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  1. I have to say that was a much more solid season opener then last year. It set up the big bad and some secondary storys were set up.

    As for what happened.. I have to say I really enjoyed GodCas, but what happened at the end has me excited even more..


    Loved what happened in Church, Death was awesome as ever...and sweet.. looks like I was right that Purgatory held the H.P. Lovecraft Old ones..and they are going to be the big bads this season!
  2. Season seven starts tonight at 9pm est. on the CW with 23 expected episodes for the season.

    Anyone else looking forward to seeing how the evolution of Castiel's character and the fallout from that is going to play out over the season? .. Personally I hope we get to see a big blowout series finale with Castiel fighting his father for the title of the one true god.
  3. I'd like to see this happen, but first I think we still have a few Primery and Secondary sets in game that have as yet not been given customization features.

    Like say..claws getting fingertip claws animations/weapon models, E.A.T.'s getting power customization..things like this are something I'd want before the E/APP's were given customization options.

    Expect all of this to be knocked out sooner then later once Freedom opens for free/premium's to start really buying up Paragon points.
  4. I'm STILL not able to connect to the update server more then 24 hours after the patch went live and most other players have it WHY is the update server refusing to let us download it now?
  5. I'm starting to think this has something to do with the update itself. The same problem kept me from beta testing it..every time I tried I got the same error.

    Never got it before this release so..yeah I'm stumped. If you ask me this is a pretty serious problem that Needs to be addressed by a redname.. I mean some of us can't even download the patch and it's not related to OUR systems.
  6. Still having this problem 12+ hours after my first attempt to download Issue 21, not a single drop of the 2511mb's have been downloaded.
  7. Still having the problem, I'm not able to download one single bit of Issue 21 as the launcher refuses to even connect me to the update server...Every time I try it goes right to "Retrying connection..."
  8. How many others are having this happen when attempting to update the game to Issue 21?
    The launcher updater just..stops right here.
  9. I am STILL having this problem. I close down the NCsoft launcher completly, reopen it, try to update COH and..poof I get stuck at "retrying connection..." without it even trying to connect in the first place.

    This same problem kept me from even beta testing Issue 21 as it had the same glitch every time I tried to install/update.
  10. Scooped , but it is a sad thing to happen to a man with a for all purposes a bright career ahead of him.
  11. Aside from the entire Fairy plot being dropped along with the Panther hybrid Jason never coming forth I enjoyed this season and I can say everyone that died outside of Jesus I was glad to see die.

    Honestly though what the hell was the point of those Fairy and Panther episodes if the plots were both just..dropped.
  12. For those that may not be aware, the Lead int he first season of Starz Spartacus fame was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma not long after the first season aired.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
    If they had CONCRETE evidence, then the show wouldn't be called Ghost Hunters. It would be called Ghost Finders, we'd all accept the existence of said ghosts, and they'd go back to being plumbers...
    Now Troy, you and I both know that the next step would be for them to buy a old car, a firehouse, some nuclear material and start up a ghostcatching business.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Supernatural isn't Sci-Fi.
    You're right. I should have said Sci-fi/Horror which is what the channel used to be focused on.

    My point still stands though that this channel should be turning out gems like Lost,Supernatural,X-files and the like..yet none of their own projects have moved passed the inherent camp of say Hercules or other Actionpack programming.

    Heck I even used to watch GhostHunters when it first started..but after Seven seasons of no concrete evidence I've given up on it as well.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Definitely defiant, yes.
    i've watched a few episodes and enjoyed them. Enough so that i had to double check that it was really on the siffy channel. While it's true that siffy loves cheap shows it seems to me that they usually want the show to clearly look cheap as well through bad writing and/or blatantly lousy production values.

    Alphas comes across as more of a show that tries to make the most of their budget to tell a good scifi story. Definitely not where siffy's priorities usually lie.
    I have to agree with the quality of Sci-fi on that channel. All of their shows are still stuck with 90's late night mid season replacement quality. While I love Warehouse and Eureka..they both are dated Sci-fi fare when you compair them to shows such as Supernatural.

