343 -
Video Device Name: ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700
Manufacturer / Chip: ATI Technologies Inc. / ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700 AGP (0x4E50)
Video Memory: 64.0 MB
Driver Version: 6.14.0010.6396
Driver Date: 12/22/2003 4:43:56 PM
Driver Language: English
[/ QUOTE ]
This game played great on my 9850 Pro back in 2005.
Here, 4 years later that's not so true. And being a laptop you don't have much you can do. Maybe one of the other tech heads can help, but all I can say is ouch. -
Khelds: Issue 3
Hamidon: Issue 0 (Read Launch) was raised to 50 in Issue 1.
ED: Issue 6 -
Video Device Name: RADEON X800 Series
Manufacturer / Chip: ATI Technologies Inc. / RADEON X800 XL (0x554D)
Video Memory: 256.0 MB
Driver Version: 6.14.0010.6490
Driver Date: 11/3/2004 7:40:24 PM
[/ QUOTE ]
mmhmmm.... Might wanna take a look at some more upto date drivers for that video card
http://game.amd.com/us-en/drivers_ca...ard/xp32-suite -
Darwine, WINE for OS X, Haven't tried it, but some people say it works fine for them. -
Sounds like you are losing sync with the server. When this happens type /sync, or make a bind/macro /bind key "sync" or /macro sync "sync".
I can't recommend a WLAN card though, since I use wired for everything, but the above command should help until you can get it fixed. -
The reason for the black screen, is: Different user levels. Most likely running CoH as admin, and running paint as your normal user.
Hit PrtScn, then right click on Paint on the menu and hit run as Admin, paste and it should now have your image.
Though the snip tool works as well -
Copy the City of Heroes folder from your old PC, then copy it to the new system. Drag (NOT shortcut) the CoHUpdater.exe to the desktop, and run it, point it to the folder containing the City of Heroes install. (If you use C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\ then point it to C:\Program Files\) This will create the new Registry keys, and create a shortcut to your desktop, delete the CoHUpdater.exe you copied before and you now have a working install of CoH in MUCH less time then redownloading it.
How exactly do you "beat" an MMO? Thats like saying don't surf the web too fast or you'll reach the end of the internet.
[/ QUOTE ]
I got to the end of the internet once... the boss was HARD... -
Oh, I probably will, from now on. That's not going to help too much when I need to get my Cape and/or Aura missions. Or get told I need to speak to Azuria or Smythe. Or to head to the Vanguard building. Or to (if I ever actually can) get a Sewer Trial...
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait. Wait. Wait! WTF.
How exactly is this affecting your ability to get a sewer trial?
1.) You need like minded individuals to run it anyway. You don't just grab a random PuG from anywhere and try to run that unless you just desire failure.
2.) There is no need to go to Atlas.
Sooooo? Please explain.
[/ QUOTE ]
Havn't ran a Sewer trial recently have you?
The majority of the Trial is designed to take place in the Abandoned Sewer Network. The contact (Mairenn MacGregor) is located near the Atlas Park sewer entrance.
[/ QUOTE ] -
The traffic was so bad that I was rubberbanding so much it took me more than three minutes to move 200 feet.
And this is on Victory. Not one of the major populated servers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, I've rolled 3 new toons since I14 hit, and played them through Atlas with no lag, ranging from 3 PM, to 11PM (Hey I have altitis and pact mates I level slow.)
Run the mission file threw that, I believe it will let you move the objectives around still. -
I believe this is against the TOS / ELUA. You're modifying game files from my understanding.
[/ QUOTE ]
Kinda like the Offline arc creator by Leandro http://www.missionplanner.com.ar/
Or the VidiotMaps map pack, CoH Splasher, Vandens Icon pack...? none of these modify "Game Files" and have such been allowed for over 4 years. -
Seeing as patches hit test before they hit live (Usually) You can check there. -
No, you can't pull different servers down at different times if you patch the client. Do you want access to 6 servers, and the other 6 be "wrong version number" errors? Sorry No.
Seriously though, it is right after a major Issue. Live with it, I only get 2 ish hours to play in the morning and these down times mess me up to. Though I have yet to tell them to adjust the schedule around me. -
Perhaps when they fix the issues? *shrug* Makes sense to me.
6613 In one run from 0. The cap has to be about 7k+/- since a friend got closer to 7k then I did.
http://home.hiwaay.net/~krcool/Astro/moon/gmt/ If they ever switch to expressing them in EST
CST is 6 hours behind of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
/bind key "cce # CCName"
replace # with 0-4, and Name with
You can't use the CC Emotes while flying, while in a combat stance, while some toggles are on, or while Shields are out. At least the not while flying is a bug, not sure on the others. -
You heed to prefix those links with "http://" other wise it tries to base the path from http://boards.coh.com/ so you get http://boards.cityofheroes.com/membe...ine/Hermit.mp3
*Disappears into PHP Land*
Nothing to see here.... -
My 50 was trying to use it on my wife's 37 and the animation would play, she would get the prompt but she wouldn't get a buff.
Odd that an American based game is using an American based schedule for maintenance huh? -
I had a door like that.... Went inside and hit the Data stream and zoned into the correct mission.