Extended Player Summit Attendee Feedback
Fatare and Liquid
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.
global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
My thirst for pictures is quenched.
Thanks, Pepsiman!
(Again, nice meeting you!)
Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)
Thanks for posting this! Cool stuff!
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
Short, general synopsis (with pictures) that I posted in the News/Announcements board.
Friday dinner pics
Saturday pics
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.
global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
Ooh, I want to add a few cent's worth!
First of all, regarding the hotel, I REALLY liked it. Last time I came out there, I stayed at the Crowne Plaza Cabana across the street. There was nothing particularly wrong with that hotel, but it cost about twice as much and wasn't as nice as this one. In fact, since I doubled up with Ninus on the room, it ended up only costing me a quarter what the Crowne Plaza did. I really liked the ponds they had and the fact that it wasn't just a homogenous hotel like you'd find in any ol' random city.
Second of all, I just have to say this again, which I think I asked about in the keynote. Bring back HeroCon! I know you say that you want a sustainable event, but the thing is, it costs a lot to fly across the country. I managed to trim some costs by leeching rides off of Texas Justice and Ninus (THANKS GUYS!!!) and doubling up on the hotel room, but still, the air fare alone was around $550, ouch! I had a blast, but seriously, it would be much easier to justify the investment in the future if there are either more panels or maybe even repeats of some panels so that I could attend even more. If necessary, I'd be willing to pay more for the ticket to help offset the ding on NCsoft's wallet, because the incremental cost of the ticket and another night's stay is beans compared to the sunk costs of travel. So now that I've had a taste of what HeroCon was like, I really, really, really want to come out there for more.
Third of all, just for the record, Fatare's costume was totally cool. It certainly turned some heads, and you're a lucky guy to have a girl that 1) is as pretty as your fiance, and 2) is talented and willing to be that awesome. I talked to her in a line at some point and she said her sister helped her on it. Please pass along (if she doesn't read it here) my compliments on a job well done.
Fourth of all, a HUGE thanks to all of the people who work at Paragon Studios who made this event happen. I think that it's lost on a lot of folks that these people work hard. REALLY hard. Especially the community management team going into an event like this. As if that weren't enough, a bunch of them spent hours Friday night with a bunch of us from the May focus group, and then they spent literally all day Saturday--over 50 people in all on the Paragon Studios staff--on what most people take for granted as a much-needed day off, to work their butts off and hang out and have fun with a bunch of relative strangers, some of whom might undoubtedly want to yell and scream at you, question your competence at your job, or at the very least, ask awkward questions that you may or may not be able to answer or even comment on. Even after all of that, Zwillinger worked for a long time Sunday fielding yet more questions and comments on the forums. I really think you guys are top-notch, and your dedication to the community and love of the game really is what pushed me over the threshold to spend a crapton of money to go to Palo Alto for a day and hang out with everyone.
I'll post some pictures as soon as I can get them offloaded from my camera. I didn't bring a USB cable with me, so I've got to do it from home.
I have to reiterate again how appreciative I am to Texas Justice and Ninus for schlepping me around, and everyone who hung with the out-of-towner who didn't know anybody.
Oh, and Shen, I'm sorry I didn't get to see you in Denver. My connecting flight left at 7:00pm, our plane landed a little late, someone had put it into my head that getting around in the Denver airport is a nightmare, and I was paranoid that I was going to miss my flight to Atlanta. I did wait around for a few minutes, but I think you were waaaay back in the back, because you were nowhere to be seen before I got really nervous that I wouldn't be able to get to the next gate. For what it's worth, my paranoia wasn't entirely unfounded. I couldn't find the departures board, and I ended up getting to the next gate with only around 10 minutes to spare before they closed the door and we were off.
DJ Angel: I am still SOOOO sorry. She gives me Real World Hero stickers, I give her squished toes. NOT cool.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
I believe TonyV is somehow responsible for the lack of Pepsi products during the pre-dinner reception. *shake fist*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.
global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
Pepsiman: You're a way better photographer than I am. If people really want to see photos, please check his out! They're great. His summary of the event also has a lot more information that I didn't have.
TonyV: Thanks for the compliments, I will definitely pass them along. It's true, her sister helped out a ton, and she was getting over a cold at the time! Fatare has an awesome family, I feel incredibly lucky in so many ways. Also, thanks for adding your cents, I have to admit that the Summit is still on my mind and I want to read more people's thoughts about it.
