I really did not see this happening...Alphas gets a second season
Probably cheaper to make than Eureka. Not all that bad ratings for one of their 10pm shows.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Yeah, i defiantly think the budget is a reason. A little sweat and Bam! super strength.
Definitely defiant, yes.
Yeah, i defiantly think the budget is a reason. A little sweat and Bam! super strength.
i've watched a few episodes and enjoyed them. Enough so that i had to double check that it was really on the siffy channel. While it's true that siffy loves cheap shows it seems to me that they usually want the show to clearly look cheap as well through bad writing and/or blatantly lousy production values.
Alphas comes across as more of a show that tries to make the most of their budget to tell a good scifi story. Definitely not where siffy's priorities usually lie.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
I have to agree with the quality of Sci-fi on that channel. All of their shows are still stuck with 90's late night mid season replacement quality. While I love Warehouse and Eureka..they both are dated Sci-fi fare when you compair them to shows such as Supernatural.
Definitely defiant, yes.
i've watched a few episodes and enjoyed them. Enough so that i had to double check that it was really on the siffy channel. While it's true that siffy loves cheap shows it seems to me that they usually want the show to clearly look cheap as well through bad writing and/or blatantly lousy production values. Alphas comes across as more of a show that tries to make the most of their budget to tell a good scifi story. Definitely not where siffy's priorities usually lie. |
As for Alphas, Never watched it and never will. The channel is dead to me...unless they start having Anime themed weekends again. THEN I may watch it again.
If it's good enough to have been renewed, I may have to give it a chance.
Supernatural isn't Sci-Fi.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
You're right. I should have said Sci-fi/Horror which is what the channel used to be focused on.
My point still stands though that this channel should be turning out gems like Lost,Supernatural,X-files and the like..yet none of their own projects have moved passed the inherent camp of say Hercules or other Actionpack programming.
Heck I even used to watch GhostHunters when it first started..but after Seven seasons of no concrete evidence I've given up on it as well.
My point still stands though that this channel should be turning out gems like Lost,Supernatural,X-files and the like..yet none of their own projects have moved passed the inherent camp of say Hercules or other Actionpack programming.
Heck I even used to watch GhostHunters when it first started..but after Seven seasons of no concrete evidence I've given up on it as well.
Burn me once shame on you, burn me twice...
If it's good enough to have been renewed, I may have to give it a chance.
I will not invest any time in any show on SyFy. Eureka was the only reason I still had the channel in my lineup.
I'm not taking the chance of getting hooked on Alphas, just to have the suits at SyFy decide to axe it midseason for something more 'mainstream'.
I'll give it a look once the complete seasons are out... Maybe.
Heck I even used to watch GhostHunters when it first started..but after Seven seasons of no concrete evidence I've given up on it as well.
So yeah, never saw the appeal of those types of shows. I'd watch the special episode that happened to turn up evidence, but like I said, so would half the world and they'd intend to capitalize on it.
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If they had CONCRETE evidence, then the show wouldn't be called Ghost Hunters. It would be called Ghost Finders, we'd all accept the existence of said ghosts, and they'd go back to being plumbers...
Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe
I'm glad to hear that Alphas gets a second season. Ryan Cartwright the actor that plays Gary just steals the show. Great character, interesting ability and he has some of the best lines from the show.. "Bill give me a gun." "No Gary." "Fine then Bill give me a grenade."
Now Troy, you and I both know that the next step would be for them to buy a old car, a firehouse, some nuclear material and start up a ghostcatching business.
Y'know, my dad is a plumber, and I really don't like the notion that the answer to "who ya gonna call" is Nub Hickman...
Now Troy, you and I both know that the next step would be for them to buy a old car, a firehouse, some nuclear material and start up a ghostcatching business.
And yes, my dad's name is Nub.
Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe
Gary is amazing.
I'm glad to hear that Alphas gets a second season. Ryan Cartwright the actor that plays Gary just steals the show. Great character, interesting ability and he has some of the best lines from the show.. "Bill give me a gun." "No Gary." "Fine then Bill give me a grenade."
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I've been following this show and I have to say it has pleasantly surprised me.
It's a good show and I like it, but honestly thought SyFy wouldn't renew it. It just seems too...different...I guess, for them to invest in a second season when they could throw on more wrestling or another reality crapfest.