103 -
I like this idea. Seems easy to implement. A custom group would be considered invalid to use until a Minion class was added. Then the game could automatically weight it so there are more minions than bosses.
I like it, I think it's a strong idea.
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that was sorta my thoughts on it, seems like it could be implemented pretty easily, in a quick patch even. . .they could probably have it ready for Friday's down time if they really really wanted to >.> -
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Mushroom Mushroom!
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Fixed that for you.
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LMAO! love it *goes and looks up that flash video. . .* Wonder if I could make a spoof on it for this O.o I'd better not. . .I'll wait till the next one XD -
Not sure how I managed to get this topic into here, since I have this section of the forums collapsed generally. . .oops. Now I'm trying to decide where would be appropriate to post it?
So I have a suggestion about farming in AE, this is geared towards the developers more than the players. I would love to hear the player bases input though.
Now before everyone who farms goes on and starts flaming before reading this, know that I am not opposed to farming!!! I myself do farm on occasion, and I am getting tired of seeing missions get pulled, or mucked up that arent farms, because of some anti-farm nerf. Sorry, but I dont see that farming is the most important thing as Im sure some do!
Anyways, onto what the point of this post is. Why not make it so that custom groups had to have minions? There are 3 major factors that make AE farming preferred to regular farming:
1. Ease of accessibility
a. It is in Atlas Park!
i. It is in mercy to, but to the best of my knowledge that one isnt really used. . .
2. Reduce the amount of risk
a. Hey, I can select the type of damage the baddies do!
3. Why fight minions, lieutenants, and bosses when I can just fight bosses?
a. For some builds this is a hassle, for others it is a great speed up!
i. Some builds take ages to take out bosses!
ii. Others, taking out a mob of all bosses takes no longer than a mixed mob!
My suggestion effects 1 factor that you have yet to. This is one of the few ways that I can see (at the moment. . .) that will hit the farmers, but not really bother those who use the system as intended. Now Im not just saying force minions, minions are the only thing that would HAVE TO BE required though. If they want a boss though, force them to have lieutenants, and the same for Elite Bosses and Arch Villains/Heroes. Im sure there are many other ways to stop farming, or slow it down, but short of overhauling where AE is placed, and removing A LOT of the customization, I personally see no great fix.
This way at the very least makes it no more farmable than some of the content you have put into the game yourselves with some of the recent changes. In all reality, I can see if you do this people going back to real content, or at the very least the old farms if that is what they want to do. Why? Because minions make a significant less amount of tickets per kill, and bosses wont spawn until you are on a larger team.
So? You may ask, so. . . tickets are the only source of drops in AE missions, so if it takes longer to make tickets, and you are killing the same type of things in AE as you would be outside. . .it no longer has greater rewards! In all reality, the rewards are less, because outside with every kill you have a chance for a recipe, a purple at that! -
He's actually still in the RCS so PI version of him must be a clone.
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Question to that. . .are you talking about the zone that is no longer able to be gotten to, or RWZ? -
You know, I laugh my. . .butt off, then I say to myself,
"With all the new 'ae babies' I have to wonder how many people out there really do things like this."
Based on your number of posts alone, I'm going to say nice joke :P Got me to laugh good and hard. -
But if you're in zones fighting a few people or doing team pvp in arenas, do you generally have a better drop rate now?
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COmpared to the old drop rate system, hell no, you could have 20 people standing still and killing them every 5 minutes and still not come close to achieving the amount of kills you could with the old system.
So yeah, the new system will yield rewards based off of your State Lottery system. you will be lucky if you ever see one drop on you again like they use to. I'm betting you could try farming this for 3 hours and not get one.
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Sadly that is true . . . . look on the bright side I guess, at least it is 5 minutes not 10 now? *Sigh* still sucks. . . especially considering that usually in PvP zones, you are only fighting maybe the same 5 or so people . . . and since the timer resets everytime you kill them. . . yeah.
So if you are trying to get recipies. . . don't kill before 5 minutes is up! XD -
Plasma Energy Chamber:
Looking up from ground
Looking down from above
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How long did that take you? I'm wanting to do something somewhat similar, sadly I think my circle is going to be wider >.> Any chance you could give a couple pointers? -
There is only one solution to the "problem" of level 50 noobs: Don't team with them. There. That was easy. Now they're not your problem.
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If they hadn't become a level 50 noob, there's a good chance they could've been worthwhile teammates.
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Not really.
If theyre the type to not ask questions, hit 50, and refuise to take advice because theyre 50, they would have been a worthless idiot either way.
the AE doesnt magically burn out your braincells and turn you into a drooling moron.
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No it just gets them to 50 quicker at which point they refuse to take advice because they are 50 (your words). Maybe prior to 50 they would have taken advice, but they didn't need to because everything was being handed to them?
Also properly playing up, people often learn much more than just being PLd. . .NOT ALWAYS, but often. -
Certain bosses have a chance to critical on some attacks.
Council Martial Artists spring to mind.
