10557 -
Quote:Well, I don't know about you guys, but since the game's hit its final week I've been combing thru artists on Deviantart looking to have some memento images of my favorite toons done.
Artist "Cric" did an excellent one of my Warshade...
Me, I won't be moving on to anything NCSoft.What a crappy way to go.
Nice piece - yeah, Cric does good work, pretty quickly (and not costing an arm and a leg, either.)
I'm getting other pieces done at the moment - unfortunately I don't think I'll see any others arrive before Friday. -
Got Alex in for one on the "calendar project" - more SFW version here. (For the less, well, there are two fewer grenades.)
For April, my widow - Sangrenia - livening up Easter.
Quote:Not exactly.As unpopular as it was ED needed to happen when it did, though I don't believe all those people spouting ED was put in to make room for IO's, they happened to far apart to really have anything to do with each other.
ED was supposed to happen around the same time as the "out of combat skills system" (SSOCS) - which as initially designed was apparently no fun. (Remember we had the universities pop in really early - IIRC, the construction was there in I4, and released in I5... with nothing to do there.) THAT morphed into the IO system. -
- Lack of focus. One of my complaints earlier when I left for a bit was the feeling the dev team was like a hyperactive dog in a room of superballs - chase one thing, then another, then another. AE felt abandoned, for instance. Villainside didn't get much attention for a bit, etc. Something new would be introduced, then not integrated into what came after.
- Going to extremes. Specifically I'm thinking of hero vs villainside. Heroside had people complaining there were "too many" zones (which I still don't honestly agree with.) I'll go with "underutilized" and "similar missions," but if they'd had unique paths in each... Villainside had too few, to where it was actually acting against me (300+ alts...) wanting to roll a villain. There could have been a happy balance in the middle.
- "It's someone else's idea, they left, we're nto going to work on it." Ugh. I hated hearing this. So we have wings - so what? Make avilians. Do the whole gadzul/blood of the black stream thing, and so forth.
- I13. Instead of dropping everything as one major change, the changes should have been rolled out a bit at a time, tested, adjusted, rolled out, etc. Still saddens me to see how the zones just died.
- Incarnate system. I *still* feel that there should have been a slight increase in power in regular content, with them getting to go full bore in Incarnate content. And the dropping of shards after Alpha... eh. (And not at all in DA.) Raid content should have had solo/small team content rolled out right alongside it, and so forth. -
Well, I can put some character info here, unless you want a demoedit.
Oh, knew I forgot one.... my 'shade convincing a friend's peacebringer that, yes, it's time to put down the pen, quit working, and call it a night already:
Hmm. Hard to pick just one... really hard.
Therra Paladina - first Peacebringer, back in issue 4, still played to now. It was fun going back to the enemies that had given her "original" (my first 50, an elec/elec blaster) trouble and pounding them into the ground. Plus plenty of good PVP memories with her.
Deadly Diana - my Thugs/Poison, the one that turned masterminds from "ugh, boring, I'm never going to play this again (thanks to my bot/ff) into "Huh, what do you know, I'm accidentally soloing AVs."
Those two just stick out, though most of them were a blast. -
Last month, but still time for art!
Feliney Assault and Feliney Mischief, taking down the lab that made FA....
Or (blueside) do the science store contact's mission.... one of many that "exposes you to time travel" and unlocks Ouro. You get to beat up rikti... which is always fun.
So... I have a few pieces in the pipeline (or rather I'm in the queue for them.) Finally got a couple back, these from Cric.
I'd had this little "idea" bouncing around for some of my villain girls - a "bail bond fund" calendar.No, not actually being done as a calendar, just a reasonf or the "cover" shot - though I've started thinking about months.... which led to these two.
Wraith for january:
And Deadly Diana for February... stealing someone's heart.
(Gotta love Photobucket's thumbnails.) The wink from Di just sold it for me. -
... why would they accept an *anonymous* offer?
Malta, just for the extra-long stuns.
Arachnos, early on for lots of Mu end-draining before I could really do anything about it, later for annoying resistance to everything. (especially as a controller/dom.) -
Look up - get perfect desktop wallpaper:
I'm probably not picking up another MMO. I may make the occasional appearance in STO, as I kinda-sorta like playing over there every once in a while, but that's a rare event. Depending on how the beta pans out, and what they add, I know I'll spend some time in Mechwarrior - but that's more a shooter than an MMO, honestly (though a shooter with big freaking mechs) and it's not in small part to my old Netmech/DOS clan being over there.
