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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pirate Cashoo View Post
    Aww GK I'm so glad you and EnnVee like it. Means a lot.

    I had too much fun with this one...I really, really enjoy Night Hornet!

    Sorry been away for a while and just saw this, Thanks Cashoo I love it!
  2. Here's an entry from me, featuring my good friend Tired Angel, titled:'re attacking me with a turkey???

    Disclaimer - no turkeys were harmed while making this picture
  3. That's a great piece, grats!
  4. Hey, thanks for the kind words, I just realised that I hadn't finished the hair (oopps). And yes the idea was that Sapph had just heard a so bad it's funny joke.

  5. I was a bit bored this afternoon. so I had a quick go at a casual off-beat pose.

  6. I agree with FrozenDeath, however don't be put off. It takes time but if you are good with photoshop and can master some Daz basics you should be able to make some reasonable images.
    For example I made these pretty quickly without making any clothing at all, but they still match how the toons look.

  7. I just managed to snag one - yay!
  8. I'm a bit of a tanker, so I'm in
  9. Well I'm only a 45 minute drive away and I can bring my own laptop...if there's still room?
  10. Night_Hornet

    My Dilemma

    Taking a break is a good idea.

    Currently, I'm on an enforced break as I've just moved and am waiting for my isp to turn up.

    Funny struggling to get teams together, no thinking back to the "good old days", hmmm at the moment not missing it as much as I have before, never thought I'd say that.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aerofiel View Post
    Wow. I'm absolutely appalled at what I am seeing here. Yes, the devs have said it's not going to happen, but let's be honest here. The only reason a lot of you are trashing this guy so much is the standard MMO elitist attitude that gets pushed around this much, "We had to walk fifteen miles in the snow to get our 50s only to have them nuked in a patch, so so will you!". It's no wonder that people have been leaving CoH in droves if that's what sort of attitude the community portrays...
    Actually IF the "guy" is being trashed it's because - It's not a good idea (which has been posted many times before) and the devs have (very recently) said "it won't happen", alts help retain subscribers, it's as simple as that, end of.

    For the record this community is one of the least elitist I've been involved with and to say that people are leaving in droves because of the communities’ attitude is frankly ludicrous.

    BTW I'm not feeding as I think it was just an ill-advised post, stick with the forums, you'll come to love it honest.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aerofiel View Post

    How is it that super-heroes from other countries aren't included in the superhero genre?
    They are, both Marvel and DC have heroes from a large variety of nations.

    Originally Posted by Aerofiel View Post
    Perhaps it might even include a Power Armor secondary powerset for Scrappers/primary for tanks, which would grant two costume slots to start with(the second would be required to use the Armor slots for the chest and legs(And yes, this is a common theme among American superheroes as well)), the first power of the set being "Transform". Several powers in the set could be used to increase damage, increase total HP, speed up healing, all passive(always on) when the Transform power is active, but the transform power would severely reduce the endurance recovery rate, basically increasing your surviveability, but decreasing your long-term battle effectiveness. At higher level(perhaps tier 9), an endurance recovery power could be made available for the transformed set, which would allow you to slot endurance recovery enhancements, granting you the ability to work in battle in a more long term way.
    I'm still thinking "power rangers" when I read this.

    My point was that COH is roughly based on the same kind of lore/universe/style that the major comic book publishers have, in my own opinion, I'd like to see it stay there.
  13. I must say, despite being a Manga/Anime fan, I'm not really in favour of this and I probably wouldn't buy it despite already having all the Super-boosters so far.

    The reason? Well I play this game as a massive super-hero fan, I'd like to see it stick mostly to it's roots rather than become even more influnenced by other genres (even if they are somewhat related).
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    My biggest complaint (and, no, it doesn't keep me up at night), isn't that it's popular, it's that it looks bad to me. I grew up seeing the comic book lettering work of greats like Artie Simek, Sam Rosen, Gaspar Saladino, Tom Orzechoski, etc, etc. Compared to them, this looks like, as someone mentioned, a little kid with a crayon.
    Now that's lettering!