Also, I added a brief section that I forgot to mention about chatting with Tunnel Rat, her husband, Dr. Aeon, and some other players. I didn't want them to think I didn't appreciate it.
Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)
The raffle was held, someone at our table won something (a video card, I think), and Turgenev didn't need what he won, so he donated it to someone else who couldn't make it (I didn't hear who it was, or what it was that he won). +Rep for Turgenev, who should consider getting into voice acting-- he has a deep, commanding voice.
A player from Freedom named "Transcendent One" was transiting from Vermont to JFK to San Jose, and his plane died in JFK Friday night. The best the airline could offer was transit the following afternoon - he would have been late for his flight back as soon as he touched down.
I've known TO for a few years now, and he and PhillyGirl took my best friend Steve under their wing when I had Steve rep me at last year's NYCC. TO's a fellow badger from Freedom, and since last year he's been invested in a pizza parlor which as kept him mad, mad busy.
He spent the entire week shifting his schedule around and investing time so he could take a 3 day weekend, and it got shot to hell because of Blockhead Airlines.
After hearing all this, I figured a year's subscription to COH would cheer him up. You shoulda seen his email when he found out. I have the rest of his swag and will be sending it along this week, along with a few other goodies I came across that he'd appreciate.
Here's to you, Transc. I sincerely hope your week's going better than Friday did.
(Liquid: Thanks for the comments, and, well, I do have a background in voice acting. It's been years, but man, I'd love to do it for COH. I could be an AWESOME Requiem.)
@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE
Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Thanks for the additional info, Turgenev. I actually wondered if that was who it was, as I'd read his post about the flight issues. Again, it was really cool of you to donate your prize to him, and I'm glad he was able to get something to make up for the inability to be there. Transcendent One, congrats on the prize, sorry about the flight problems!
(Yeah, I could see Requiem sounding like that. )
Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)
Aww, nice write-up
Reading it (among others) and seeing pics; I'd like to go....but...need some reason beyond "meet the devs"....if only I knew a friend in that area and could hang out with him/her
Have a friend from High School but she lives in San Diego....a bit south of San Fran. heh.
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Really nice work, I'm sorry I didn't get your name! Please speak up and take credit. |
Got one of those myself of my main toon. >_>
"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger
Right at the end after Karaoke, we and a couple other players chatted with Tunnel Rat and her husband (Honey Badger? Is that official?), Dr. Aeon, and David Nakayama (I think there may have been someone else there, but I'm not remembering, sorry!). Fatare is a big fan of the Rainbow Aura, so she wanted to meet the man that made it (Honey Badger) and thank him for it.
One thing about the con is that you will probably have talked with just about everyone there devs, players etc. I guess that is why these meet and greets are so fun.
So, after the con when I read the forums I can put a real face to the various forum posters and devs.
Liquid: That was me in the hotel lobby about stalkers. Fatare's costume was awesome!
After seeing the photos, I know who pepsiman was.
TonyV: Thanks for the paragonwiki site. I'd be totally lost in the game without it.
Devs: Thanks for hosting us players it was simply a pleasure to be there.
TJ, Turg, Ninus and all the other players who I talked with, thanks for being there and hope to see all of you next year!
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster
while I did not go to Summit,It would be nice to post a copy of the survey in the forums,so others could fill it out, Hint Hint Devs.
Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom
That looks like the work of Layla Rei
Got one of those myself of my main toon. >_> |
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
You can get these of your own characters by request? Who is this Layla Rei, and how do I get her to
Okay, the album's still not done (day's been hectic, catching up on work from the weekend), but here's the public album to my pix of Saturday:
This is missing the shots from my mobile phone of the various player meals and whatnot, so that'll go up into the same album when I get around to it.
(NOTE: The whole Positron Flowbee haircut is recorded in HD at the end of the album. )
Enjoy! Please fill in names where you can, either with tagging or in the comments!
@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE
Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Liquid, thank you for the summary of your experience. I value getting a sense of the atmosphere and feeling to support the 'data dumps'.
Additionally, I cannot endorse your summary of response to the super pack idea enough. You managed to encapsulate every thought I have had bouncing around in my head that only managed to come out of my fingers as 'bad idea'. Thank you.
I demand a video of dev karaoke.
Because I didn't have a lot of room on the feedback form for the Player Summit, or a lot of time to fill it out (I should apologize to the people at my table for filling it out instead of talking to them more, but I felt it was important to get it done), I wanted to make a post with extended feedback. If you also went to the panel, please feel free to use this thread as well. I also figured include a description of the awesome time I had for those curious.
My fiancee (aka Fatare or Iris) and I got in late Friday night, so unfortunately we weren't able to spend any time hanging out or having dinner with any of the players the night before. The hotel/venue was beautiful and unusual, and the rooms were great and affordable (thanks so much for negotiating that group rate). The hotel wasn't your typical single high-rise building, it consisted of a few different two-story buildings with outside doors to the rooms. We had a balcony that overlooked the pool area, which was well kept. It really was a fun place to stay.
The next day, we had breakfast at the Grill by the Pool, which had really friendly wait staff, and great, reasonably priced food (unusual for a hotel). After that, we got to the keynote a couple of minutes late, as I had some trouble pinning the shoulder pads to my fiancee's costume. We picked up our lanyards and schwag at the registration table, and Avatea recognized us and congratulated us on our recent engagement. Thanks again, Avatea.
Feedback on the schwag: the Hero Registration cards are REALLY cool. However, the text on them is so small it's hard to identify people by them. At previous events, it was nice to be able to see people and know who they were by glancing at their names on the cards. I don't think it's feasible to have larger text on these cards, so for future events, I'd recommend giving out the cards if you want to keep using them, and having the primary identifying card on the lanyard be larger with larger text like you had at the HeroCons.
The shirts are great. I love the style of them, and I got stopped by a TSA agent in the airport (who actually had me worried because he was staring at me intently) who asked about it. The stylized Statesman on the back is really cool. The material is also really nice, it's much softer than the T-shirts from the HeroCons, and feels similar to the Guild Wars 2 T-shirts that were handed out at the SDCC 2011 Meet and Greet. For those that want to see them, here is a picture:
We snuck in as best as we could without disturbing people at the keynote, sitting behind Texas Justice, who we'd met at the previous HeroCons, making it a nice coincidence. The keynote was fun, and it was really amusing that the winner of the Flowbee haircut by Positron didn't really have a hairstyle suited to the event, so instead, he got to give Positron a haircut. I don't know how many people watched the UStream, but it was pretty funny. Here's a pic for those who weren't able to catch the UStream (my apologies for my terrible photography):
After the keynote, we stood outside for a bit trying to decide what to do for lunch. Fatare got lots of compliments on her costume, including from War Witch and Tunnel Rat who both recognized us and said hi. We kind of wanted to eat with other players and the devs, but thought it might be a bit awkward with Fatare in-costume, so we opted for take-out from the grill again. The wait staff was again very nice and the food was great.
We were a couple minutes late again for the first panel, and unfortunately, I didn't get to go to the panel I wanted to go to (Powers), because the room was full. In fact, that room was always full, because it was about half the size of the other room, so we were in all the UStream broadcasted panels. It would be very nice if at the next summit, both rooms could be large enough to accommodate at least half of the attendees. I realize you may not have a lot of control over that, I just wanted to give that feedback.
However, the costume panel was awesome, so I don't regret going to it. Avatea moderated, and David Nakayama, War Witch, Second Measure, and Eric Chyn, whose red name I don't know, if he has one, were on the panel. After the introductions, suggestions for what kind of costume set to design were gathered from the players. 50's retro sci-fi (one we wanted!) and street clothes were the most suggested ones, and they picked 50's retro sci-fi because it seemed like it would be more fun to do at the panel. People called out suggestions, and David drew them expertly. It was really impressive to watch him work. Here is a picture of the results:
We all got the bubble helmets we wanted, and among the more amusing ideas were the brain slug, the octopus back-pack, and the Galactic Star Sword (or whatever it was called). David also kept drawing dead (and sometimes happy) goldfish in the bubble helmets, glass shoes, and skewered by things. This was definitely the most fun CoH panel that I've been to (including both HeroCons), and I hadn't even planned on going to it! That's probably not a fair comparison, though, as watching David draw is naturally going to be more "fun" than just information and Q & A, no matter how cool the information and answers are. Still, I want to thank David and everyone else present for doing this panel, it was a blast.
