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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But freedom is for free - anyone can afford it
    I thought freedom had an extremely high price that has to be payed in blood?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
    Could somebody tell me what the heck you mean by doves? Because I'm sitting here envisioning Malta Gunslingers waving white birds at me...
    In the keynote for Herocon when they were showing off dual pistols, one of the animations had some John Woo-style doves added to it as an easter-egg.
  3. I wouldn't be too surprised if they were already planning to add in new weapons.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowNate View Post
    I'll just leave this here...
    That is super-awesome.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    So... so sexy...
    Careful, you're starting to drool.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Thorny_Devil View Post
    I shall join you in saving the computer, for it is my friend and I trust it.
    Everyone needs the computer, for it gives life to all that press its 'insert' key and it can end your life with its 'delete' key.
    The computer is overjoyed that you return it's friendship, and would like to share friendship cookies with you.
    Originally Posted by _Wyll_ View Post
    I suspect that this thread is full of mutant who wish to harm the computer.

    As a precaution, I would request that I be given permission to test the new mutant killing gun developed by R&D. Guaranteed to kill mutants a millisecond faster than non-mutants.
    Permission granted. Though the computer would never think of denying something that gave you pleasure. Because it is your friend. And your well being* is always top priority.

    *The computer reserves the right to redefine 'well being' in an emergency. You know, just in case.
  7. Just because you do not believe in Cthulhu does not mean that Cthulhu doesn't believe in you.
  8. That reminds me of an old Machall comic featuring Deus Ex and /spawnmasshooker
  9. Factory overflow. My bad.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novastorm View Post
    <hilarious Obama pic>
    See? Obama understands that the computer is to be trusted.
  11. Those that think your signatures are too big should understand that compared to some other forums, they are getting off very light. Both in terms of screen space as well as file size. There's a couple of people on the 1stMI forums that have 4mb sigs and avatars due to uncompressed animations.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primal View Post
    Thank you, Loyalists and Resistance, for providing some entertainment, at least until you all see where the true freedom can be found.
    I assume you are referring to "under the watchful gaze of your friend, the computer" as the source of true freedom, correct?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    Question: What is a unique snowflake and where on earth is it snowing right now? We're having a mini heatwave here!!!! :
    Originally Posted by Fight Club
    Tyler Durden: Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    What the hell do you think we've been doing for the last 15 pages? Playing shuffleboard?
    This is also a valid response.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
    Tyrant is actually the greatest hero in existence since he has pretty much eradicated crime and created a society that provides for all.

    Quintessential utilitarian response: needs more data.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
    That what you guys said about turning into a villian and changing the color of your powers.... now look I16 and Going Rouge hehehe
    Side-switching and power customization were viewed as improbable due to the amount of work behind such an idea. Changing ATs and Powersets are not going to happen because the devs are opposed to the idea of allowing this, not because of technical limitations.

    EDIT: I'm tired, didn't read Dispari's post before I posted. That pretty much covers it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Oh please living off of savings is a personal choice. Lots of students work jobs and still manage to stay on the deans list. Some even work several jobs at the same time. Students can also get paid for participating in studies.

    Heck anyone can sell blood once a month which will net them around $40 bucks, and if you choose to sell plasma which only takes 30 minutes it will net you $35 per session, and you can have 2 sessions a week. That's $70 a week and it only takes an hour of your time. In a month you'd have $280 which is enough to pay for 18 accounts.
    I wasn't hoping for an armchair analysis of my financial situation, thank you very much. I obviously live the way I do by choice, not because someone makes me.

    My point is that just because you feel it's an affordable expense, that doesn't mean it is an affordable expense for everyone. Nevermind the fact that a new account would be devoid of all vet badges and paid upgrades like booster packs.
  18. Morac_Ex_Machina


    I'm scraping at the bottom of the barrel of sanity, does that count?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    That argument won't fly with me. I'm disabled and live on a fixed income of $770. per month and still manage to live on a budget that pays my bills and covers my accounts.
    Well, I'm glad you have such a great understanding of everyone's financial situation. </sarcasm>

    Counter-example: as a student with no job, living off of savings, my base expenses are roughly three times what you earn as income per month, with nothing to offset it. Having one account is a luxury. Having two is an unnecessary expense.

    Actually playing on several servers great, because players are expanding their communities not splitting them up. Private global channels are cross server as well as cross faction. Having characters on multiple servers means those players rarely have trouble finding people to play with.
    I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this point. I don't have the time to immerse myself in any more communities.
  20. Nothing stopping you other than the additional monthly fee, you mean.

    EDIT: Also, while spreading populations may be good for server load and anti-ghost-townness, it also splits up communities a bit more, which is bad.
  21. Fortunately, the computer now offers downloadable TV! Just for you. Because it is your friend.

    Also, let it never be said that the computer does not support social networking.
  22. Morac_Ex_Machina


    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    I don't know how to respond to this post other than to disagree as vehemently as one can disagree with another human being.
    Not surprising, coming from the art guy