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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Hey, don't shoot the messenger.
    I'm not, I'm lauding his single-minded obsession with "the numbers".

    It is a valuable public service he performs- if only *every* game had someone willing to make the financial health of the game the focus of every single one of their posts, the virtual world would be such a better place! So many silly people talking about playing on a game forum- what a waste of resources.

    I'm a little curious though whether his next game will be a small-ish concern like this one, or one of the behemoths. A small game would certainly afford him much more ego gratification in the short term, however a larger one would allow him a much longer 'career', so to speak.

    Decisions, decisions!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
    Just adding to the quoted part. They defined monthly access numbers as "Monthly access: Number of unique users that log on at least once in the given month" the given month is the last month of every quarter named on the report.

    So for 1Q that's logins from March and includes paid as well as non-paid (trial) accounts. Though the vast majority of those access numbers should be from paid (subs)
    we'll all really miss your amazing insider's knowledge and scintillating interpretation of NC's financial situation. It's really a terrific, important thing to dedicate 100% of your posting energy toward, and the community would have just been so much worse off without your tireless efforts to alert everyone to how bad everything was.

    I only hope the next game you decide to gift with your joyous presence appreciates your efforts in the same way I have.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
    This thread on the CO Forums is an open-armed welcome from many of the players at Champions Online:

    It's worth noting that they look up to us as a community. And they want us there with them, and are offering to do whatever it takes to make us feel at home there.
    While I appreciate the sentiments, I don't think their forum community has the wherewithal to spawn a wormhole enabling them to go back in time and replace the CO dev team with one that understands how to make a fun game.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
    Most of CoX's revenue comes from NA. Convert the won into dollars and it will show it's lower this year.

    I posted all of it in this thread a couple months ago before the latest numbers was published.

    Just add this to the end of that:

                     KrW (mn)  USD (approx)                        
    Jun-2012    2,855        2,469,437
    Gee, what new game will you perch on like a vulture plopping out your bits of "wisdom", now that this one is gone?

    Such a lucky community, whoever they are!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Dude, your 28 followers ROCK.
    I like to think of it as "quality over quantity". =D
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Tweeted to my 700+ followers on Twitter, FWIW!

    and to my 28!


    (hey, every little bit helps, right?)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
    Overall, the biggest impact I worry about seeing is that no one will bother crafting and selling common IOs. They'll just make enough for their own purposes. I don't know how other people will choose to spend their final days, but I think crafting is unlikely to be a big draw.
    With demand undiminished and nobody bothering to make more, IMAGINE THE PROFITS!

    My field crafter Crafticus is going to test the limits of what grief-crazed players with more inf than time will pay for a level 30 generic....
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Well then, get off your collective a$$es, buy the CoH IP and keep this game going damnit!

    Forbin, your sig gave me a hearty laugh.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post

    And most importantly, how can we as Marketeers profit? How can we come out ahead after the game has been shut down?

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    Indeed; if it was anyone who ragequit, it was NCSoft on Friday morning.
    yeah, we were on the wrong end of a corporate ragequit.
  11. Nethergoat

    To all of you...

    Originally Posted by uberguy View Post
    i liked our past community folks. I really did, and i think all of them did good things for us. But you've just gone further than they did. You've really managed to straddle a line between being our buddy and being a sensible employee of a game company. You've explained things to us just a bit more often, in just a bit more down to earth way. You've engaged with us in more ways, what with the video streams and the coffee talks and so on. I don't know if your example helped lead paragon studios into greater openness overall, or if you were just one of many new faces who collectively were more communicative and interactive with our players. In the end, you were all awesome.
  12. Interesting how the belief that NC is a monolith that will be unaffected by anything we do goes hand in hand with calls to treat them kindly and think well of them.

    **** those ********, I hope their company dies a horrible death from corporate Ebola and they find themselves evicted from their HQ with a cheery "Sucks to be you!"

    Oh dear, where are my MANNERS.
  13. email:



    I'm also in the Triumph United FB group, anybody who wants to team up there feel free to friend me, or PM me your FB and I'll friend you.

    And after many, many years of my old CounterStrike handle being my online gaming nom de plume I'm switching to Nethergoat.

    So if you run across a Nethergoat anywhere out there in the wilds, chances are it will be me.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    that clown was completely full of it when he posted here, I doubt he's changed his spots.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Yeah, while the "NCSoft sucks!" attiude is understandable when emotions are running high, it's important to remember that this is a totally out of the blue U-turn on their previouly supportive policy towards the game - and they had such confidence in the developers that they even green lit a new MMO from them, so something has clearly happened within NCSoft very recently to make them change that attitude.
    If a dog that has previously been pleasant and friendly suddenly starts growling and biting, my attitude toward that dog will immediately change.

    I will still have my memories of the dog when it was more amenable, but my attitude toward it will be driven by current behavior, not nostalgia.

    The past is gone, and NCSoft are presently destroying my online home.

    If they want my good opinion they must radically revise their current behavior.
  16. All my characters are getting their own appropriate log off location and, I decided this morning, soundtrack. Some characters will take some thought, but some I already know exactly where they'll be and what I'll be listening too when I give them to the digital dust.

    I'll be posting details on my archive thread, but by far my most obvious one will be my fire/ice blaster Paraleghell, the star of my original DA Farming Thread way back in the day when everyone was sure it was IMPOSSIBLE to make millions without being an Eeeebil Market Genius.

    He'll greet the end in Moth Cemetery, where he spent so many profitable hours mowing zombies. His soundtrack? Also blindingly obvious.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I've never met another MMO that I cared for. Despite any grousing, CoH is the only MMO that's scratched my gaming itch.
    Yah, the more I've thought about this the clearer it became that I'm not really an MMO fan, just a CoH fan.

    I played a fair amount of WoW, but mainly to hang out on our Teamspeak server and shoot the breeze with some IRL friends while doing whatever in game. Playing, I guess, but the hanging out was more of a draw than the gameplay. It was alright to level through, but there as here I had zero interest in the "endgame" so the engagement was finite.

    WoW is my second favorite MMO- all of the others I've tried were deleted within hours of installation- but I'm basically through with it.

    I'll probably re-install Steam and start working through my enormous backlog of unplayed games. The only way I could stop myself from going hog-wild during their holiday sales was to delete the client, even though I *knew* I wasn't going to actually play any of the stuff I bought. Now I'll have time, I guess. =/
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    I don't know if I want to back up those threads... it would be a lot of work, and they were so very specific to how to do things in the game, I'm not sure they make great reading material outside of that.
    well maybe BUT I LOVED THEM!! =P

    I guess I'll just take screens then post them on *my* page. =D
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheLurker View Post
    Can we also do a group photo?
    We absolutely have to do this, posing in front of the INFcinerator.
  20. Tony, I've had my beefs with you over the years but you're fighting the good fight here.

    Whatever happens, whatever shape or form this community survives in, I'll never direct another unflattering comment your way.
  21. If a name wipe happens in a forest that's just been burned to ash and cinder, does anyone hear it?

    and the OP just wanted some names he wanted, which is silly and covetous but not evil.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
    Cost of living in California is stupid high.
    That's because our weather is stupid great. =)
  23. Well, without NC there would have been no last 8 years- afair they were the *only* publisher willing to take a chance on CoH.

    That still doesn't absolve them of responsibility for killing it, and for that I curse them and all their future MMO progeny.
  24. okay, added to the blogroll!

    anyone else who gets a similar bee in their bonnet, let me know.