The next panel was the lore panel (Signature Story Arcs and Where We Go From Here, I believe was the title). Avatea moderated, and Positron, Protean, Dr. Aeon, and Ryan Greene (whose red name I don't know, or can't remember anyway) were on the panel. They started with talking about the sig story arcs and the upcoming Dark Astoria Incarnate content (I'm very excited about that, though I missed the mechanical details in the End Game panel, so I don't know anything about it), and mentioned that they figured out that we like it when they revamp underused zones. Dark Astoria apparently has some suped-up Banished Pantheon and Tsoo in it (I hope that's handled well, but they didn't go into the details on it), and we will deal with the dark god Mot, which is something I've always wanted to see. After that, it was mostly Q & A, and lots of people requested specific storylines to be furthered, cleared up, or wrapped up. Turgenev asked for the one I wanted (the 5th Column), but I was close to the front of the line by the time that he did that I figured I'd just add some specific requests for dealing with the Reichsman vs. Requiem conflict in leadership and an in-game confirmation that Schadenfreude is Axis America's version of Nosferatu (it was on a trivia quiz in 2009's HeroCon, but isn't mentioned specifically in-game). The answer was "I think we've done that", so I'm excited to see how that turns out. Thanks again to everyone involved for this panel, I really enjoyed it.
After the panel, Fatare took a picture of a player's awesome Dr. Aeon doll. You have to see this:
Really nice work, I'm sorry I didn't get your name! Please speak up and take credit.
Next, we intended to go to the End-Game panel, but the room was again full. I was interested in the market panel, and wanted to give feedback on it and make requests for items in the market, but I have to be honest, the announcement of Super Packs made me not want to be present, as I'd been having a great time, and wasn't looking forward to hearing about those. Zwillinger encouraged me to listen to the details before forming an opinion, so I did my best.
Zwillinger moderated, and Positron, Synapse, Ghost Falcon, and Second Measure were on the panel. They went over the Paragon Rewards program, and talked about the upcoming Fire and Ice Tier 9 costume sets (which apparently have glowing, moving areas on them, but they only had static pictures to show), and said that costumes would be in the tier 9 slots for 6 months, and then go back into the "Disney Vault". They also talked about the Paragon Market, discussed the possibility of having more convenience unlocks like the Cape and Aura unlocks (on the list were Midnight Club access, and something else I can't remember), and talked about two new upcoming items available in the Paragon Market: Enhancement Converters and Super Packs. As I'm sure most players know by now, Enhancement Converters will allow you to convert existing enhancements into another random enhancement of a certain type. Super Packs will contain 5 random items like Enhancement Unslotters, Inspirations, and Reward Merits, as well as exclusive costume set pieces and the exclusive ATIOs. After this, there was a Q & A, at which, I asked about the 3-below-enhancement-level rule for shutting off set bonuses while exemplaring, and how store bought enhancements ignore this rule. I mentioned that the rule was originally there so that high level characters couldn't outclass low level characters with more set bonuses from their higher number of enhancement slots. The response was that the reason SBEs can't follow that rule is that they don't have a level (I figured this was the case when we first learned how they worked), and that they've been talking about whether they should/could remove the rule for non SBEs, but that it might break some things. I gave an alternative suggestion for resolving the game balance issues (Enhancement Boosters earn able in-game, and level sliders to work on random rolls in the merit/ticket vendors to increase mid level supply), and while I don't recall a comment on whether they'd consider putting Enhancement Boosters in the Incarnate Merit stores, Synapse said that he knows people would like for the level slider to work on random rolls, and... I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I don't recall specifics. I think he said he just needed to find time to look into it. Maybe someone that watched the UStream can clear that up. Sorry, I get nervous when put on the spot like that with a microphone, so I just didn't retain it.
I love the new Paragon Rewards system, and think it's far superior to the old Vet Rewards system. The Fire and Ice costumes don't really appeal to me from what I've seen, but that's okay, lots of costume sets won't appeal to me. I'm cool with that. I'd prefer they didn't have to put rewards in the "vault", but I understand that it's a UI limitation (eventually, the list would get massive and unwieldy). I do hope you can come up with a UI that won't be so unwieldy, but I still understand.
