357 -
can vote once every clock hour as long as someone elses vote is between your posts ...
lol, been Scrapper-lock'd on it all day ... they're really trying to take us out
hehe, i know... guess they're trying to do what they do best, which is survive
just seeing if i can rally any support for the game
it's Scrappers vs... ummm, well , i guess no'ones left.... we win -
i understand it now, another question though, what is the absolute minimum recharge of Hasten needed to achive the perma DP, judgeing DP on the base standard sloting of 95% ?
Quote:are you wanting to make a stalker or a scrapper ?I want to make a Stalker.
However, this is where the issue begins. Stalkers all have unique powers and interesting concepts however I can not find something that I am satisfied with. Basically, this scrapper is going to be a character that I go through the whole game with and solo all my missions. The most important part is that I plan to dual box with this scrapper and do the Ouroboros Flashbacks to get the badges. So, it needs to be good at lower levels and while under restrictions while also being able to hold it's own in most situations while I am soloing.
If you scrapper vets out there have any ideas, please let know what are good scrapper powerset combo (like Katana/Regen) and why. I just needed to bounce this off you guys and get some feedback.
Thanks a bunch all!
I have subscribed to this thread.
are you going to solo or dual box? -
wait... you can make Dull Pain permanent without Hasten ? ... i'm pretty sure that that 50%-60% global recharge value on top of the 95% sloted recharge is not enough without Hasten, and unless the Hasten is permanent, you still encounter a recharge gap (all be it it may not occur for many cycles, hence the whole technicality, it may just be for a split second in the 237th cycle or for a sec or two in the 1743rd cycle, maybe more, maybe less, reguarless, it will happen eventually, it doesn't really matter for practical sake, it's virtually permanent, but it's just a technicality, ((the numbers are made-up guesses, so dont bother checking you math-gurus)))... feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, and plz show me DP being permanent without Hasten, ...actually, thinking abit more, would the actual recharge values to make Hasten permanent be enough to make DP permanent without Hasten?
So to clarify, it IS mathemtically possible to acheive perma dull pain? I know it use to be back before the ED bat. -
incorrect, the best set for defense is SR (because of its ease of hiting soft-cap and its DDR values, though is late blooming), the second best set for defense is SD (though it does hit first place with excessive cost in IO's), the third best is Invul (for its self stacking def buff), then WP (with HS at 28) tied with DA (with CoD at 20)
Quote:Veteran Rewards for your long-time customers are nice and all, but sometimes seeing the rewards is pretty disheartening for your newer customers, especially those that are returning customers who unsubscribed before there were veteran rewards.
I have no idea how it would work, but it sure would be nice to have some mechanism to allow newer customers to "catch up".Quote:[ QUOTE ]
I have no idea how it would work, but it sure would be nice to have some mechanism to allow newer customers to "catch up".
[/ QUOTE ]
That would pretty much remove the whole point of these being rewards for those who have been playing (and paying!) every month since the game was released, wouldn't it?
I myself am about 18 months shy of getting these rewards. But I have something to look forward to when I get there.
the Vet's will know that they got it for free, while the new comers will have a way to actually catch-up to the current status quo -
basically it comes off as a fun idea in theory, but doesn't play out as such in practice ...
if your like the idea of controlling the fight, your alot better off playing a controller or dominator...
i'm not saying dont diversify on the scrappers role and experiment, that's actually the fun part of the idea, just that as any AT, you will find yourself more attuned to playing to your strengths, which in the scrappers case is laying waste to all enemies in your path ...
with that said, speaking more on the idea itself, i wouldnt go with EleM/DA as the sleeps and damage aura dont mix, probably the most effective would be a DM/DA/DM (Stacking fear, immob, -tohit debuffs, ect...) , and if anything you can dual build it both ways (scroller / scrapper) for fun -
LOL, i judge it broken ... try useing the phpBB / Zetaboards format
nothing else changed, just simply moveing that one Regenerative Tissue +Regen (unique) from Health (when sloted in health, total standard regen = 759%) over to Fast Healing (when sloted in fast healing, total standard regen = 763%)
looks like the new forums broke all your links
Quote:1. it doesn't really matter what power-set's it is, WP and Regen just offer QR which eases any endurance issues in general, the main concern of your endurance management needs to focus on your attacks and fine tune that focus on your attack-chain, ...Hey folks,
Hope all is well. Because "Favorite Threads" have been wiped, I haven't had much luck finding my old piles of information and my "SearchFu" sucks. Two questions for a fuzzy memory:
1. What is a good ratio for Endurance usage versus recovery for non WP/Regen and such toons? I know this is a "broad" question. For most powersets, I just do the standard 3 slotting of Stamina, use Atlas Medallion and mostly aim for 32% end reduction for most powers (more if needed).
2. "Typed" vs. "Positional" Defense, iirc, one generally trumps the other?
Thanks in advance.
that's not saying to neglect your toggles, but they are just a side-effect on your endurance management and on average are fairly fine with a just one slot worth devoted to endred and any other slots devoted to whatever other aspects that you want from it that are enhanceable.
ideally you dont want to use more end then you gain, or you'll faulter is sustained battles, but situationally, many variables will play a part in the battle that can not be accounted for in pure raw data
2. Typed trumps Positional in Psionic (some psi attacks do not have a positional component)
Positional trumps Typed in Toxic (there is no type defence for toxic)
... other than that, they are pretty much the same (hit/miss is only checked ONCE against your strongest applicable value),
and depending on the power set's strength is where you'll want to build upon (WP, Ice, ect... provide typed def and so your better off building upon them then you are starting over and building on positional; SR, SD, ect... are positional based so your better off building on them then you are starting over trying to build typed),
but in general it is just easyer to build on Positional (3 catagories) as oposed to Typed (7 catagories) (such as in Regen, FA, ect... case where you start out with a blank def slate) -
requires too many compromises to proliferate correctly, it wont be "Ninjitsu" if it comes to scrappers
i get higher regen values out of them when sloted in the more potent power... such as if i slot FH and Health both with 3 lvl 50 heal IO's and then add a forth slot to each and try the +regen tissue in one then the other, my regen total comes out considerablly higher when it's sloted in FH as opposed to Health
the idea seems kind'a redundant to me, as the guides useually have them in 'em and the boards are already polluted with builds so as it is
all they need to do is code in a power based "buff-wipe & toggle-drop" on the switch, and keep the recharge timers constant ... it's completely do'able and wouldn't be exploitable, and with that they could even reduce the timer to the same as the costume timer, which i belive is what the OP was wanting in the first place...
now i say it's do'able, but would still require alot of codeing work to implement, so it's not likely to come to be any time soon, as the dev's have alot that they are still working on, and the system as it is works perfectly fine, though the 15 minit's seem's a'bit excessive esspecially since it requires talking to a trainer, could lower it to 1-5 minit's and still not have much of any problems with it as it is
but there has been talk of possibly raiseing the # of alternate build choices probablly to a total of three choices instead of two -
well regen blooms the fastest, but i wouldnt recommend it for DB especially because of the redraw and the combo system of DB,
and SR is probablly the latest blooming set, and sacrifices allot so it can be the best of the def based sets, and speed (except now EleA is comeing to scrappers as'well)
you'd do well with WP since it causes no redraw and is fairly team friendly and self sufficient you have a very weak agro aura in RttC which thrives off of haveing more enemies arround you which will work well with your combos and attacks in general, it comes out to be the jack of all trades type of power set, it isn't the best in any one area but does cover most areas with'out haveing any holes or sacrificeing any perticular area to be better at another area, it also is probablly the second fastest blooming set, it lacks an actual self heal, but doesn't really need it with the regen lvl's it can hit, plus you dont want to have to deal with the redraw of a self heal anyway -
Quote:yes, this.... i deffinately agree with this ... the weaken combo is very useful in the early game, and the power up combo helps out in the early game as'well, but once you get into the late game they do not help nearly as much as they did, but the attack vitals combo is one of the most damageing attacks in the game, and the sweep combo is extreme mitigation, especially when surrounded,... of anything though, you'll want to keep Blinding Feign in both, as it's your build-up attackComboing definitely adds to the attacks. They're still usable without putting them into combos but you are losing out on a lot of damage/mitigation potential without tapping into them. What I'd recommend doing is using dual builds and with your first build, focus on the low level combos while leveling up. Then, once you're higher level, use your second build for the other (imo better) combos.
plus with the dual build option you get to play with all of it and find out what you like and what works for your style of play, also it's great to have access to the early combo build for exemping down for TF's and such -