Benmarking tools




i though i create this post so people could test there system to see how good it is if this is not in the right place plz move thank you.

# Heaven Benchmark [NEW]
# Tropics Benchmark
# Sanctuary Benchmark

you can find them here

any thoughts on that or your own benchmark suggestions

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



Notes: on the Heaven Benchmark i've noticed im not getting the tessellation and this is on geforce gts 250

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



Originally Posted by bzald View Post
Notes: on the Heaven Benchmark i've noticed im not getting the tessellation and this is on geforce gts 250
That would be because it *specifically* states that option is only available to GPU's capable of DirectX 10.1.

The GTS 250 is not one of those cards.

We'll see....



Originally Posted by Flameshot View Post
That would be because it *specifically* states that option is only available to GPU's capable of DirectX 10.1.

The GTS 250 is not one of those cards.
odd because the card can run directX 11

i call the company up and they said that 250 does not support that at all

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



Originally Posted by bzald View Post
odd because the card can run directX 11

i call the company up and they said that 250 does not support that at all
The GTS 250 does not take advantage of DirectX 11 because it is not capable of it. That however does not mean you can't run software/games built with DirectX 11. It just means you won't get all the shiny DirectX API upgrades. Unless a specific software or game is built strictly for DirectX 11, it's possible to run/play it. It would just use the features of DirectX the hardware is capable of. In this case, DirectX 10.

We'll see....



Originally Posted by Neo Shadowdream View Post
the 250 however, does support 10.1, so not sure why it wouldn't work on the tests.
It does not support 10.1. I'm not sure where you or the OP got the idea that it did. The GTS 250 was made before 10.1.

Maybe I can shed some light....

Tesselation is a feature of DirectX 10.1. In order to be able to fully utilize it (Or in this case test it) your card has to be capable of 10.1. The GTS 250 is capable of a maximum of DirectX 10. So you would only be able to utilize the features created for DirectX 10 and lower as they generally build on top of previous versions. That is why you can run software built with DirectX 10.1 or DirectX 11, you just can't FULLY utilize all of the features.

We'll see....



Yes, their "new" lower end GPUs support Dx10.1. This includes the G 210, GT 220, GT 240 and their renamed GT 3xx equivalent cards (yes nVidia is pulling another renumbering job). I don't follow the mobile GPU market that closely so I don't know which laptop GPUs now support Dx10.1.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Yes, their "new" lower end GPUs support Dx10.1. This includes the G 210, GT 220, GT 240 and their renamed GT 3xx equivalent cards (yes nVidia is pulling another renumbering job). I don't follow the mobile GPU market that closely so I don't know which laptop GPUs now support Dx10.1.
ok ic what is going on now so no wonder me and Neo Shadowdream where kind of confuessed nvidia playing mind games on us and renaming stuff.

btw father xmas love the sig and so true you should not run from a immortal

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen