Problem/Strange Powers
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I would have to agree with you on Stalker/Energy Armor/Repulse. Why?
I also don't like stealth for tankers. Why does Dark Armor for tankers still have Cloak of Darkness? The last thing a tank wants is to NOT be seen, and even if you consider the fact that it suppresses when you attack anyway, it's a fairly high endurance cost for such a small defense bonus, perception, and immobilize protection. Not only that, but Dark Armor is a bit more frail than other power sets, and while you're at it removing the stealth from the tank version, it's heal Dark Regeneration could use a small +HP bonus. It has NO hitpoint increases and NO last resort power like Unstoppable or Moment of Glory. The general formula seems to be: Charge, Heal, Die, Rez, Heal, Die. A last resort power or some +HP bonus somewhere would make it much sturdier. It already lacks knockback protection, but at least there is an enhancement for that. Anyone who has played Regen, Willpower, Shield Defense, Energy Aura, Ice Armor, any other sets can agree that Dark Armor has some shortcomings.
*still not diggin' the 'click a Quick Reply button' thingy...*
Here's one: The power to put a stupid huge signature picture. Why they came up with that, I'll never know.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Oh my god...
There. Now seriously, get back on topic...
Alright, three things.
1) This is not the appropriate forum for this topic. This forum is for discussing Technical Issues with your game, not for complaining about powers you dislike.
2) You sig is huge. Might I suggest making it smaller?
3) If you don't like the power, don't pick it. Simple.
Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero
Got Inf?
It's not so much about "liking" a power, Smash Zone. What we're talking about is powers that are just not suited to the character they are given to. Would it make sense to give an assassination move to a Defender?
Power sets are supposed to maintain a general level of balance. They don't have to all do the same things, but they should provide the same level of importance to a character and his team. That's why I would agree it falls under bugs. When new sets are made to be well-rounded but older ones aren't changed to keep up, that's a maintenance issue. I program, and I know for a fact that you spend more time upkeeping a program than writing it. Online games deal with this even more so. Outdated or surpassed performance is a maintenance issue.
His main example was Stalker: Energy Aura: Repulse. It counteracts a stalker's purpose, and it for some reason ONLY exists in the stalker version.
My example was Tanker: Dark Armor: Cloak of Darkness. Why give the designated center of attention the ability to lose that attention? That's like getting your designated driver drunk. Why include this power when a more tanker-specific power could be included?
Much like Tanker: Dark Armor: Cloak of darkness, brutes get Energy Aura: Energy Cloak, a stealth move on what is somewhat the tank of the villains. Now if you are purely DPS or PvP in build, for a brute stealth may not be completely unwanted, but it's so minor in effect that not only can you replace it with a pool power of nearly equal effect, but it also doesn't really provide the effect the Brute Archetype is designed for.
Electric Armor was brought on par with other armor sets with the inclusion of a heal with +HP effect. Dark Armor was much like Electric Armor in resistance granted, but the endurance costs, mez protection, and last resort capabilities of Dark Armor were lacking in comparison. It still provides no bonus HP and no last resort like Overload or One with the Shield. They have updated other sets to be more in-line with their purpose and more reliably up-to-par with their counterparts. I still would consider these balance issues to be bugs.
Thanks Archon, at least you agree with me.
It took three years to get the Lich, which has to play nice with it's melee brethren, to stop doing Knockback and do Knockdown instead.
So, there's hope...
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Power sets are supposed to maintain a general level of balance. They don't have to all do the same things, but they should provide the same level of importance to a character and his team. That's why I would agree it falls under bugs.
Now, when the devs were making Energy Aura for stalkers, the repulse power didn't just magically appear. If the devs didn't want stalkers to have repulse, they wouldn't have given it to them. So, no. This isn't a bug. The devs intentionally programmed the power into the powerset.
Also, have you ever considered that there may be other people out there who actually like the power? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that nobody does. So again I say, if you don't like the power, don't pick it. If you removed the power altogether, I can guarantee you that people will come to the forums and whine about having repulse or what-have-you taken away from their favorite character.
Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero
Got Inf?
Okay then, sir.
You explain to me why Repulse makes any sense on a toon who is all stealth
Now, when the devs were making Energy Aura for stalkers, the repulse power didn't just magically appear. If the devs didn't want stalkers to have repulse, they wouldn't have given it to them. So, no. This isn't a bug. The devs intentionally programmed the power into the powerset. |
In case you don't remember, City of Villains was rushed out pretty quickly. So fast, in fact, that they didn't even have Epic Pools or Epic ATs for about a year (or years in the case of Epic ATs). This didn't mean they "did it on purpose and intended" for them to never have these. It's an online game and therefore the production is constant and organic. As they find new issues with the game, they have to deal with them. Not many people bring up issues like this and just take them for granted, like how there was a huge uproar a while back about Forcefield: Repulsion Bomb. For being a second to last power in your set, and having only the ability to scatter your enemies away from a teammate (needed a teammate target), while at the same time having a chance of stun that not only wasn't that common, but so weak even minions often resist it, why bother? There was a whole thread about it and no one did anything. The thread eventually died I think.
Regardless, there is valid merit for this discussion. You said that not everyone hates them and I don't doubt that. I'm sure there is at least one person somewhere who likes his stalker tossing enemies around, completely un-hidden and chaotic, but the whole reason this thread exists is so that these people can get their chance to say so, just like we have the right to voice our opinions on the usefulness (or lack thereof) of strange powers. If anyone else dislikes these powers, let them speak up. If anyone loves them, then by all means post it. How else are the devs going to know what content of their game is unwanted or not working properly?
Okay then, sir.
You explain to me why Repulse makes any sense on a toon who is all stealth |
It's like building a tank as a 'scranker', defender as an 'offender', etc. Plenty of people create builds that are completely at odds with the 'official' intent of the archetype.
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The Mentor Project
Definitely a good point, Ironblade. Not everyone likes to follow the specific rules of the class, but the general consensus on melee classes is that most dislike knockback in favor of knockdown. They made sweeping changes to almost every melee attack set in this regard, from Broadsword and Battle Axe to Super Strength and Stone Melee. The few attacks that stayed as knockback were the ones designed for single-target tossing, like Martial Arts: Crane Kick. That can be strategically used to gather enemies up if one gets too far from the rest. My MA/Regen scrapper does this to help keep enemies near the tank.
Personally, I feel the issue here is that having a stealth class with a knockback move like Crane Kick is a great idea, but giving them an area effect scattering move like Energy Aura: Repulse is the whole other direction. Not only does it scatter enemies from the team's tank, breaking aggro and getting the less defensive people killed (including the stalker who can gain aggro from such a move), but it also will break stealth, which is how stalkers start a fight.
I do agree that Stalkers can be designed to stand toe-to-toe with scrappers and other classes and fight to the death, but they still specialize in sneaking up and getting the upper hand right from the start. This move defeats that purpose. It's almost like giving a Controller a move that snaps the target enemy out of any status effects currently on them. It's like giving a Tanker a Placate move.
I would have to agree with you on Stalker/Energy Armor/Repulse. Why?
I also don't like stealth for tankers. Why does Dark Armor for tankers still have Cloak of Darkness? The last thing a tank wants is to NOT be seen, and even if you consider the fact that it suppresses when you attack anyway, it's a fairly high endurance cost for such a small defense bonus, perception, and immobilize protection. Not only that, but Dark Armor is a bit more frail than other power sets, and while you're at it removing the stealth from the tank version, it's heal Dark Regeneration could use a small +HP bonus. It has NO hitpoint increases and NO last resort power like Unstoppable or Moment of Glory. The general formula seems to be: Charge, Heal, Die, Rez, Heal, Die. A last resort power or some +HP bonus somewhere would make it much sturdier. It already lacks knockback protection, but at least there is an enhancement for that. Anyone who has played Regen, Willpower, Shield Defense, Energy Aura, Ice Armor, any other sets can agree that Dark Armor has some shortcomings. |
As far as "the formula? Try charge in, get group's attention, Cloak of Fear/Oppressive Gloom/etc. (Not necessarily at the same time.) Use your other mitigation options. And, of course, take advantage of whatever else is in your secondary. Yes, DA makes for a more "controllery" tank. If you try to play it like Stone, you'll faceplant.
Of course, this is coming from someone who plays a lot of Fire tanks, which also don't have (or need) a "godmode." It's a more active tank. Just might not mesh with your playstyle. (Mine's mid/20s, DA/SS. Also have a DA/El at 10, just not very active on the lowbie's server. I like it because it *is* different.

I did a comparison of the existing tanker sets during closed I16 and found that Dark Armor was still more surviveable than the fire tanker, which is also resist based. On average, Dark Armor grants higher resistances and more variety of resistances than Fire Armor grants.
Also, the Fire Tanker heal, while much quicker than Dark Regen, does not heal nearly as thoroughly. (Dark Regen requires only 3 enemies in the area to heal you up full)
Fire deals with its fragility by killing quickly.
Dark deals with its fragility by inflicting status effects and debuffs on their attackers.
That said, yes, stealth is really unnecessary for a tanker.
However, what I absolutely do NOT understand, is sleep powers for tankers.
Not just sleep.
PBAoE Sleep.
We're talking about giving a status effect that is broken by the infliction of damage to a class where 5 out of 8 sets radiate damage as a part of their basic function.
The chance for sleep on Elec is moderately useful to a low level tanker, I'll grant you.
However, Salt Crystals? Frozen Aura? By the time the enemies enter the sleep animation, the sleep is already broken! What is the use?
At least Frozen Aura is useful now that it does damage, but I never see it's sleep for longer than the blink of an eye.
what's worse, these are both powers matched with defense sets that are among the ones that radiate PBAoE damage!
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
However, what I absolutely do NOT understand, is sleep powers for tankers. Not just sleep. PBAoE Sleep. |

Heck, I use *dimension shift* and I call PBAOE sleeps on a tank useless. That's pretty bad.

It has it for.... immobilize protection, perception, and a little defense. And yeah, sometimes stealthing is nice. But it can be put off, yes. I tend to take CJ on my FA and DA tanks anyway, so immob's not as important.
As far as "the formula? Try charge in, get group's attention, Cloak of Fear/Oppressive Gloom/etc. (Not necessarily at the same time.) Use your other mitigation options. And, of course, take advantage of whatever else is in your secondary. Yes, DA makes for a more "controllery" tank. If you try to play it like Stone, you'll faceplant. Of course, this is coming from someone who plays a lot of Fire tanks, which also don't have (or need) a "godmode." It's a more active tank. Just might not mesh with your playstyle. (Mine's mid/20s, DA/SS. Also have a DA/El at 10, just not very active on the lowbie's server. I like it because it *is* different. ![]() |
Fire I understand not having a God Mode mainly because it has a second, longer duration Build Up style move (in a sense a God Mode), and Burn, making Fire tanks kill before they risk dying from lack of +HP or God Mode style moves. Shield Defense also uses that tactic with Against All Odds and Shield Charge. Can't heal, but at least you kill them all first, and I happen to LOVE Shield Defense, lol.
The main problem I have with Dark Armor for tanks is that tanks don't typically want stealth. Minor defense buff, ok, but Concealment: Stealth is just as good and anyone can get it. The only major benefit you can't replace with stealth is immobilize protection, and that could easily be moved to the other mez protection armor, even if only for tankers, in order to give them a move that isn't counterproductive for their class.
The way I see it, giving the guy who is meant to have all the attention the ability to hide from that attention is like getting your designated driver drunk. He may enjoy it once and a while, but it won't really help his team, lol.
I also feel that while they are at it changing that stealth move for tanks, they should add a small +HP bonus to Dark Regeneration or something like that. With the status effects and rez, I don't think the set really needs a God Mode, but the ability to better survive alpha strikes would be nice.
... For tankers? For almost anyone, TBH. OK, solo controller or dom, maybe. And Mind, I seem to actually use it more than anywhere else. Otherwise - throw the heal proc from the sleep set in, and you have a nice, unreliable heal
![]() Heck, I use *dimension shift* and I call PBAOE sleeps on a tank useless. That's pretty bad. ![]() |
The other AoE sleep epics though......... yeah, those can go, lol. Only a soloing blaster or scrapper I could see liking AoE sleep epics. Sleep, Kill. Nice combo. For a tank, most sets it just can't mesh with.
... For tankers? For almost anyone, TBH. OK, solo controller or dom, maybe. And Mind, I seem to actually use it more than anywhere else. Otherwise - throw the heal proc from the sleep set in, and you have a nice, unreliable heal
![]() Heck, I use *dimension shift* and I call PBAOE sleeps on a tank useless. That's pretty bad. ![]() |
again, at least the resident Kin maxes out the Frozen Aura damage most of the time, and it outdamages my fireball
and actually, sleep is quite useful for setting your team up for a one shot kill using things like rad infection and enervating field and other stuff that doesn't break sleep while all your PBAoE people get in the middle of the spawn and wait for the Fulcrum Shift before tapping Build Up and unleashing Novas and such
but that's a ranged sleep use and requires planning to turn off any Damage auras ahead of time so you can take your time
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
So, I'm starting this thread to bring stupid powers to light to the community and devs. This is NOT a flame thread, post only real and intelligent thoughts here please.
I'll get the ball rolling with Stalker Energy Armor: Repulse
This toggle power creates a field that violently repels nearby foes. each enemy repelled costs you additional endurance.
Why was this given to a stalker? Need I say more?