    As for Alphas, Never watched it and never will. The channel is dead to me...unless they start having Anime themed weekends again. THEN I may watch it again.
  16. I myself wondered why he had not restarted up the Doctor Who threads when 6.5 started up..Guess I know now.

    It's always saddening to lose another Hero.
  17. I thought a guy in his basment already created these shoes that auto-laced but were normal sized, and function shoes.. So I'm abit dissapointed to see this isn't going to be the future of sneakers with this guy reaping the billions.

    On the plus side Fox is a awesome dude, and I hope they get a lot of money out of these none functional replicas.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samothrake View Post

    Can't believe how much like Reeve he looks like in this pic
    Man, that guy has some huge arms. I'd say He and Tom are the two largest built actors to potray Superman so far. As for the outfit itself. I can live with it.. I would like it if the armored sections were Red as Samothrake mentioned.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    You mean, like it has since 1963?

    Oh Hush, I have only watched since the relaunch so far!
  20. The thing with River would have had a bit more impact if it was dragged out a few more episodes. For me it felt a bit shoehorned... I did enjoy the bit where


    Tardis is once again referd to as female, sentient, and well..awesome. How I loved "The Doctor's Wife." It says a lot about how Important River is that the Tardis spoke to her.. yet has never really done so with the Doctor outside of the one episode. *Unless it was the one to say custard and fishsticks!*
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    He's also the reason Lorenzo Music was replaced by the inferior Dave Coulier, I believe.

    having purchased The Real ghost busters complete series boxset last year I have to say that was a very jarring put it mildly Dave is annoying, and always has been. His voice acting is the same. At least when Winston was changed the replacement attempted to mimic what was done before while slowing working up this own take.
  22. All I want out of this is the return of the Real ghostbusters, and EctoCoolers.
    I also have to admit I'm very bitter with Bill. Everyone knows he's the real reason there was never a follow up to Ghostbusters 2..and now everyone is to old or disinterested to return.
  23. For the most part I do not plan to move to the VIP for roleplay reasons. Now I may move some unplayed alts there to mke more room, or I might even create characters there I do not plan to roleplay with.

    Orlock himself is sticking with Virtue..because the /ignore command is so easy to use now! Lord knows people use it on me enough! XD
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post

    Yes, good writing would help. However the characters need the right setting to be fully realized..and a good script for a pg-13 film is still a pg-13 film. We're talking about a soul searing anti-hero that melts his own face off to fight demons,zombies, and all around evil men...That sounds more like a rated R script. Plus seeng Ghost Rider say something stupid like" I'm going to kick your darn butt!" Doesn't mesh as well with the concept as what he can say/Do in a Rated R film.

    As for Wolverine... I just really want to see him flip out in a berserker rage in a rated R movie. Blood,guts, swearing, and soiling of pants from those being ouchied must be had!
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I'd say they're more screwed over now.

    At least that's how it's sounding.

    Let them out early by signing away a right to sue for their life back, because their lives are still ruined. Just now they're out of prison, but still on parole.

    The one father is right, if they're really guilty, why set them free?

    If they can't sue to get reimbursed for 18 years of their life wasted, and I can't imagine it'll be easy getting back into the swing of things with this hanging over their head, it looks like the city may have screwed them over again.
    That's how I feel about it as well. You can almost see some vindictive Political figure behind this saying with a smug expression." Oh you want them free..suuure..suurre we can do that!" No one involved wants to admit to the fact that these kids were railroaded for their lifestyle and character, not for anything to do with the actual case...and they also want to be sure that even if they are freed they will not have to face the music for their own misdeeds and misuse of the justice system.

    NOW outside of all that I would hazard a guess that once these now grown men manage to get the heck out of that town that some of their celebrity supporters will offer them help in getting settled until they are able to support themselves.