75 -
Quote:Ah yes, I remember that arc. Granted, they weren't stealing organs for the sake of repairing serious injuries. If I remember right, Rikti organs tend to wear out quicker than human organs (apparently by overworking them during combat situations)This I can give an answer to. In an old school Issue 0 arc you save a skilled surgeon from the Rikti. From all the fighting and being stranded on Earth, the Rikti suffered some serious injuries. Apparently, they could actually kidnap humans and harvest their organs to save their own comrades from dying. Since the humans and Rikti can swap organs successfully, they can't be too much different from us in that department.
I also heard from another player awhile back that the Rikti survive on a mostly algae and plant-based diet, and that they consume food very similarly to an algae-eater. Mind you, I heard this from a player and I can't provide any actual proof supporting it at the moment, but if anyone else out there knows this is a fact and can provide evidence (or debunk this as just a rumor), I'd appreciate that.
As for the Algae thing, your friend was partially right: Most Rikti food tastes like algae, according to Infernia during the Lady Grey Task Force, unless you're able to receive what she refers to as a "psychic flavor transmission". So apparently, even Rikti food is psychic.
Also, I can elaborate on Rikti and food. I actually spoke with one the devs about this (Hero One) a -long- while back. According to him, despite how they appear, Rikti do have mouths similar in structure and location to those of humans, granted it's well hidden and a bit smaller, given the design of their heads (They won't use it to speak or anything of the sort, seeing as this is done entirely by telepathy and/or translator devices). Hero One also stated that the Rikti can eat pretty much anything humans can eat, so long as it's not processed in any way (Apparently, food processed by regular human methods is particularly unhealthy for them, more so than it normally is for us)
One of the biggest things I've always wanted to delve into more is lore on the Rikti: Culture, biology/physiology, more details about their technology... Stuff like that. As somebody who roleplays a Rikti, I find this kind of information both interesting and crucial
That said, my questions (all Rikti related) are the following:
1. What is Rikti physiology/biology like, how different is it from humans? As the Rikti are mutated humans, they assumedly have a fair number of similarities, but how much is similar?
2. According to the partial Story Bible that was linked in another thread, there are a total of 97 Lineages in Rikti society, each led by a "god"/Lord similar to Hro'Dtohz. A good number were mentioned that expanded upon the two already mentioned in-game (War, Science), but there are still a good number that aren't named. What are the names of the unmentioned Lineages?
3. According to the above-mentioned bible, it can take up to 50-60 years before Rikti are considered adults, and Hro'Dtohz is implied to be over one-hundred years, but there's been no clear indicator as to how far they can age. My question is: How old can Rikti actually get?
4. In an earlier "Canon Fodder" post, Back Alley Brawler mentioned that the Rikti have families much like humans do, granted they have their differences. How does Rikti family life work, and what differences are there from human family life?
Those are my questions. Thank you for your time -
Going to have to go with Option A, but Option B looks nice too. Unlike the latter though, I actually have a use for A.
Still, it'd be nice if we could get all of these options instead of being forced to vote for each one -_- -
Quote:I'm one of those Rikti Mind/Psi Doms, actually (Mentalist Urii'Gelr of the Virtue server). As fun as it is though, it's not enough for me.A select few people already have Rikti outfits from meet and greets and contests, I think. A Mind/Psy dom with that outfit could perform a Rikti pretty well. If they make NPC costumes purchasable from the NC store one day, that would be an option for you.
Rikti should be made into an archetype. They have a major place in the game's lore, and have been around since launch... I honestly think it's about time they become truely playable. -
Quote:Aye. CO does this, and CoH can easily follow suit. (Technically, we did it first; Weapon unlocks anyone?)Defeat badges unlocking costume parts would be amayzinggggggg.
To heck with "NPC uniqueness". Not everybody in the game wants to play as the big hero or supervillain. Some of us just want to play as the exceptionally skilled and bad*ss henchman -
Quote:Personal Status: Agreement.Repetition: Rikti Epic AT
Rikti: Superior
Robots: Inferior
Humans: Highly inferior
Rikti superiority: Affirmed
Questioning of truth: Not an option
Your bases: quantity: All. Status: Belong to: Us
All Other E.A.T Considerations: Irrelevant. -
Seconded. The Rikti are far more deserving of an Epic Archetype at this point than anything else in the game. Plus, they could be given to both heroes and villains, balancing the total number of EATs at 3 each for both sides.
Quote:This.What about just one or two pieces per faction? I'd like to dress up as an NPC sometime...
...Dammit, I mostly just want a pet Wailer. Not the Demon Box Hardcase gives you. One like the Rikti Monkey pet. D:
CoH's competitor (who shall remain unnamed) does something simillar, where you can kill a certain (and often unnecessarily high) number of a particular faction's goons, and you can unlock a costume piece belonging to that faction as a reward. In fact, it is ridiculously easy to imitate most villain groups in said game.
As somebody who has a plethora of faction-themed toons, I'd welcome a system that allows us to loot certain costume parts/power recipes from various groups.
A few examples of what could potentially be given VIA Recipes:- Freakshow: Cybernetic Hammers/Claws for Robotic Arms, Thick Mohawk, Face Patterns, Sawblade Temp. Power.
- Council/5th Column: Armor-Plated Boots, 5th Column/Council Helmets, Flared Long-Fingered Clawed Gloves.
