EU/US connectivity issues -19/10/09



Well, this has been a while.

A traceroute for all servers reveals a -total- packet loss for all connections to the following IP. - This is a London Network Exchange (LINX) server owned by PCCW Global.

At first I thought this may be just a one off, odd issue. But I have been noticing abnormally high ping rates and tonight, obscene packet loss that just makes the game virtually unplayable.

A bit of Google-search fu reveals that this issue is not isolated. It pops up with relation to Aion. It pops up with relation to Guild Wars. It even crops up in old threads relating to Lineage and Lineage II.

Notice the pattern. In SEVERAL cases over the past two years the following emerges:

It's the same IP. Same server. Same company.
All the games and connections affected are PlayNC based.

Attempts to contact their customer support fail horribly. Our own ISPs can't really do anything as the problem is there at a source, rather than on their ends. PCCW's tech support is the most customer unfriendly thing I have come across.

I post this here to flag it for those Europeans or anyone else unfortunate enough to have them in their connection chains who play on the US game. My friends are in the states. I have 63 months of paid time. Multiple characters on multiple accounts. And right now I can barely even log before the packet loss brutalises me.

Any other Europeans having this issue? Please, net route it and see if that IP crops up like a devil.

Devs...Tech us. You're our only hope.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



One thing that alot of people don't know.. is that it seems NCSoft has ICMP disabled on ALL of it's networks. this means that ALL tracerouts, all non in game pings, and anything not related to the games communications is ignored by NC's servers. Pings to the EU servers will fail at the same link in, same as with the US servers.

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