes character and take the attacks from the fighting pool. Dark melee has some very vampire-like powers and combined with fighting pool attacks and maybe jump kick would fit the martial artist concept too.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
for the last year has been my mainstay in Hunter the Reckoning as a martial artist bodyguard turned hunter. His next stint will be a continuation of the Hunter character turned into a Vampire
Old WoD Hunters can't be embraced... they just die
That aside; it would help to know which Clan he 'joined'.
A few ideas from the top of my head:

Gangrel - Claws/WP, Brute
Nosferatu - definetly a Stalker
Tremere - Grav/FF, Troller
Ventrue - Mind/Psi, Dominator
Toreador - Dunno... paint a bullseye on your back
Brujah - StJ(or SS)/SR, Brute
Lasombra - Dark/Dark, Dominator
Tzimisce - StJ(Claws? Spines?)/Bio Armor, Brute
Assamites - StJ(DB)/Ninjitsu Stalker
Giovanni - Thugs(Zombie?)/Pain MM
Ravnos - Illu/Kin, Troller
Malkavian - too bad we have no chainsaws; maybe a TW Scrapper
Followers of Set - Staff/Dark, Stalker... and hope for a snake staff in the future
Salubri - Emp/something, Defender
Baali - Demon/Dark, MM
True Brujah - DP/Time, Corruptor


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Toreador - Dunno... paint a bullseye on your back
Toreador are no slouches in a fight. Celerity was one of their three main Disciplines. I'd make a Toreador into a DB/SR Scrapper. That's a valid combintation, right?

And I'd make main-line Brujah WP over SR...but that's just me. =P

I have nothing else to contribute.

- Ashley
[Rocker Girl (Earth/Earth Dom); Sweet Venom (Plant/Time Ctrl)]



Auspex + Celerity = Major gun-fu

I'd say Pain/DP for Toreador. Pain being a combination of the auspex astral abilities and presence buffs/debuffs.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Old WoD Hunters can't be embraced... they just die
That aside; it would help to know which Clan he 'joined'.
A few ideas from the top of my head:

Gangrel - Claws/WP, Brute
Nosferatu - definetly a Stalker
Tremere - Grav/FF, Troller
Ventrue - Mind/Psi, Dominator
Toreador - Dunno... paint a bullseye on your back
Brujah - StJ(or SS)/SR, Brute
Lasombra - Dark/Dark, Dominator
Tzimisce - StJ(Claws? Spines?)/Bio Armor, Brute
Assamites - StJ(DB)/Ninjitsu Stalker
Giovanni - Thugs(Zombie?)/Pain MM
Ravnos - Illu/Kin, Troller
Malkavian - too bad we have no chainsaws; maybe a TW Scrapper
Followers of Set - Staff/Dark, Stalker... and hope for a snake staff in the future
Salubri - Emp/something, Defender
Baali - Demon/Dark, MM
True Brujah - DP/Time, Corruptor
Love your ideas. I am blessed by storytellers who read all the books as "guidelines" lol. But you are right, under 99.9999% of all circumstances hunters cannot be embraced. Without going into a bunch of details there are Time Lords involved in the meta-plot. Not the blue box kind, but still. The real trick to getting my hunter turned was not that rule however, it was that my wife (and the storyteller for the vamp plot) was tired of the hunter. I had to stay up all night watching her TV and keeping her company to earn that favor! Oh, and he's dropping into Brujah. Oh, and I would suggest Mind Dom for any Malk....



As for the vampire part, use the Bats aura. Possilby set it for body combat.

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