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  1. try Pinnacle, nice people, lots of fun, be sure to join pinnbadges chat channel
  2. personally,I am a bit burned out of all the marketing theyare doing to sell us items. If the items were so good, would they not sell them selfs? and the not so subtle mention of buying more points,once again City of Money comes to the fore front. While I understand they are in this business to make money,I feel like every week I am getting a call to support Them.

    And the placing of values for each part, well they could just as easily place each piece at 100PP and show us a really big savings.

    I am reminded of the Golden Rule,"He who owns the gold rules".

    In real life, if the values were not too good, I could go to another store to buy the same item.
  3. well I for one find these deals a negitive, I look forward to unlocking parts/etc with all the events,how much fun is Christmas/whatever if you have a almost unlimited credit card at your local store?,no fun waking up on Dec 25 and getting somethings as a "treat".
  4. I am waiting for the pogo stick travel power, think how much fun that will be in first person view.
  5. gee wonder if they will change the salvage needed for the halloween event also?,personaly I see this as a way to seperate them from COH and using this and the coming storm as a way of launching COH2, and not pay any royalites to JE?
  6. I agree the nickel and dimeing us as paying subs is getting a bit old. I understand they are in the business to make money, but knowing what has been on our want/wishlist for years,then charging us for them is a bummer.

    tin foil hat on

    of course it could be that there is things happening in the background they could not be telling us,like the subs are declining and this is a way for keeping the servers up. It reminds me when McDonalds was having trouble and they boosted their sales by creating more on the 99 cent menu. It is a good SHORT term fix but not a very good long term one.

    tin foil hat off
  7. well i was waiting for carpet for my magic based chars,but 600 is too high, I did buy the RB a while ago,for 450.more stuff like this will drive more players to a galaxy far far away.
  8. well a bit of fluff,some i will get when i get my next PP awarded,not spending real money for these.
  9. maybe part of it has to do with the split of the company when Jack E. left to Marvel/CO?
    and removing his Char,within a set time frame was part of the split?
  10. Incarnate Rewards - The Underground
    It will be easier for all players to achieve the requirements for the guaranteed Rare and Very Rare table at the end of the Underground. Please remember, however, that this is only offered to players present and working with the league for the entire trial.

    I am still confused on what "present and working with the league for the entire trial" means.I ran it a week or so ago,with a ROB/FF MM,and at the end i got a common,yet I was there the entire time , used my bubbles, bots on attack mode,and had my leadership powers on to help with the final boss( They were on the whole TF except when i faceplanted).

    It may be my perception,but it seems AT that are controller types(MM,Dom,Controllers) that get lesser rewards.yet my melee types (stalker,tank,scrappers) seem to get better rewards(when i face off with the AVs) if i do crowd control and take down NS and seige support troops mostly,i get lesser rewards also.Is there some kind of min damage or such that controls the reward given?, i must be doing at least enough to get reward and not just threads?
  11. well I have not had this problem ,but one big TY to OP,if this does not cause other problems,this will be a big help.
  12. Is it safe to assume that by random It cannot be changed back to itself?
  13. well ran a MoM with my earth/emp controller,we succeeded,then ran a TPN,got past where we got the 60 threads,but had some civilian killed so we failed.

    While the DEVS have no control over this,
    I am already seeing some exclusions of team members when recruiting. teams are being made with +3 chars only. So until the new incarnate slots are avail,the IXP these give are mostly useless.

    I do see this as not very PUG friendly.
  14. what about Preitoria? last night on server chat a player was complaining about lack of players so he deleted the char he was running and re-created a hero version.
  15. yes i just got a common 10 mins ago,running a BOTS/FF MM,my bots were on aggro 95% of the time and i did not hide in the my leadership powers and bubbles were being use to offset limited number of claritons.A MM is is not a melee char, we stand back and quarterback our pets,if there is some kind of max range from the AV to get higher rewards,then we should be told(of course theywill say it can be exploited,well this is a game not the state secrets,
  16. just finished a UG with a Bots/FF MM, at the end i got a COMMON choice, and no i did not hide in the back and leech. I did bug it ,but as of 5 mins ago it is still broken, or is it WAI?
  17. well, the main thrust seems to me is get out stuff so the players will buy PP and we get money coming in. So I will pass again.
  18. I have 2 stalkers one created during the roll out of COV and one much later EM/EA and DB/WP.I have not done much with them for the incarnate as both have to go into "scrapper Mode" during the Itrials. Stalkers are by nature very similar to snipers, as the go in take out the target and leave, Like the one shot one kill. to go into scrapper mode is like going from a high powered scoped rifle to a grenade lobber.

    one change i would like to see rolled back is as I access a glowie,to not surpress my hide.
    and DB stalkers do have a small cone attack,not t a true aoe but it is something.
  19. it is also a possibility that the Black Friday sales were not as great as COH Marketing predicted. And they want to boost the sales the best they can.I am sure they ran some sale models and if what they predicted and what was really sold was too far apart,that may explain the extension.If I was going to spend a extra 20.00 on something ,it would be a real item not a bunch of electrons.

    I see this as one more step to becoming City Of Purchases,let us mourn the death of City of Heroes.
  20. yes as more and more become purchasable at the market , the emotional value becomes less and less.which would be more thrilling, getting a purple drop during a tip mission(I got one last night) or dropping $5.00(example) to buy it at the store? even using E-merits or H/V merits is better as they are earned in the game.

    It is becoming a contest between instant gratification vs delayed gratification.
    Paragon may be making a lot of cash due to people buying points,and selling a lot of Fluff to the players,but at some point that will wear off,and sales will go flat or decline.
  21. Just curious, Will there be a Cyber Monday sale also?
  22. while I did not go to Summit,It would be nice to post a copy of the survey in the forums,so others could fill it out, Hint Hint Devs.
  23. Salute to Statesman? and he left to run that "other" Super MMO. LOL