2511 -
At the very least I want the restriction on how often we can spend hero merits removed. We are already restricted on how fast we can earn them, I don't see why we need to also restrict how often we can spend them.
Quote:Agreed!I liked the part where UnicyclePeon admitted to getting naked while playing videogames. I think that's something we can all get behind.
Quote:When I went to summer camps, one year we got put into a nicer cabin that had it's own bathroom (instead of trudging halfway across camp to the communal showers). There were a dozen of us, plus a couple of adults, and we had to make the hot water last. Perfected the 90 second shower that week, soap, shampoo, and all.
Getting dressed and presentable are highly overrated. -
Possibly. But I don't think it would have much impact on them. And even if it did, I'm ok with that. If that means I'm not forced to team for a Task Force, I'm happy.
I actually enjoy Citadel. But if they revamp it to be as good as Hess, then I'll be happy.
Quote:Small, but important nit pick. You meant trademark and not copyright. You do not lose copyright protection if you don't defend it. But you could lose a trademark.I think this is close to the truth. Marvel, by how the copyright laws are written, was obligated to sue once they learned that copycat characters could be made, and the DMCA was a big factor in why they didn't win.
It seems to me to be one of those situations where the only winners are the damned lawyers because neither company won. Both wasted a ton of cash going around in legal circles.
Quote:Also, if you read the EULA further (I did, just to make sure for myself), it implicitly states that any character you create in the game is the property of NCSoft.
If you create a copyrighted/trademarked character in the game, it can be viewed as NCSoft claiming to own that character. If NCSoft is shown to be aware of said violation and does nothing a lawsuit could be the result of it, because of the clause Forbin already mentioned that requires the copyright owner to take action in order to retain their rights to their IP.
That said, the OP probably has nothing to worry about, since it would be a bit of a stretch to say his characters are violating any particular copyright or trademark.
It is an extremely important distinction. -
Quote:I seriously doubt that is how it went down. Copyright law is very protective of the rights holders and transferring ownership simply isn't that simple. It's also not permanent.The following is my opinion/guess about why the Marvel lawsuit was settled and didn't even go to court.
1) A Marvel employee purchased City of Heroes, using Marvel money, and makes a Wolverine character with the look and name.
2) Marvel sues because the City of Heroes character creator allows players to make clones of Marvel characters, and shows their Wolverine clone as evidence.
3) A smart lawyer at NCSoft realized that, under the terms of service that the Marvel employee (and thus Marvel itself) agreed to, technically Marvel had transferred rights to the Wolverine character to NCSoft.
4) NCSoft points out to Marvel that NCSoft could make a claim on Wolverine, due to Marvel accepting City's ToS. NCSoft offers to police future characters for copyright infringement, as well as giving up any claim on Wolverine, if Marvel drops the lawsuit.
5) Marvel wisely drops the lawsuit.
Again, just conjecture. But if I can think of this, I'm pretty sure at least one of NCSoft's lawyers probably did as well.
What I think more than likely happened is NCSoft lawyers smacked Marvel with the DMCA and its safe harbors and told them to shove it.
Marvel can sue all they want, but assuming NCSoft follows the DMCA, Marvel would lose. -
I was really surprised when I got the name Rationalizer on Freedom a few weeks ago.
Quote:If you are leading and doing your own missions you also get merits for arc completion. Personally I find that a pretty good bonus.There already is a bonus for leading a team.
There is also an xp bonus at 4 members.
There is another xp bonus for teams at 8 members.
You might not be able to notice the difference, but it's there. Especially if you are leader and running your own missions. It's just not noticable enough to make an obvious difference to the other team members. -
Quote:Yeah....running a successful TF isn't nearly as complicated as you make it out to be.Penny...
Some folks would like to finish off Reichman in about 15 min, not a few hours of never ending button grinding...
Some times team composition can make a difference from a TF being enjoyable as opposed to boring and painful or failure.
And once again, thank you for your astute observations of my play style, your insights are so enlightning...
Maybe I should start rendering unbased opinions of yours...
So how is this for return of courtesies:
Looking at your statement, just pick a player and go, it seems you have no capacity to evaluate the repercusions of bad AT compositions in a group for a particular TF, prefering recruiting expedience over TF execution success. Perhaps your thinking out of the box is to play for a mission failure.
