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  1. MGoblin256

    No "More"


    - Jetpacks, Backpacks etc as costume options.

    - Costume Asymmetry

    - Traditionalist Rikti (Hero) and Restructurist Rikti (Villain) Epic Archetypes, complete with a new bodytype, a variety of new and classic Rikti costume parts, new power sets and a well-written series of story arcs to go with them.
  2. It'd be cool if the new Rikti Gun Sword

    and Nemesis Lance

    Were eventually added (The gun sword as an option for both Broadsword and Battle Axe, and the Rifle, obviously, for AR and Merc masterminds). Also, seeing as we have Broadsword Stalkers now, I think the serrated Knives of Artemis sword would be a good option to add as sort of a tribute to the original BS Stalkers

    PS: Could the Rikti options for Broadsword and Axe possibly be proliferated between eachother? The Axe was a sword to begin with (It was wielded by the Chief Soldiers and Mentalists/Mesmerists of old as the "Greater Rikti Sword" if I recall right), and the Sword is big and choppy-looking enough to where it could be utilized effectively as an axe.
  3. I'd honestly be happy if this little issue was resolved:

    For some reason, with the Bane/Crab uniforms, our shoulders scale with the sliders, but the armor itself doesn't scale. Would it be possible to fix this?

    Also, for BABs: Have you found any potential ways to bypass the Crab/Bane helmet /w glowing eyes issue?

    PS: the suggestions for a complete selection of faces for Wolf Spiders/Widows, Crab Backpacks /w Capes and dual-colorable forearm blades = /signed
  4. Hmm... One thing I'd want for the set is something that looks like it'd be used by Nemesis' soldiers. I also wouldn't mind seeing the Arachnos Pistol (the one that's toted around by normal "Wolf Spider" NPCs) as an option, unlockable or otherwise.
  5. The Co-Op thing is good once in a while, but I'd like to feel villainous for a change instead of "working with my enemies against a greater threat". Thus, I support the notion of having a set of villain-only Shadow Shard zones and missions instead of more co-op zones.
  6. One thing I've been a bit curious about lately are the Ascendant soldiers of the Council. Apart from being the "praetorian guard" for the Center in the same manner that the Bane Spider Executioners are for Lord Recluse, is there anything else you can reveal about them (how they're chosen, what training they undergo etc) that isn't mentioned ingame?
  7. On the fourth mission of Marshal Brass' first arc, Clockwork ambushes will announce themselves with this:

    "*Bzt Zlll* The huuu-mann must cease func-tion. *Bzt Zlll*"

    I think most of the Clockwork dialogue blue-side was a bit more plain though.
  8. Soldiers should also be allowed to get the 60s-style Arachnos gear. To unlock, one would simply need to complete the Mender Tesseract Strike Force.
  9. MGoblin256

    Best Solo SoA

    From my experience, I'm gonna have to go with Bane (My Night Widow is level 28, though she can shred stuff pretty good). It's true that Banes do lack in the durability/defense department, but most of my opponents rarely last long enough to do any sufficient damage
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It is a known fact that the Rikti apparently have lost the ability (or choose not) to sexually reproduce and as such reproduce in an entirely artificial fashion.

    Bwha? Where does that come from? What I get from B'Nadek and Dark Watcher's material is that the mutation process begins in utero and is continued after birth. I don't see anything that conclusively states Rikit use artificial reproduction....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think that the places where people get this idea would be the Timothy Raymond arc, where you steal (And later destroy) a number of Rikti embryos that were fertilized by Timothy's DNA, and the point where B'Nadek mentions an "exo-womb" when you talk to him.

    I guess it's a little unclear, though, since the previously mentioned embryos may not be the regular way the Rikti reproduce (Since they may have only been made in that way to better utilize Timothy's DNA) and the "exo-womb" may refer to something only the adult converts go through. It seems like a weird question to ask but it might be good if Manti confirmed which of those ideas is correct.

    Also, yay, another of my questions was answered!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The term "exo-womb" is what makes me believe it's artificial. The way it is stated suggests that it is something resembling a cloning vat or an artificial birthing chamber.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    It is a known fact that the Rikti apparently have lost the ability (or choose not) to sexually reproduce and as such reproduce in an entirely artificial fashion.

    Bwha? Where does that come from? What I get from B'Nadek and Dark Watcher's material is that the mutation process begins in utero and is continued after birth. I don't see anything that conclusively states Rikit use artificial reproduction....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm, good point. However, there are also no statements that conclusively state that they reproduce in a natural fashion. Hopefully, both my main question, and this little side question, will both be answered.
  12. I have a question regarding the Rikti.