I'm not 100% sure what to think about Enhancement Converters yet, but I have some opinions on them. The fact that they can't generate anything that isn't already in the game means there's no game balance impact, so I'm happy about that. The fact that you're paying real money for a random digital reward doesn't sit well with me. I won't use them, so they don't affect me personally, but I don't really like the effect they may have on other people without the willpower to avoid gambling, especially kids (this is a T for Teen game, after all). I'm not a fan of the idea of selling a chance for something good for real money, and I expressed that with the original version of Enhancement Boosters, which had an increasing chance for failure as you boosted a given enhancement. I was very relieved when you removed that chance for failure.
As for Super Packs, I didn't feel comfortable giving this piece of feedback verbally at the summit. I really enjoyed being there and talking with you guys, and I just didn't see this conversation going anywhere good. I noticed that nobody else commented on them during Q & A, and the room was pretty quiet, so maybe others felt the same way, or maybe they just weren't interested in them in general.
The Super Packs have three primary aspects to them, that, when combined, trigger alarm bells for me:
I'm going to set aside the argument against the ATIOs only originating through the Paragon Market for now. I think I've posted enough on that to make my opinion clear: I do not like mechanical advantages that are only obtainable via real money, and I think they are bad for the game because they tilt game balance toward those who can afford to pay more. I'm just going to talk about the three points mentioned above.
There was a "pulling the lever" comment from the panel that shows that you know what this is. When you do that with in-game stuff (random drops), I don't really like it, but I accept it as something that I can't avoid, and I know some people who do enjoy it, and I wouldn't want to see it taken away from them. Doing it with real money for exclusive items is leaping over the line, and while it may be legal, it feels unethical to me.
I'm sorry if this feels harsh to you. I don't want to be harsh. I love this game more than one should love a really great game-- it's a big part of my life, I've met good friends over it, and I met the woman I'm going to marry over it-- and you guys are great people. This was a surprise coming from Paragon Studios. This is the kind of thing I expect from Zynga, and I don't play their games because I object to the degree at which they exploit psychology to make money. I don't know if any one else has done this, specifically, before (MtG has physical items that may have value due to rarity for collectors), but it sets a terrible precedent for this game, and if you are the first, a dark precedent for the video game industry. Super Packs make me feel like you will be exploiting your playerbase, your community, with a skinner box that costs real money, for rewards that come in no other way-- which is a problem because it means people who don't want to gamble but would gladly pay a set price, and want the costume parts, will have to gamble to get them. Also, some people will have bad luck, and end up spending more than others in order to get the items in these packs if they want to purchase them. Others will have good luck and get them (relatively) cheaply. This might be good for business reasons due to psychological reasons that cause people to spend more if they get random rewards, but it's not good for customer morale.
As for the ATIOs, sure, you can trade them and buy them from other players, but not the top tier versions, and someone has to have gambled for them in the first place. I don't think that's good for the game, or the people playing the game that would like to give you money for these items. There has never been anything announced for this game that I have felt so strongly about.
I know you are trying to come up with ways to increase your revenue. I want you to succeed, but not this way. Get rid of any one of those three points, and I'd be fine with Super Packs.
For the non-devs reading this, please keep in mind that this is intended to be an extended Player Summit attendee feedback thread. Please do not turn it into another flamewar about super packs and converters. We've got a thread for that over here.
Thanks again to everyone involved for holding this panel, I really appreciated the opportunity to learn about your plans and to give feedback. I apologize if you wanted in-person feedback on Converters and Super Packs, but I just wasn't comfortable giving it yet, and in that forum. I needed time to collect my thoughts to give an adequate explanation as to my reasoning.
After the panel, Ghost Falcon came up to us to talk to us, which was really nice. We'd seen him at both HeroCons, and he was involved in some fond memories of the first time I met Fatare in person. Thanks again, Ghost Falcon, it was great to see you and talk to you again.
During the Q & A, Fatare's boots started falling apart. She bought these great boots online a while back for the costume, but apparently their equally great price was low for a reason. They had started disintegrating (parts of the material just falling apart) in the closet after being in there for about a year, and we'd hoped they'd survive the con, but the sole of one of them just came off. Always prepared, she wrapped a rubber band around it, and we went back to the hotel to superglue it back on during the break before the mixer on the patio. At one point, she ran into War Witch on the stairs, who (I think, Fatare's not here at the moment to remind me) noticed the rubber band. Fatare told her that the boot was falling apart, and that she'd "MacGyvered it".
