New Computer, New Problems




Isn't that always the way? Get a new computer, and get new problems with it?

Anyway, yesterday, I bought a new computer from BestBuy. AMD Athalon II X4 630 2.80 GHz, 6GB RAM, 1 TB HDD, and Windows7 Home Premium. More than enough power to run the game, and make it look good.

Here's my problem:

Every time I run the updater for the Live servers, it seems to do something to the Test Server folder, because when I run the Test Updater, it has to verify the image, and then it will download the file manifest, fix CityofHeroes.exe, and then fix various .pigg files. And when it finishes, it ends at 40.1 MB/31.6 MB...

And when I run the Test Updater, the same thing happens to the Live version. I have to verify, download, and fix. Every. Single. Time.

I used the CoH Architecht Edition DVD to install CoH to my computer, then used it again to install to CoHTest. I copied all of my files from my old computer over the existing files on the new computer, and everything was working just fine for the first two or three launches.

Any idea why it does this, and how to stop it/fix it?

Also, both CoH and Test have this ugly little blue & yellow shield on the bottom-right corner of the shortcut icon. Every time I click on one of them, windows asks me if I want to allow this file from an unknown publisher to make changes to the computer, and I have to click Yes to be able to launch the updater, and play the game. Is there any way to stop this?

Thanks in advance!!

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as for the shield, the only way I know to fix the whole Yes/No option, is to disable the UAC, which is the basic security system of Win7 (Personally this is the first thing I turn off). To do so, hold the windows key, press r, that will bring up the RUN window, type "msconfig" (no quotes of course) click the tools tab, find change UAC Settings click launch, and drag the slider down to never notify hit apply and reboot. No more UAC prompts for *anything*.

As for the Live/Test issues, check to make sure the shortcuts are pointing to the right directories, I know for a fact that when installing CoHTest, it will change the normal CoH Shortcut to test.

Victory Wiki
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Web based Base designer
SO/DO Enhancement Standardization Pack
CoH Community Mods Installer



*sigh* It started happening again last night. Fortunatly, I finally tracked down the problem.

When I was setting things up on this new computer, I took my Architect Edition DVD for CoH, and used it to install the game. Then, I took it out, put it back in, and installed again, telling it to install to CoHTest.

That screwed things up. I finally realized it when I was looking through the registry after it started it again.

So, I uninstalled, and this time, installed Test the correct way. Hopefully, this will fix it...

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
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