    It is a known fact that the Rikti apparently have lost the ability (or choose not) to sexually reproduce and as such reproduce in an entirely artificial fashion. Despite this, there are still apparently genders, as evidenced by C'Kelkah and General Bu'Dekka, both females, and numerous other Rikti identified as males. However, atleast in our eyes, all Rikti appear to look alike. So my question is this:

    Are there any notable physical differences between male and female Rikti?
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    I might be able to put something together. I only did the two for Kheldians because someone suggested it, and there was already animation/VFX there for shape-changing. VEATs don't have any sort of shape-changing powers to pull directly from.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm... Arachnos Sigil perhaps?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What about using the poof from the midnighter disguise, but with the arachnos symbol rather than the crecent moon?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not very fitting IMHO. I think Sadako's idea is more logical for the VEATs.
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    I might be able to put something together. I only did the two for Kheldians because someone suggested it, and there was already animation/VFX there for shape-changing. VEATs don't have any sort of shape-changing powers to pull directly from.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm... Arachnos Sigil perhaps?
  15. If I'm not mistaken, Nemesis replaced his original brain with an artificial one by the end of the "The Eternal Nemesis" arc from Maxwell Christopher. Basically, all of Nemesis' living body is gone, replaced with mechanical parts.

    As for his soldiers, most of them are assumedly brainwashed humans, though I wouldn't be surprised if there are some automatons in that mix, especially if they're serving in the place of more valuable command personnel on the front lines.
  16. I've got a question.

    Why are certain Rikti (namely Lord Hro'Dtohz, Dra'Gon and U'Kon Gr'ai) considerably bigger than their subordinates? Is there a lore-based explanation for this, or is it simply a design choice?
  17. I'd like to report a bug with the Crey Rifles that can be unlocked for the Robotics power set used by Masterminds. The player versions of both weapons do not possess the glow like those on the weapons used by the Crey NPCs.

    Here's one of the rifles as used by my character

    Here's the same type of rifle as used by a Crey Protector in Founder's Falls
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    The Nemesis army is my favorite villain group, so I have a few questions about their ever plotting leader, Nemesis.

    What is Nemesis' name?

    What is known about his life before he became the super villain he is now?

    Finally, is it really all a Nemesis plot?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can answer those first two:

    Nemesis' real name is Gerhardt Eisenstadt, according the Web of Arachnos novel.

    Born in 1804, his family ran a very rich arms dealing company that produced weapons for the Prussian, Austrian and Russian armies. Gerhardt, as such, was a rather spoiled child. His criminallity started to come around when he got a life-size clockwork horse for his 12th birthday. He was fascinated with it, and after it broke down, he became interested in learning how to make Clockwork devices of his own. Gerhardt quickly learned how to surpass the creations of the engineers who made the clockwork horse, and eventually made a humanoid clockwork machine (which he promptly used to kill his brother, Tobias Eisenstadt, who was jealous of his abilities and had constantly hassled him to make something "practical").

    That's basically where he stopped being innocent little Gerhardt and became the Prussian Prince of Automatons. He was also involved the American Civil War, where he attempted to aid the South, but was stopped when the war ended at Appomatox, and his little hideout was bombed by the Union navy.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Now if only they'll let me use NPC costumes on player costumes...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This will likely never happen.

    Too many clipping issues to deal with.

    That said, I want NPC costume parts for my player costumes too

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Eh, a little clipping hurt nobody. Besides, plenty of our current costume parts can clip pretty bad (For example, High Collar capes + Most shoulder pads). Something tells me most people would be happy to have them regardless of the clipping issues.

    I think the big issue though is that Jay would have to edit most of said parts so they could all be colorable and used by Male, Female and Huge body types (with certain exceptions of course), and that would probably take a great amount of time.

    [ QUOTE ]
    can we edit the individual NPC names yet?

    I want a malta titan robot, but i want to change the name in my custom critters group. THAT would be awesome.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think you can if I'm not mistaken.
  20. Seeing as the Rikti costume parts are highly customizable color-wise with that new feature on Test, and seeing as my main blue-side character is in all respects (save for the actual costume) a Traditionalist Rikti, I think it's fair that we should eventually get them, archetype only or otherwise.

    Only potential problems I see are the physique scales (Rikti seem to use a male skeleton with the invisible shoulder size and arm size scales increased to give them their appearance) and certain animations.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Snake-type lower bodies would be nice. But then we'd have the hilarity of making martial arts characters perform flying kicks without legs

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Is suddenly reminded of Everquest, and the days when snakes could kick*
  22. Brass Monday of course.

    The Rikti-Battalion conflict is another I'd like to see.
  23. This is how my Freak, Um8r4 PwNxx0rZ (Claws/Regen Stalker), turned out: