343 -
For some reason, the table I was looking at had the 250m listed as the desktop 250.... the 250 m DOES support 10.1 kinda odd....
Exactly what I was about to post, I even double checked, and none of the 200 series supports DX11, the 57** series of ATI does, but DX 11 support won't be in untill the 300 series later this year.
the 250 however, does support 10.1, so not sure why it wouldn't work on the tests. -
as for the shield, the only way I know to fix the whole Yes/No option, is to disable the UAC, which is the basic security system of Win7 (Personally this is the first thing I turn off). To do so, hold the windows key, press r, that will bring up the RUN window, type "msconfig" (no quotes of course) click the tools tab, find change UAC Settings click launch, and drag the slider down to never notify hit apply and reboot. No more UAC prompts for *anything*.
As for the Live/Test issues, check to make sure the shortcuts are pointing to the right directories, I know for a fact that when installing CoHTest, it will change the normal CoH Shortcut to test. -
A 9800 pushing 1920 x 1080? you're lucky the card has enough power to push the windows desktop at that resolution. Either back the Resolution settings in CoH down to 1024x768 (or what ever the closest wide screen res to that is) or buy a new GFX Card.
One thing that alot of people don't know.. is that it seems NCSoft has ICMP disabled on ALL of it's networks. this means that ALL tracerouts, all non in game pings, and anything not related to the games communications is ignored by NC's servers. Pings to the EU servers will fail at the same link in, same as with the US servers.
Quote:Jerk!Oh, i know, but it still seems to be a silly point to make at all, but that may just be me. i mean, it only takes a few hours to hit 14 on a decent team, but knowing that wouldn't help me sympathize with someone who complained that they can't take a travel power until they're over a quarter of the way through a character in terms of levels.
Still, it's obviously a concern with you, and i suppose i shouldn't be so cavalier just because i don't share it. My apologies.
For those wondering.... write down the underlined letters -
I *JUST* sold a level 12 Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Protection (4 Points) . last night... I'll see if I have one stashed on another toon.
I'll answer that for you, but you'll have to buy me one too!
Yes that should play the game reasonably well. Can you still buy me one? -
From chapter 7 Via Bablefish English -> French -> German -> English:
" ; Yes, " ; it said that the contesse, if l' Scandal, which these young people had inserted into the hall, had disappeared; and as if a question n' person answers; had placed, but, which always in its spirit were, " ; and like much a pain, like much d' Concern had by those us could into them be pleased maintained to change! But really l' Concern is more largely now than the joy. One is always, always impatient! Particularly just now at this age so dangerous both of them for girls and boys." ; " ; It everything hangs of l' off; Contribution upward, " ; noticed the visitor. " ; Yes, you' ; completely straight RH " ; Follow the contesse. " ; Jusqu' maintained at me always, thanks God, that has my children' is; ; l' Friend " of s and their full confidence; had; ; so called it repeats l' Error so much family members, who imagine that their n' children; have no secret of them. " ; I know that I always my daughters' will be; ; confidant first and that one, if Nicholas with its impulsive nature deals with the stupidity (a can' young; ; Assistance of t it) it is completely never men." the same as of this Pétersbourg its young; ; " ; They are " the magnificent and magnificent young people; ; rung in the account, which always solved the questions, which seemed at it have confounding, by deciding that everything was magnificent. " ; Fair imaginativeness: wants to be hussar. What' ; s of one make mine expensive? " ; " ; Which creature with charm is your youngest girl, " ; the visitor said; " ; a small volcano! " ; " ; Yes, a regular volcano, " ; the account said. " ; Seizure after me! And which voice it has; however she' ; I say the truth to s my girl, if I she' says; ; the l is a singer, Salomoni second! We obligated an Italian, lessons." it; to give; ; " ; Isn' ; to recent t it? J' qu' heard; it harms the voice, around it at that one age." to form; ; -
first of all, i ran all those tests as soon as i started to have problems and secondly win7 isn't in beta anymore their just letting people try it for like a year.
[/ QUOTE ]
No, I'm sorry, Windows 7 IS still in beta, Release Candidates are BETAs. -
Also /architect lets you use the interface *ANYWHERE*. In a mission, SG Base, Middle of the shadow shard... etc
Yeah, it happens. It is one of the reasons why we (the tech forums) Tell people not to delete the only 50's they have.
you can also setup a Macro/bind to toggle XP on/off.
/macro XP "optiontoggle noxp"
/bind key "optiontoggle noxp"
I keep them handy for timing my levels -
Use: http://webapps.sgspaces.net/srvstatus.xml for the RSS feed, I set it to refresh every 10 minutes.
I ran a KVM on my PC running my PC, a server, and a test server, I just switched to Windowed mode to keep it from messing me up. KVM was driving me NUTS until I did that.
There is no "Power" it will let you use /architect anywhere, there is also a emote /em Tablet or some such. It is tied to the MA Accolade, which I got last night on a character. There is an Icon on your power list that you can drag to your tray, though it isn't a power, it is a macro.
I can load up a WoW trial on my ATI 9800 Pro with medium settings with OK results. I can load up CoH on my ATI 9800 Pro on minimum and want to stab myself in the eyes with a screwdriver.
It's the KVM. A KVM "Emulates" a Monitor, if the emulated monitor has a smaller resolution then the resolution of your real monitor then CoH will freak out.