Transfering a new computer
Copy the City of Heroes folder from your old PC, then copy it to the new system. Drag (NOT shortcut) the CoHUpdater.exe to the desktop, and run it, point it to the folder containing the City of Heroes install. (If you use C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\ then point it to C:\Program Files\) This will create the new Registry keys, and create a shortcut to your desktop, delete the CoHUpdater.exe you copied before and you now have a working install of CoH in MUCH less time then redownloading it.
Victory Wiki
Login Screen changer (OS X/Windows/*nix)
Web based Base designer
SO/DO Enhancement Standardization Pack
CoH Community Mods Installer
Another option is to purchase Architect Edition. It is current through all 14 Issues. Then you just have to update the current patches since then.

Copy the City of Heroes folder from your old PC, then copy it to the new system. Drag (NOT shortcut) the CoHUpdater.exe to the desktop, and run it, point it to the folder containing the City of Heroes install. (If you use C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\ then point it to C:\Program Files\) This will create the new Registry keys, and create a shortcut to your desktop, delete the CoHUpdater.exe you copied before and you now have a working install of CoH in MUCH less time then redownloading it.
Stand UP.
Not sure what I did wrong here. Moved the COH folder from the original machine to an external hard drive and then copied the files to the C:Game/CoH folder made on the new machine. Then moved the Updater to the desktop. When it asked where I wanted the loadout to be, I indicated the migrated folder and it started downloading from scratch as though there was nothing there. Total wieght of the folder is 2.9G so I'm pretty sure it's all there.
What am I doing wrong here?
Stand UP.
Take a look in your C:\Game\ folder. What CoH-related folders are listed there other than C:\Game\CoH\?
Take a look in your C:\Game\CoH\ folder. What folders are listed there?
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Take a look in your C:\Game\ folder. What CoH-related folders are listed there other than C:\Game\CoH\?
Take a look in your C:\Game\CoH\ folder. What folders are listed there? |
Copied the entire folder that my desktop shortucut points to.
Placed that folder on the external drive.
Copied that folder to the c:\Games folder on the new machine.
When the updater asks where it wants to be pointed, and I tell it the name of the folder (which in this case is called C:Games\City of Heroes) it tells me there is an error, that I may be out of disk space (I'm not) or that I don't have account permission or control. (I do)
All the folders that are in the City of Heroes folder on my machine are now present on the new one, so far as I can tell. There are no missing folders.
Folders in the City of Heroes Folder
(User Account Settings File)
Other than the CoH folder, the folder is empty
Stand UP.
OK. You have several mistakes that are your problems.
Copy *JUST* the updater to the desktop. That is CohUpdater.exe *ONLY*
Run it FROM THE DESKTOP. Not from the City folder. From the desktop. This will solve the "not enough space/permissions" error. You're trying to update the same updater that you're running, thus blocking yourself.
When it asks you where to install, tell it C:\GAMES\, *NOT* C:\GAMES\CITY OF HEROES\. If you tell it to install to C:\Games\City of Heroes\, it will end up installing to C:\Games\City of Heroes\City of Heroes\, because you told it to install the game into the wrong folder.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
I will be getting a new system soon, and I'd like to avoid hours of downloading and patching...
I have an external hard drive... any chance I can drop the directories on to my new system and cut my patching time, or do I need to do it from scratch?