91 -
and thats a reason not to bring someone on a team? doesn't speak too highly of your own toon if one weak link = fail
Sadly my experience is No, having both a dark/dark stalk and a db/dark brute in PvP the fear almost never hits a player more importantly if I try to get a tech even the spiders are seldom effected by the fear I love that shield makes the build worth it in the cool factor but its a fairly useless end drain I am considering dropping it all together and take the build in another direction and hope for the best.
I usually get fighting unless I am making a stalker killer than I go tactics for the perception cap.
Quote:Ha Ha, yes thats funny I can relate after hearing the "squishy" comments from some usually reliable build friends I passed but now I have completed all my "Good" toon so needed something to work on wth I made a BA/Shield the only Primary and Secondary I had not tried yet. I love that Brute... and agree using Mids I made a nice build with a good ballance of defense and damage as for the ITF she did as well as my Stoney and my Stoney is the S*** ! thats on the shield topic it all falls into the perfect team ballance mentality like for RSF you have to have a stoney a kin blah blah blah ,,,, I run 50 minute lrsf's and I don't care who you bring we had a rough team the other day things went bad it was a little ugly we finished in 1:26 lolSo I go to Cim and broadcast "level 50 fire/shield scrapper lf ITF"
I get a tell back from someone, and our conversation went something like this:
"You shouldn't say Fire/Shield, you should just say level 50 scrap"
"Why not?"
"Because shield is squishy and people don't want them."
"Not according to my being defense soft-capped to all positions."
"Just saying...help you find teams faster."
"Ok. Well thanks. Good luck to you."
Between my broadcast and this conversation happening I did get invited to a team just fine. I know /Shield when well built is anything but squishy, just thought it was an odd conversation. I thought people had kind of forgotten the "Shields is squishy" mantra.
Oh and by the way, I solo'd several of the cysts on the second mission, and we completed the thing in 32 minutes. I didn't die once, and I don't really ever remember getting out of the green in terms of my HP. I'll chalk that up to a good tank and having a rad, a sonic, and a kin on the team, though.
my rule is: I would rather have a non status quo toon played by a gamer that knows his toon and how it works than a dime a dozen toon run by someone just following a templete
and mashing buttons! -
check your email, if you get the magic invite your in closed beta
I would be happy ifthey just removed the time limit myself
SS/SR is the end hog of all end hogs sodon't be trying to give SS/Shield false props :P
Woot Im not the only one that knows its all a Nemesis Plot!!!!!
Quote:btw the level one was a true story after double exp weekend we had someone ask to join our ITF team and spent 15 minutes leveling from 1 to 50 then asked for more time to buy so's <insert sigh here>if you ask your 1st team "can I have a minute to level (1 to x) you might be an AE baby.
if you think the oroboros portal is the only way to travel between zones, you might be an AE baby
if you are above level 20 and have no idea what pocket D is you might be an AE baby
if you look at map and there is only a line between arb, bm and AE you might be an AE baby
if you ask your 1st team "can I have a minute to level (1 to x) you might be an AE baby.
if you think the oroboros portal is the only way to travel between zones, you might be an AE baby
if you are above level 20 and have no idea what pocket D is you might be an AE baby
if you look at map and there is only a line between arb, bm and AE you might be an AE baby
Quote:there is a post on the forums under the getting to test topic that explains you can copy your actual \city of heroes directory over the test directory then just repatch the latestProbably the first one, since I did change my password. How would I go about resetting up the test server?
Also, it's won't let me get past the log in if I'm not in the beta or it won't let me pick a server? I thought in the past it just wouldn't let me pick a server, but I may be wrong.
I use that method everytime I need to re-setup test.
good luck -
I would also have to say it depends on your focus are you focusing on damage output or holding agro if the later then max defense is a good thing despite any loss to dmg or fury generation because your job is not to kill the agro just hold it so it does not get your team mates while they kill the agro.
if damage is your goal then maybe more ballance however if your making a PvP brute forget fury and focus on def, res and raw damage -
2 things, 1. if you have changed your password since you set up test server try your previous password.
although if this is the case you might have to reset up your test server
2nd if you are not in the closed beta right now your password will not work anyway
hope that helps -
Quote:5 hours on an ITF??? Me and my best friend duo'd it in 6 hours on a stoney and bot/dark mmThe ITF I'm currently on with my Protector SG is paused for the second time and will be finished tonight. I think we're closing in on 5 hours with the last mission left. Of course 5 of the 7 man team have never run it and 3 of them are SKed up so we are going for the EXP.
It really is fun doing it with rookies. I was trying to co-ordinate ahead of time with the teammate who had done it once before so I typed in team chat "How do we want to handle the..." and then sent him a tell "giant robots" so I wouldn't spoil it for the new guys. Seconds later the team hits the corner and they're all "whoa" and such. Pretty much made the glacial pace worth it. -
Well I am only a sister to art and friend to art, I wish I had the skill I draw wonderful outfits and scenery but figures elude me.
a commision is really up to the Artist to decide what is fair compensation for their time and talent. Most are very reasonable.
if your seriously looking for an artist I suggest deviant you can find tons there
P.S. if your wondering why a lot of my words end up 2 or even 3 words together with no space I am getting used to this new logitech wireless keyboard and the keys are just a bit smaller and the spacebar not as sensitive as my old one.
Quote:read between the astrix still getting the hang of the forum did not use it much the 4 years I have played CoX - hope it helpsFirstly, Hello
. I just recently started playing the game. I am enjoying the Brute AT but am seeking some advice on my power choices.
After reading what I could around the forums here it's looking like my choices may not have been the best for starting out. I went Dual Blade/Electric and man does the endurance drain hurt. I'm only level 13 at the moment and am considering a re-roll but before I did that I wanted to probe a few more experienced minds here.
OK Good News and Bad 1st good news: all brutes and in fact almost all AT's suffer end drain till higher level when you begin to give them sets that will give %'s of end increase or recovery.
2nd bad news: (and its not that bad) DB is a decent primary, and electric can be a decent secondary but will take some work, you may want to slot your secondary powers to sap end where you can this is not a good PvP choice but will be a fun PvE toon.
I love the idea of the dual blades, and of course the animations. Not having had much opportunity to play with other melee powers, I'm not sure how it stacks up with damage output. I duo with a stalker and I have noticed that most of the time there's not a whole lot of point to me even bothering trying to get off that next skill as she'll have torn them a new one by the time it goes off...
That's not entirely relevant to my post though.
I love my DB stalker so much I am currently leveling a DB brute I am right there with you they are exciting nice animations the damage and defense debuf are nice, like you I went with an uncommon secondary but since I already have all my PvP toons I made her for a fun PvE toon I went with Dark. but I have a lot of fun with my Mace/Elec Brute as well so I can appreciate the appeal to elec as well.
once you get to roughly 35 if your not there already I recommend IO's they last about 10 levels and will help with your end a bit, if you can pick up 4 perf shifters or 4 gaussian along the way slot them in either stamina oops forget the gaussian that will only work if you get tactics since db brutes do not have build up... there are many other sets that will enhance your end I would recomend downloading and installing Mids Hero Designer it will give you a visual of your toons potential.
I am considering a re-roll, as I said, to either elec melee/willpower or dual blade/willpower. I am wondering if the "chance" at endurance transfer with the elec melee would make willpower redundant or if the chance of that endurance return is low enough that willpower would still be a greater benefit with quick recovery.
well understand all those have end issues at lower levels just FYI elec/wp is a good long battle build at 50 not sure about db/wp but I am sure the right build would be goodas well
I'm also still torn on not sticking out my current build. I took fitness with the idea that I would have stamina at 20 - but again I just have no idea if that's going to be enough to soothe the extreme endurance problems I am having. Dual Blade looks and sounds purty and the electric armor fits with my character concept... but I'm just not sure it's worth it.
Thoughts? Advice?
Much appreciated. -
Quote:grrr,,,,,, tell us how you *like tuesdays was what that was supposed to read..Play WoW for 2 Months and tell us how you tuesdays when you come back.
downtime for them is an all day event and when something goes wrong 'often' its another whole day to fix it then another whole day to repatch it
CoV is not so bad this month has been a little extreme but still tolerable.
I am so not a typist -
Play WoW for 2 Months and tell us how you tuesdays when you come back.
downtime for them is an all day event and when something goes wrong 'often' its another whole day to fix it then another whole day to repatch it
CoV is not so bad this month has been a little extreme but still tolerable. -
not sure what you are refering to, I am red side the BM is almost empty of low level set io's and recipes but other than that the performance of the market is fine.
noobs keep the game going, I like noobs yes.
I have 2 lvl 50 Stoney's, I have never tried what your asking
I made my stoneys for TF agro control for RSF, ITF and Lady Grey
I only 1 slot stone armor and skip everything till granite besides stone skin
I get tough and weave and mudpots and rooted of course
I use a mixture of Crushing Impact and Mako's Bite for the primary
mostly IO's for def I do use 4 piece gift of the ancients and aegis +procs
I slot a lotg+rechatge on S/A
on health I have num miracle and regenerative tissue procs on my stone/stone I have thepanacea proc as well
although for the purpose they were built I can't imagine not having granite in all normal functions I almost never have the need to use granite
but to hold the agro of all 8 hero's in the RSF .... yea