I wish I could have attended the other panels as well, I really wanted to hear about and give feedback on the powers and the new Incarnate path.
When we came back from fixing Fatare's boot, we stood in the drink line (we each got 2 free drinks, I had a Coke so I can't really comment on the quality of the bartending other than that it seemed very prompt), and chatted with another player (I'm sorry, but I've forgotten your name, if you're reading this, please remind me ). When we got our drinks, Positron was nearby, and started chatting with us. We talked about Mass Effect, Jennifer Hale, Expendables and the impending sequel, and obviously City of Heroes. Fatare asked some questions about the Haunted House trial, and Posi called over Think_Tank (I think that's who it was, sorry that I'm not sure!) who discussed it with us. Then Ross Borden showed up, and I totally mistook him for the guy at 2008 who did that awesome Eminem Karaoke performance (I don't like Eminem, but it was still amazing). I didn't actually think he looked like that guy, but I'd thought that guy was named Ross Borden. It was nice meeting you, Ross, I'm sorry I thought you were someone else!
At that point, dinner started. The devs scattered amongst the tables, and sat with players. At our table, we had Arbiter Hawk, Alpha Wolf, Synapse, and two other devs whose names I unfortunately didn't get (sorry!), but one was a programmer, and the other one I forgot to ask what he did. They were all very friendly, Synapse recognized me from HeroCon 2009, and Arbiter Hawk from the forums, which was cool. It's nice to be remembered. We talked about various things, though I probably shouldn't talk about them here, as promises were not made (though I made a promise which I will be sure to keep at the next opportunity), and one thing that I think I can talk about will have to go in the beta forum (check it here). Thanks to everyone at the table, and again, I'm sorry I lost myself in the feedback form when I did. I really appreciated having the time to talk with you all. I'm also sorry that I didn't get any of the players' names, or have much time to talk to them either.
The raffle was held, someone at our table won something (a video card, I think), and Turgenev didn't need what he won, so he donated it to someone else who couldn't make it (I didn't hear who it was, or what it was that he won). +Rep for Turgenev, who should consider getting into voice acting-- he has a deep, commanding voice.
The Karaoke was great. The lady running it was very nice, and had a ton of great songs. A couple of people sang Time Warp from Rocky Horror Picture Show, so a bunch of us got up to dance. Also, Fatare got this picture of Avatea and someone I didn't recognize dancing (they were very good):
Some of the devs sang, including Positron and most notably Zwillinger, who did an amazing rendition of Wicked Game by Chris Isaak.
Right at the end after Karaoke, we and a couple other players chatted with Tunnel Rat and her husband (Honey Badger? Is that official?), Dr. Aeon, and David Nakayama (I think there may have been someone else there, but I'm not remembering, sorry!). Fatare is a big fan of the Rainbow Aura, so she wanted to meet the man that made it (Honey Badger) and thank him for it.
I want to say that I was very happy about the survey forms provided at the end. We didn't have that sort of thing at the HeroCons, and I really appreciated having the opportunity to give that direct feedback on the upcoming features. I didn't expect that when I signed up, and it was a pleasant surprise.
The next morning we chatted with a player in the hotel lobby while waiting for the Shuttle. He was very happy about the Stalker changes, which I'd missed. In the Shuttle, we sat next to a very nice woman whose husband plays City of Heroes, and we talked to her about the game, which she knew quite a bit about. She said she also enjoyed the Summit.
Thanks to the devs (particularly Andy "Zwillinger" Belford, who put the whole thing together from what it sounded like, and was helpful to me on multiple occasions at the event) for organizing this event. Thanks so much for being so friendly, and for taking time out of your weekend to hold such a great event for us. Thanks for listening to us, taking our feedback, talking to us about mundane things and even other games.
Also, thanks so much to everyone who congratulated us on our engagement, and for the compliments on Fatare's costume. She and her sister worked very hard on it, with a small amount of my help. I'd post a picture of it, but I don't think our pictures turned out very well (again, I'm a terrible photographer). Some other people took pictures, so hopefully they'll post some. I'll repost them here if I find any. EDIT: Check 2 posts down for Pepsiman's pictures. Thanks, Pepsiman!
Edit 2: I forgot to mention the last bit about the conversation with Tunnel Rat, her husband, and Dr. Aeon, after Karaoke. Edit 3: and David Nakayama!
Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)