I can't help but to wonder, have you ever lead a team in a TF?
Let me share with you an insight into group leadership responsibility:
When you are the group leader and you are putting together a team to do a TF:
1. The players in that group are looking "up to you" to lead them to success.
2. The players are looking "up to you" to balance the team so they can do the TF and get the end reward.
3. The players are looking "up to you" to form a team where "team wipe outs" do not occur, at least not often.
4. The players are looking "up to you" to lead the team to an enjoyable experience.
5. New players are looking "up t you" to explain the why you did what you did, so one day, your investment in time on them, will result with their being able to become a leader of that TF and for a group for you to participate in and be able to relax and enjoy the TF to its fullest.
In short putting a team together and leading it, is not just a send a bunch of invites, take whatever you get, and go with the flow. Well I guess "you" could, but you will not catch me doing that.
I often put teams together in Champions, and do enjoy a very good reputation for successfuly completing those TFs I organized, in a timely and enjoyable manner. Of the hundreds of TFs I had organized, I had only met with failure twice, those were long ago and valuable lessons were learned from those mistakes. Those two failures were a Kahn and ITF, I remember them, for I felt very bad for the other 7 players and felt great embarrassement for my failure in leadership. But perhaps, its just me, but I feel an obligation to my fellow players when they are "looking up" to me to lead them to a successful TF.
Picking the first seven people that want in and going is a perfectly viable way to run task forces. -
This all looks interesting and I am looking forward to it. However, I still want an opportunity to fight on Emperor Cole's side. That would fit my Praetorian much better.
If somebody is able to solo a TF, including AV(s) and normal spawn sizes, I don't see a reason to take out the badge or lower the merit reward.
All task forces should be able to be started by a solo player. I have yet to see a good reason why not.
I also feel they should spawn for the normal task force minimum. Meaning if I want to do a solo ITF, I need to deal with spawns set for 6, including AVs. It would be a shame if the option was added but they were dumbed down to make them easy. -
Quote:I think lack of communication is a major problem sometimes. When I'm forming a team, I will always state speed or kill most before I start it. That way people that don't want to do it my way are free to join another team. Makes it more enjoyable for them, but more importantly makes it more enjoyable for me. It's a win-win.I've been here since just after launch in 2004. I try to make it clear beforehand that I don't do "speed runs." Sometimes I forget, though, and it has caused problems. The thing that ticks me off is when no one says anything one way or another, and it's simply assumed that everyone wants to do a speed run. Sorry bub, but that is not the default, if you wanted to do that, the onus is on you to say so beforehand, and if push comes to shove, I'll leave and you're free to finish your "speed run" minus one team member. Funny thing is that that is almost the only reason I'll leave a task force. Other than that, I've always been devoted to seeing it through no matter what. A few hours and bars of debt mean nothing to me.
What irks me is that when I get invited to a team I always ask speed run or kill most, and literally half the time the leader doesn't answer before starting the Task Force. Which sucks for them because I will quit once I discover the leader wants to run it a different way than I do.
People just need to communicate better. -
So people should run content in ways they don't enjoy to appease you?
I would much rather have more co-op or blue side Task Forces than redside.
Quote:Weekly Strike Targets are for more than just incarnates. That is why.I'm truly puzzled as to why they would choose a TF the doesn't allow Incarnate Shards to drop as the Weekly Strike Target on the one week when a signifigant number of people are going to want a ton of shards. Especially when the ITF got bumped off the roster.
Personally, I don't feel they should have non-50 TFs as WST until they get the "Shards Drop While Exemplared" tech in place. -
So I take it I'm the only one that enjoys Citadel TF? I despise Manticore with every fiber of my being.
She won't get close to one shotting my WP. I have tough and over 2300 hp. The defense debuffs is what do me in on that character.
My SR doesn't have to worry about defense debuffs. But if she hits build up then a big attack I'm in trouble if I happen to be standing on the caltrops. I don't use tough on that character.
If I had Aid Self on my FM/SD, there is no doubt in my mind I could take her. I have the defense, resist, DDR, and damage. Just no way to quickly recover HP. But that is fine, I don't really care to solo AVs with her.
I probably could take her with my WP if I fine tune my strategy(probably a lot), but I'm burned out on trying to beat her right now. Lord Recluse and Sister Psyche are next on my list. Silver Mantis is gonna have to wait.