- Gold Brickers: Jetpack, Boots and Breeches, Sonic Rifle Temp. Power.
- Tsoo: Large Straw Hat, Oni Mask, Sandals w/ Bare Feet.
- Skulls: Skull Mask.
- Hellions: Demon Mask.
- Outcasts: Elemental Chest Icons.
- Warriors: Bracers.
- Circle of Thorns: Thorn Wielder Shoulders, Mage and Caster Headwear, Eye Aura.
- Nemesis: Helmets, Boots, Gloves, Jackets and Epaulets (Need more of these anyways.)
- Carnies: Masks, Illusionist Hairstyle, Strongman Helmets /w Mantles, Strongman Mallet Temp. Power.
- Crey: Paragon Protector Chest Patterns, Protector Helmet, Protector Backpack.
- Sky Raiders: Jetpack, Gloves, Helmet, Sky Raider Force Field Generator Temp. Power.
- Legacy Chain: Boss Helmets, Mantles.
- Longbow: Freedom Corps Tights Pattern (For chest and legs), Warden Helmet, Eagle Jetpack.
I don't mind not having every NPC faction costume part, but I think there are plenty of parts belonging to these groups that could be given fairly to players, especially through recipes. Plus, it makes sense to take certain things from certain groups and adapt them for your own use. -
Ah! Didn't know that. I might rename him then. Thanks for the info
I present to you: Höllenfaust, my 5th Column NRG/WP Brute (spelled Hollenfaust in the game, since accented characters such as "ö" can't be used in names (please fix this devs) )
Fun fact: His name means "Hell Fist" -
As much as I like certain Anime, I'm going to have to agree with the Prof.
This is a western comic book-based game, not a manga-based game. I'd prefer that it stay that way visually. -
Quote:Minor correction here: Gerhardt ordered the machine to kill his brother.If I remember right his family made their money as arms dealers, and when his brother challenged him to make something "useful," it went haywire and killed the brother. He goes on to make weapons that get used in the American Civil War, and finally starts using his weapons in his own criminal ventures in the 1930s.
Rikti Epic Archetype for Heroes and Villains.
That is all. -
Quote:The whole "evil mirror universe" concept was not invented by DC comics. If DC comics thought that the Praetorians were a direct copy of their Justice Lords, they would've brought the hammer down when they were introduced in Issue 1. However, since the Praetorians, while using the same "evil mirror universe" concept, are noticeably different in regards to story and characters, DC comics has no legal grounds to go after Paragon Studios.I'd be down with a Rikti AT, but again the whole Going Rogue expansion is blatantly copying the same IP.
There is a distinct difference between ripping something off and drawing from a well-established fictional concept to create something. -
Traditionalist (Hero) and Restructurist/Homeworlder (Villain) Rikti should be the next epic archetypes IMHO. That way, it would balance out both sides with a total of 3 epic archetypes without blatantly copying something from another IP.
The only thing that would make this better is if they finally fixed up our player models to properly support Backpacks/Scabbards/Quivers etc.
Most of the voices here have been covered, so I'll handle a more unusual one:
Lord of War: Hro'Dtohz - Whoever voiced the Taiidan Emperor in Homeworld, with appropriate voice effects and Rikti speech syntax. Sample here. You'll know the voice I'm talking about when you hear it. -
/signed. My Gold Bricker needs a permanent rocket pack already.
Quote:This is a common misconception: Lord Recluse's spider arms are actually organic limbs that grew from his back some time after he was exposed to the Well of Furies. The reason they look mechanical is because they're coated with a metal known as proto-steel.I recently watched a show on the Science Channel called Sci-Fi Science. On one particular episode, the host Michio Kaku designed a theoretical supersuit equipped with mechanical arms similar to Lord Recluse. The theoretical suit worked by using the power of the mind to attack enemies. Is this how Lord Recluse's arms work or do they use a different system? Is this also how the Crab Spiders' arms work, too?
As for the Crab Spiders, I wouldn't be surprised if their arms are operated by some integrated neural control system like the one you described. -
Those of us who have paid attention to the Rikti storylines know of their "Lineages", which seem to make up their governmental structure. The only two known so far are War and Science, so these are my questions: How many other Lineages are there, what are they called and what are their purposes?
Rikti booster please.
The Rikti have been a major part of the game story long enough to warrant an archetype made in their image IMHO, but giving us their costume parts would do just as well -
Nice to see this thread has been resurrected.
I still, and always will support the addition of Rikti archetypes. -
Thank you
Took me a while to get the costumes just right. Hopefully we'll get actual Rikti costume parts sometime in the future.
Anyways, this is my most recent toon.
Say hello to Visceral Vinnie, one of Vahzilok's twisted surgeons!
I learned something today: "Roman Sword - Savage" makes for an excellent Cleaver lookalike. Shame I gotta wait till 35-ish to get it -
What I want for Christmas.
- Rikti Costume Parts
- Backwear (Jetpacks, Scabbards etc)
- More weapon customization options
- Customizable Weapon Set attack effects (slash afterimages, projectiles etc)
- More unique Villain content
- Helmetless Option for Arachnos Soldiers
- Proliferation of the "Thorn Blade" Broadsword weapon option to Dual Blades
- Warshade & Peacebringer eye auras
That is all.