I've played a good selection of other MMOs... I think the longest I've lasted in any, though, were about six months in Aion (and that was... yeah... no. I'm not into a grindfest.) I think three? in TOR. Six, perhaps, since launch in STO. I know I have something in LOTOR, havent' fired that up in a long time. Not interested in finishing up anyone in GW, not interested in GW2 at all....
Yeah, I think where I'm going is "into the sunset." -
Aside from the ones already listed, let me refer you to my two commission threads (as in stuff I've commissioned.)
Prices, of course, don't tend to be mentioned...
Some I know are still active that are still "go to" to me - note, I'm using their Deviantart names (and Alex has been mentioned already.)
Warlordwardog - more painterly, little time to do, but worth it.
separino - I've got two on commission with him now.
drunkfu - More cartoonish (have to look in my older thread for his example) and he's got a bit of a backlog at the moment.
cric - Has done one of the more heavily commented on pieces (Therra Malevola) I have.
Avionetca - fairly quick. Leans toward cartoony/anime-ish
RV1994 - More pencil work. Only used once, but it wasn't bad.
Taclobanon - not sure why I keep forgetting him! Made another favourite piece, of one I liked as a character but *hated* as a powerset (ill/sonic.)
Jazz Carmona
Not mentioned:
semaj007 - Not doing art at the moment.
playworkart - His style's evolved some, and not in a way I tend to want for my characters. You may like him, though.
No idea if Graver's still around.
Also, you can always check Photobucket for what I have up. (Some you may want to not bring up at work, admittedly...) -
Got to agree on wanting more Kheld lore... I know I asked more questions, and have much the same reaction as FFM
Still, thank you very much for doing this.
.... and for making Techbot Alpha's head explode. Not that I wanted it to, but once I read the answer, I hurried to find some popcorn (and a tarp.) -
It might be the cooperative focus of the game. Hard to say. I'll say you can see the difference in the forums though.
Post - "How do I (insert basic newbie question here)?"
Most other games: (string of "lol noob" and misinformation mixed into the flames)
Here: typically, people tripping over themselves to give the info. -
Quote:Two weeks and we have heard nothing, the community has been fantastic, Tony and his team brilliant, so many people have done more than anyone could ask, and more.
NCsoft cannot have missed what we have been saying, I don't beleave they are unaware of our actions, I think they are ignoring us, and they can continue to do that until the servers shutdown, they have nothing to lose, it's all just business to them, money, not people.
Tonyv sounds worried in his last post, I am worried, I'm sure many others are too.
I'm not giving up, but the fight is hard, I think we deserve an answer now.
Ncsoft, tell us, put us out of our misery, 'is there any chance that COH will be saved ? yes or no', thats all we, well, at least that's all I ask, am I really asking that much ?
Actually... yes, you are asking that much, to be blunt. They've quite obviously had some offers, there are discussions that have been mentioned - *any* word on NC's part before any of that is done would be premature. So, no, I don't expect to hear a thing from NC for at least another two weeks. I'd be surprised to see a press release acknowledging ... well, anything.
Frankly, we've been spoiled by how great *our* dev team is at talking with us. It's very unusual.
Now, my saying that about NC does *NOT* excuse the lack of communication to current subscribers about refunds or the game shutting down. That's just horrible service, and that *should* have been sent out to every single subscriber. I see where I applied one of the serial codes given out for one of the auras. After that... not a *peep* from NCSoft. Where is the "City of Heroes is being sunsetted, closing November 30th?" Where is the "Billing is currently shut down for this game and will not be renewed?" Where is the "Questions about refunds" (or even "No, we won't give refunds") email? That's just bad, *bad* customer service. Heck, I don't even see a remailing of their press release. THAT silence, to me, is inexcusable after this long. -
More "Going through old CDs." Yeah, I keep stuff. I'm a screenshot packrat.
COV Upgrade - *12* whole slots!
Gathering for the beta of Siren's Call:
First impression of Oakes:
Beating on Manticore at the end of the COV beta
Apparently he was complaining
And a generic longbow GM named Abbott... think we found out who they were at one point, but I don't recall now.
... remember the character card creator?
.... with which apparently I was griping about defenders...
And yes, the old IDs...
Even have a villain one, which I was looking for... what, 2-3 months ago...
1. Introducing a new game is not "replacing" COH. If it were another superhero-themed game, I might - *might* - be inclined to agree that's their idea.
2. We've known about this game for a little while now. It's not like it's being introduced as a replacement. It's just another title.
3. Agreed - for now, play nice.