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And if i remember correctly that critical can actually 1 shot you, even if you are at full health when they use the attack. . . -
1) CoH can use no more than 2 cores.
2) When CoH loses the focus, it drops to below normal priority. An example of when this would happen, is if the Task Manager has the focus. Try opening the Manager then clicking on CoH to give it the focus. The Manager stays on top and should show CoH at normal priority.
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1.)Just checked, and it is only using one.
2.) Even when it is the foremost application it is "Below Normal" -
Odd thing with this power is, I have NEVER gotten it on ANY mission but the 3rd of the ITF. . .
In other words.
Waahh, wahh, i cant find pugs and I'm too lazy to form teams or go looking for teams elsewhere than broadcast therefore the game is dead?
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Though to be fair, I have tried to form teams, people get on team "Oh, you aren't going to be running AE?"
"No, I plan on running regular content. . ."
"Ok good luck with that!" *person quits team*
And I took the time to tic every little bubble other than Atlas park in that selection. . . and I sent a tell asking if they wanted to join a "Mission Team" apparently they thought I meant an "AE farming mission team"? -
Yes there is a level 40 restriction on the zone. . . and as far as people getting around there, I garuntee you people would learn how to do it on lowbies, same as the did with PI (that or get teleported) but the important thing is it would no longer be easily accessable to new players. . .
First time players would still see the content before they run into "Oh yeah, there is this way to go from 1-50 in under 7 hours of game play. . ." sorta like we all learned with the old drek farm, and werewolves and such. . . -
One of the coolest places in COX is the CoT Stronghold. It's only used in two redside missions, one from Scirocco and one from Mage-Killer Zuhkara.
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I do believe you mislinked. . .how did you get into my secret hide-out/base? -
Circe's Island is pretty nice, if you find the little hidden cave. . . Original Paragon Dance party was cool, of course the "not so secret, secret location" in. . .faultline I believe?
I'll get you a video ASAP =]
Also did you take Double domination into effect? The dom had almost permanent double domination at 160% global recharge pre hasten (230% after hasten) If you didn't that is a big difference since each application of domination does +50% duration, and increases the magnitude of confuse *shrugs*
Not sure how many the Ill/rad could confuse, it never needed to confuse more than one (Ghost widow) -
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Rogue is based in pratorean earth where our bad guys are their good guys and vice versa, so it would still make perfect sense =]
Ok, so I have been playing CoX for awhile now, recently updated my system yada yada. . .
Here is what I have noticed
1.) It is set up to use all of my processors (quad core) but I'm not to sure if it is using more than 1?
2.) it keeps setting its priority to "Below Normal" Which is quite, it doesn't make it run choppy or anything, but it is actually making it take up MORE usage instead of less *sigh* I have tried upping it, even use Prio (remembers changes I make to priority) But it drops back down immediately after I change it, doesn't even wait for me to restart like other programs would. -
I suspect you will have trouble perma-holding a level 53 archvillain. Thats a lot of scale-to-relative-level. But you mgiht be able to perma confuse one. The question would be whether you would deal enough damage.
Fortunately this is easy to test since there are many level 53 heroes you can drop in an AE mission and practice on.
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The final 8 can be perma held. . . and I've seen 4 perma confused all by one person. . .just saying.
As a side note, the RSF and STF have both been soloed. The STF had been doen a handfull of times by Illusion/Rads, and I know of one RSF being soloed by a mind/fire dom. -
All damage proc effects in Invention Origin enhancements will now state the rate at which they will be triggered, the damage type they inflict and the measure of damage they inflict.
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Purely out of curiosities sake. . .why does it matter what type of damage they deal when they are 100% unresistable anyways? -
*passes Castle a copy of the Geneva Conventions turned to the page about torture*
I suppose you could always claim you were just "following orders" when the players storm your corporate offices and put all you Devs on trial for war crimes.
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Castle lives in the US, correct? Shall we check who DID NOT sign the Geneva Convention? -
yea a new retail box in stores that you can't use the advertised feature to take advantage of double xp? that'll happen
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As to this comment. . . every single one of the features that comes with the new retail box can be used. . .
The retail box is really just all of the patches on a DvD . . . same thing with GvE if you already had the game, and you bought the retail box. . . so the only thing the retail box gave you (if you already had the game. . . ) was one of the super booster packs if you didn't already have them? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe that the new retail box really gave you anything special inside of AE. . . *shrugs* -
Is there really any NPCs that counter shields? Do they have a weakness? Can anyone give me some feedback?
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don't think Shields have as much defense debuff resistance
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This isn't so true, many people just ignore 20% of it because it is supposivly in a power that doesn't help them at all >.>
In other words. . . TAKE GRANT COVER!!! it is something like 20% defdebuff resistance?
Anyways, the major issue with shields is the same thing that plagues any other defensive set, auto hit attacks, and high to hit buffs. . . so larger groups of nemesis might give you issues. -
the "del" key itself never sold items for me, I always had to do it painfully by selecting the item, then selecting sell. . .always, trust me I tried the delete key : (