    I agree with the OP comic sans is an and should be wiped from existance.
  15. /unsigned although it is perhaps time they gave SG’s and bases a bit of love.

    Originally Posted by Dranagon View Post
    1) Rank Insignia attached to Player Name
    I’m not sure I see the point of this, the information is only relevant to your SG and they can use the SG window if they want to check your rank, plus we already have badges and titles.

    Originally Posted by Dranagon View Post

    2) Supergroup customized badges to hand out to Players for SG achievements (could help with promotion criteria set by your SG Leaders)
    Are you suggesting badges for leaders to give out (as I can’t see how this would work?) or SG game badges, in which case I’m guessing that this would be for pres earnt, however you can track this in the SG window if you use this as a criteria for promotions.

    Originally Posted by Dranagon View Post
    3) Sub Category Ranking for playerbuilds, example - Captain "Medical Officer" (Healer Types) Basically allow you to create a list of Sub Category Ranks to choose from..
    To me this seems an over complication of the ranks and a simplification of playerbuilds and anyway your suggestions sound like they would be better off in STO
  16. /signed

    I have always wanted this and I agree the level 30 aura doesn't really pull off the look that I'd like.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
    There has been a lot of anime pulling into the game as of late, as well. There are a NUMBER of references of energy swords there.

    Slayers, Gundam, and Tenchi Muyo come to mind.

    Plus we already have a number of elemental swords that could be used here as well.
    But isn't this a game about superheroes(and villians)....
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
    Meanwhile I'm still curious if there has been made any effort to do something specifically for the EU regarding pre orders in the last couple of weeks.

    Although I can probably make a good guess what's the answer to that question.
  19. I'm not sure origin related zones would be good for the game.

    I like the idea of origin related stories - but how would these work for team play as having members of the team with different origins would spoil the point surely? The idea that players would not get origin specific rewards would maybe not prove that popular. So if rewards are out, then perhaps the correct origin players gain some other slim advantage/disadvantage in these origin arcs.

    I'd like to see enemy groups that are interested in you due to your origin, perhaps you are slightly stronger or weaker against them, thinking it through it makes sense to have military groups interested in Technology based origins, magic groups interested in magic, scientific groups would be interested in and mutants and naturals.

    Instanced events would be interesting, for example a magic based GM threatens the city, it's only logical that magic based heroes would be best placed to defeat it.

    Don't get me wrong, I do like the idea of more origin based stuff, it's just how would you implement it?
  20. Personally I'm not that keen. In game if you want the kinda look you can earn vanguard blades and the damage type changing effect on the dual pistol set isn't really a good enough feature for a set in my opinion.

    Also other than Psyloche (which I agree, I dislike that feature), I'm am struggling to think of a super-hero example, leave it to Star Wars where it belongs would be my advice.
  21. Another great read, the hits just keep on coming.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stygax View Post
    1. When you click on a character in the Find search field, have one of the choices be "send team invite message". This message could be entered previously in a box from the options menu. Most ppl seem to not like blind invites for some reason, and I don't like typing a separate message to each invitee. It's is more trouble than it needs to be. Devs, make it easier to put teams together.
    QOL but I like it

    Originally Posted by Stygax View Post
    2. Allow everyone on a team to invite others. As it is, if you see someone you want to invite, you have to ask for the star or ask the leader to invite X who may have a name like TyuIUiJuyGg -- which you have to type out exactly. There is no reason the team leader has to be the only one who can invite. It slows down the game and makes many ppl not want to be team leader.
    I tend to agree with the above posts and you can always briefly pass the star.

    Originally Posted by Stygax View Post
    At least make it an option for the team leader to enable this function.
    Maybe this^^^

    Originally Posted by Stygax View Post
    It is relatively easy in this game to get a team together and maintain it.
    It is? Not on the EU servers it’s not, I run PUGs all the time and I can tell you that even at peak times there are sometimes only around 6 teams server wide and those won’t be full teams. You're correct when you say that people seem reluctant to run or form teams. In fact I deserve a medal or at least a costume code cough up NCSoft!!!
    Sorry went into martyrdom mode there, breathe Hornet breathe